September 11, 2024

NetZero Insider

Gov. Whitmer
Environmentalists Applaud Whitmer Budget on Climate Change Issues
Gov. Whitmer’s 2023-24 budget proposal calling for about $500 million to fund efforts to reach Michigan’s net-zero goals won praise from environmentalists.
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Clements: States Should not Wait on FERC for Transmission Planning
Stakeholders at NASEO's Winter Policy Summit debated whether energy offices should act as hubs for bringing stakeholders together and fostering collaboration.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
SEPA Lauds Utilities in 2023 Transformation Leaderboard
SEPA released its latest assessment gauging utilities’ progress and identifying actions to accelerate the industry’s transition to a carbon-free energy system.
Rhode Island PUC Grapples with Future of Gas
The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission held a conference on issues surrounding natural gas distribution infrastructure as the state moves toward net zero.
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Community Choice Aggregation Benefits in Mass. Quantified
A new study finds that community choice energy aggregation programs have resulted in cost savings for. many Massachusetts residents.
Vermont Joins Northeast Clean Hydrogen Hub
Vermont signed onto the multistate Northeast Clean Hydrogen Hub, one of the many joint state proposals competing for federal funding from the H2Hub program.
Policymakers Working to Meet Spiking Demand of Data Centers in Virginia
Demand growth in Northern Virginia's power-hungry Data Center Alley is accelerating, and policymakers are trying to ensure new demand can be met reliably.
IEA: Renewables to Provide 90% of World’s New Power Generation
Ninety percent of new generation built to meet global electricity demand over the next three years will be renewables and nuclear, according to a new report.
U.S. House of Representatives
New House GOP Majority Moves to Aid Fossil Fuel Sector
House members squared off over a set of proposals from the new GOP majority to lessen environmental and other regulatory barriers to domestic energy production.
NJ Gov., Lawmakers Move Toward Updated Clean Energy Goals
New Jersey officials are updating the clean energy strategy that steered the state to becoming one of the most aggressive carbon reducers in the nation.

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