September 14, 2024

NetZero Insider

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Could the US See a ‘Nuclear Renaissance’?
Pro-nuclear panelists at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit said small, advanced reactors are needed to offset the increase in weather-dependent renewables.
Edwin J. Torres/NJ Governor’s Office
NJ Cuts Incentives for New Phase of EV Promotion
New Jersey is cutting its maximum EV subsidy from $5,000 to $4,000 while adding a $250 grant for home chargers.
Principle Power
Newsom Calls for ‘Bolder’ Climate Action in California
The state agency drawing up California’s plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045 should take “even bolder action” on climate change, Gov. Gavin Newsom said.
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NARUC Weighs SCOTUS Decision’s Impact on Coal
A NARUC session on carbon emissions from power plants weighed the potential effects of the Supreme Court's decision in West Virginia v. EPA.
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NARUC Panel Explores ‘Future Proofing’ EV Infrastructure
Utility regulators face myriad challenges in dealing with the growth of EV chargers, panelists said at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit in San Diego.
Roger Merchant
Maine Environmental Board Denies Appeals of NECEC Transmission Line Permit
Maine regulators removed a potential obstacle to the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line, rejecting a challenge by environmentalists and others.
Ocean Wind 2021
BOEM DEIS Sparks Sharp Divide on NJ OSW Project
The draft EIS by BOEM on New Jersey’s first offshore wind project, Ocean Wind 1, drew more than 50 speakers at two hearings this month.
‘Collaboration and Innovation’ Key for New DC PSC Chair
In an interview, new D.C. PSC Chair Emile Thompson talked about his vision for reaching the district’s goal of cutting GHG emissions in half by 2032.
Could Hydrogen Supplant Natural Gas in Power Generation?
The Northeast U.S. could meet its winter peak power needs with LNG rather than relying on oil or coal plants, argues a Houston-based entrepreneur.
Our Energy Policy
Energy Storage Market Faces Innovation, Supply Chain Challenges
Despite supply challenges, the storage industry is innovating to optimize the value of lithium-ion batteries while also developing long-duration alternatives.

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