September 27, 2024

NetZero Insider

Maine Governor’s Energy Office
Maine Could Extend OSW Ban to 75 Nautical Miles off Coast
A working document of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap initiative suggests possibly extending the state’s OSW ban to 75 nautical miles off the coast.
Maine Governor’s Energy Office
Stakeholders Debate OSW Ban to 75 Nautical Miles off Maine Coast
A working document of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap initiative suggests possibly extending the state’s OSW ban to 75 nautical miles off the coast.
Hawaiian Electric
HECO Approved for $5M Make-ready EV Charger Pilot
State regulators OK'd HECO’s $4.98 million pilot to install EV charging infrastructure across the state in a bid to incentivize investment in charging ports.
Tucson Electric Power
Ariz. Regulators Reverse Clean Energy Rules
Arizona regulators rejected energy rules that would have required the state’s electric utilities to cut carbon emissions 50% by 2032 and 100% by 2070.
Stanford Webinar Explores Fate of Junked Gas Appliances
As policy makers push building electrification, environmental researchers are considering where gas appliances will end up after being discarded.
Conn. Advocates Seek ‘Upgrades’ to 2008 Climate Law
Environmental advocates in Connecticut want to update state climate laws to follow the lead of neighboring states in the Northeast.
Con Ed to Refine $4B Offshore Transmission Plan for NYC
Con Edison must resolve several regulatory concerns before being authorized to build a new substation in New York City dedicated to interconnecting offshore wind projects.
Mass. Has Bright EV Future Despite TCI-P Loss, Advocates Say
As federal infrastructure funds arrive, TCI-P revenue looks less and less likely. Where does that leave EVs in Massachusetts?
BNEF: Renewables, Electric Transport Driving Clean Energy Investment
Global investments in EVs and charging infrastructure are set to outpace renewables in 2022, a new Bloomberg report says.
PJM, NJ Seek FERC OK for OSW Tx Process
PJM and New Jersey asked FERC to OK their plan for building transmission to deliver the state’s planned 7,500 MW of offshore wind.

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