September 2, 2024

NetZero Insider

Constellation Energy
Constellation Increases Costs of Proposed Everett Agreements
Constellation is requesting an increase in the cost-of-operation charges in its proposed agreements with Massachusetts gas utilities to keep the Everett LNG import terminal operating through the winter of 2029/30.
NY Reaches Deals for 2.4 GW of Onshore Renewables

New York state has reached tentative contracts with developers proposing 24 land-based renewable energy projects totaling nearly 2.4 GW of capacity.

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IPF24: Moving Offshore Wind Beyond Contract Cancellations
Stakeholders look at how best to move on from offshore wind contract cancellations.
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IPF24: Central Atlantic Region Prepares for OSW Development
Representatives of Central Atlantic states seek intraregional collaboration on their nascent offshore wind sector.
Metal Shark Boats
IPF24: Louisiana Manufacturers Expand into Offshore Wind
With decades of experience servicing offshore oil and gas rigs, Louisiana manufacturers are finding offshore wind a natural expansion for their business models. 
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IPF24: New York Starts Another OSW Rebound
The leader of New York state's offshore wind initiative told the 2024 International Partnering Forum that the state is pushing forward after its setbacks and so should the industry. 
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IPF24: Offshore Wind Sector Leaders Emphasize Tailwinds
The headline session of the 2024 International Partnering Forum veered heavily toward celebration and optimism for the U.S. offshore wind energy sector.
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DOE CITAP Initiative Aims to Permit New Transmission in 2 Years
Under the Coordinated Interagency Authorizations and Permits program, DOE will lead permitting transmission projects and coordinate environmental and permitting processes between federal agencies.
EPA Power Plant Rules Squeeze Coal Plants; Existing Gas Plants Exempt
Coal-fired power plants nationwide will either have to close by 2039 or use carbon capture and storage or other technologies to capture 90% of their emissions by 2032 under EPA’s long-awaited final rule.
Portland General Electric
EPA Antes up Nearly $1B to Replace Diesel Heavy-duty Vehicles
EPA announced nearly $1 billion in grants from the Inflation Reduction Act to help cities, states, territories and school districts trade in their diesel-burning heavy-duty trucks and buses for new zero-emission vehicles 

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