September 10, 2024

NetZero Insider

The New York Power Authority
NYPA Leader Says Expansion not Threat to Private Sector
The head of the New York Power Authority said the utility’s proposed renewable energy development role is a necessary part of the state’s drive to clean energy.
NYDPS Gives Go-Ahead to CHPE Construction
New York regulators authorized the Champlain Hudson Power Express to begin construction on the line, which will deliver Canadian hydropower to New York City.
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NJ Regulators Seek ‘Proactive’ Grid Upgrade Plans from Utilities
The NJ BPU is close to concluding a new rules package that includes a requirement that utilities regularly identify barriers to interconnecting renewables.
Our Energy Policy
OurEnergyPolicy Examines Role of Competition in the Energy Transition
An OurEnergyPolicy webinar looked into how competitive markets can help with the transition to a cleaner grid.
Washington House Calls for Dimming Turbine Lights
The Washington House voted to require wind turbine lights be turned off at night when not triggered by airplanes.
Washington Holds First Cap-and-Trade Auction
Washington’s first cap-and-invest auction took place Tuesday, but initial results will not be released until March 7.
House Natural Resources Committee
Changes to Permitting Laws Face a Stark Partisan Divide
"Permitting reform" might be supported by a wide array of interests, but the details highlight major divides among the two political parties in Congress.
BCSE Factbook: Clean Energy Transition ‘Hardwired’ in US Economy
The U.S. clean energy transition hit new highs in 2022 in terms of renewable energy and storage deployed, says the Business Council for Sustainable Energy.
Li-Cycle Corp.
DOE OKs $375M Loan for NY Battery Recovery Plant
DOE approved a $375 million loan to develop North America’s first recycling facility for battery-grade lithium in Rochester, N.Y.
Sierra Club Report Pins New England’s High Prices on Gas Reliance
New England’s over-reliance on gas-fired power is the cause of big spikes in electricity prices this winter, the Sierra Club said in a new report.

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