September 27, 2024

NetZero Insider

Lansing Board of Water & Light
EPA Coal Ash Enforcement Impacts Midwest Coal Plants
The EPA’s Tuesday announcement to begin a crackdown on coal ash ponds has an outsize impact on Midwestern coal plants.
Visit Seattle
Cap-and-trade Projected to Provide Wash. $500M Annually
Cap-and-trade is expected to yield Washington $500 million a year in revenue, according to the state agency charged with running the program.
USA Rare Earth
Critical Minerals: America’s Achilles Heel?
An OurEnergyPolicy webinar focused on the importance of minerals to U.S. decarbonization and the vulnerability created by relying on imports.
Washington Senate Democrats
Washington Bill Would Factor ‘Climate Resilience’ into Water Systems
Washington is considering a bill that would require public water systems serving 1,000 or more connections to include a “climate resilience element” in system plans.
BOEM to Auction Six New Lease Areas in NY Bight
Increasing its bet on offshore wind, the Biden administration said it will auction six lease areas near New York, enough to site at least 5.6 GW of generation.
Nevada PUC Rejects Mobile-only Payment Systems for EV Chargers
Nevada regulators rejected ChargePoint's request that the company's public EV chargers in the state provide for smartphone-only payments.
Sunwatt Solar
RI Asks Public: How Should We Define Net Zero by 2050?
Rhode Island’s climate council sought comments on which emissions to count in an upcoming emissions-reduction plan update and how to net those emissions.
King County (Wash.)
Washington Bill Takes Aim at Landfill Methane Emissions
A bill to regulate methane emissions from landfills drew praise and concerns during hearing of the Washington House Environment and Energy Committee.
NY Targets Bronx Neighborhood as Part of Clean Transit Program
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the winners of funding from the state’s Clean Transportation Prizes program, including a project in the Bronx's Hunts Point.
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Study: EV Adoption to Cut $5.3M in Vt. Gas Taxes in 2025
Under Vermont's plans to ramp up EV adoption, gas tax revenue losses from light-duty cars could total $80 million in 2050, according to a new study.

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