September 15, 2024

NetZero Insider

MYR Group
NV Energy Surpasses 2021 RPS Requirement
NV Energy exceeded Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard requirement of 24% in 2021, according to a report approved by state regulators.
Residents Voice Opposition to Upstate NY Wind Project Before PSC
Residents opposed to the Heritage Wind project spoke before the New York Public Service Commission, citing human health concerns and danger to migratory birds.
With California in Lead, Clean Truck Sales Accelerate Nationwide
California is leading a trend of growing zero-emission truck deployments across the U.S., a new report shows.
Report: US Energy Sector Lags on Cyber Preparedness, Response
The clean energy transition in the U.S. is creating a grid that is increasingly distributed and increasingly digital, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks.
NYPSC Approves EV Charging Incentives, Climate-related Tx Projects
The New York PSC approved EV charging programs for the state’s utilities and $700 million for National Grid for transmission upgrade projects.
NY Climate Council’s 1st Labor Rep Shares Priorities
New York AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento called on the Climate Action Council to ensure that workers in the energy transition have robust organizing rights.
Tri-State G&T
Clean Hydrogen Interest Builds in New Mexico
A clean hydrogen economy appears to be taking shape in New Mexico as the state joins with neighbors to enjoy federal "hydrogen hub" funding.
Friends of Sears Island
Maine’s 2007 Ports Initiative Puts Sears Island OSW Plan in New Light
Constituents in Maine discussed a 2007 consensus agreement and its implications for an OSW hub on Sears Island during a Port Advisory Group meeting.
Stakeholders Question Feasibility, Costs of Con Ed OSW Substation
Stakeholders urged regulators to defer approval, outright reject or refer to NYISO’s public policy tx planning process Con Ed’s proposal for a new substation.
Surfside Foods LLC
Rutgers Study: OSW Projects Will Hurt Fishing Revenue
Offshore wind projects on the East Coast could cut revenue in the $30 million surfclam industry by 3% to 15%, a new study says.

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