September 9, 2024

NetZero Insider

NJ Proposes Modest Community Solar Capacity Hike
New Jersey’s permanent community solar program should target developing at least 750 MW in its first five years, according to a straw proposal from the BPU.
Maryland Lawmakers Vote to Raise Offshore Wind Target
The Maryland legislature passed legislation raising the state's offshore wind target to 8.5 GW while calling for coordinated transmission planning with PJM.
Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association
NW Hydrogen Hub Supporters Celebrate Region’s Application, Potential
Backers of a proposal intended to draw federal funding to create a hydrogen hub in the Pacific Northwest say their application is ready to be submitted.
NACFE: Battery Electric and H2 Fuel Cells to Displace Diesel
The North American Council for Freight Efficiency has concluded that hydrogen will be a factor in long-distance heavy-duty trucking.
Bechtel Corp.
Nevada Resolution Seeks to Bring Renewables to Yucca Mountain
A Nevada lawmaker is urging the federal government to use Yucca Mountain, once proposed as a nuclear dumping ground, as a site for renewable energy.
State of New Jersey
Rest Stop Operator Seeks Piece of $166M NJ EV Charger Push
A rest stop operator is negotiating with the New Jersey Turnpike Authority to install electric vehicle chargers along the state’s two main highway arteries.
IRA Tax Credits Draw Clean Energy Projects to Coal Communities
Millions in new funding and bonus tax credits are heading to new clean energy projects in communities impacted by the closure of fossil fuel-based industries.
Township of Woodbridge
NJ Allocates $70M in RGGI Funds for Heavy-duty EVs
New Jersey announced it allocated $70 million in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative funds to purchase school buses and other heavy-duty electric vehicles.
Walter Siegmund, CC BY-2.5, via Wikimedia
Wash. Bill Would Provide Cap-and-Trade Relief to Farmers
Two state senators introduced a bill to provide farmers and haulers of agricultural products relief from costs arising from the state's cap-and-trade program.
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Transparent, Traceable Supply Chains Key to EV Domestic Content Rules
The transparency and traceability of critical minerals and battery components will be essential for automakers as they work to meet domestic content provisions.

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