October 28, 2024

Summer Forecasts Spark Warnings of ‘Reliability Crisis’ at FERC

FERC commissioners expressed alarm Thursday over forecasts of potential supply shortfalls this summer in the West, ERCOT, MISO and SPP.

A day after NERC issued a sobering Summer Reliability Assessment, FERC staff presented its Summer Energy Market and Reliability Assessment, concurring that drought, wildfires, plant retirements and transmission outages have elevated risks of load sheds this summer in much of the country. (See West, Texas, Midwest at Risk of Summer Shortfalls, NERC Says.)

“We’re heading for reliability crisis. That’s what came through the NERC report yesterday,” Commissioner Mark Christie said at the commission’s monthly open meeting. “It isn’t the first time NERC has been warning us about this.”

Quoting from the NERC report, Christie said the “the nation’s grid reliability is deteriorating, because utilities are switching too rapidly from baseload power plants to intermittent renewables. … There is clear, objective, conclusive data indicating that the pace of our grid transformation is out of sync with the underlying realities and physics of the system.”

State Decisions

Christie said the problem is the result of state policymakers adopting overly aggressive renewable portfolio standards and climate goals.

“The decision about what generating resources get built or retired is a state decision,” he said. “Utility regulators, believe me, they know this is coming. It’s the state policymakers and legislators that are driving a lot of this. [You] need to really start paying attention to the resources in each state, what you’re building and what you’re forcing to retire, and start listening to experts like NERC.”

Christie’s fellow Republican, Commissioner James Danly called it a “grim assessment,” faulting FERC’s market policies for failing to provide “the correct price signals to ensure the orderly entry and exit of the resources that are required.”

He also said FERC had failed to encourage investment in natural gas infrastructure and criticized what he called an overreliance on electric transmission expansion.

“I think that there is, in the minds of some, an idea that that as long as we get the transmission issue correct, everything will eventually solve itself. I’m simply a skeptic,” Danly said. “Not only is transmission itself expensive, and not only does it have a long timeline, but we are constrained by the law as to how we’re going to allocate costs.

“My grave, grave fear here is that what’s going to have to happen to focus people’s attention on the solutions that are necessary to ensure resource adequacy and infrastructure reliability is going to be some catastrophic event,” Danly said.

Christie initially called the reports a “wake-up call,” before disavowing the phrase as “cliché.”

But Commissioner Willie Phillips, a Democrat, said Christie was spot on.

“I don’t think it’s too far [off] to say it’s a bit of a wake-up call,” Phillips said. “I mean, I think the alarm has been going off. We’ve just been hitting snooze.”

FERC Chair Richard Glick and Commissioner Allison Clements, both Democrats, also expressed alarm.

“There is no longer a shoulder month [when] we can kind of take a deep breath and allow for regularly scheduled maintenance outages to shore up for the for the next season,” Clements said. “We’re always bracing for the next extreme weather event.”

Glick said much of the problem is extreme weather linked to climate change.

“I was in Texas earlier this week, and someone said they were in their 22nd year of drought. [They said], ‘These things come and go every 20 years or so.’ Well, we don’t know that anymore,” Glick said. “The extreme weather events that we’re seeing around the country, whether it be extreme heat, extreme cold … drought, obviously, hydropower reductions, but also wildfires … these issues aren’t going away.”


In a press conference after the meeting, Glick responded to his Republicans colleagues’ comments.

“Regarding Commissioner Danly’s comment, I mean, he’s prone to hyperbole, and so I think I don’t really think there’s much there,” he said.

He responded at length to Christie’s comments on the pace of the generation transition.

“There’s no doubt we have challenges on our hands, but I think that argument about going back to the way it used to be 30 years ago, that’s not going to happen,” Glick said. “We’re moving forward. Going forward has nothing to do with FERC. We’re moving forward because decisions are made elsewhere about the resource mix. We’re addressing those challenges, and we’re taking them seriously, trying to address them head on.”

During the meeting, Glick announced the commission will host a forum in Burlington, Vt., on Sept. 8 to discuss New England’s gas-electric winter reliability challenges (AD22-9).

He also took note of two orders approving new gas infrastructure, saying they showed critics were wrong when they said FERC’s proposed policy statements on gas permitting and greenhouse gas emissions would make it impossible to approve new pipelines. (See EBA Panel Hits FERC Pipeline Permitting.)

One order approved Kern River Gas Transmission Co.’s application for a 36-mile pipeline in Utah that will provide up to 140,000 dekatherms of gas per day to allow Intermountain Power Agency’s plan to convert an existing coal-fired generator to a gas-fired combined cycle plant (CP21-197).

“In this particular case, there’s actually net negative emissions,” Glick said.

In the second order, FERC approved ANR Pipeline Co.’s proposed Wisconsin Access Project to provide an additional 50,707 dekatherms of gas daily for six shippers (CP21-78).

Glick said he supported that project even though he concluded it would result in “significant” additional GHG emissions.

“Nonetheless, in my opinion, the benefits of the project outweighed the impact of those particular significant emissions on the environment,” he said. “The aim is to try to address this issue in a way that understands that we can follow what the courts tell us to do on greenhouse gas emissions. … and at the same time, pursue our responsibilities under the Natural Gas Act.”

Gas Market Manipulation?

Glick also expressed concern that the increase in natural gas prices, which have spurred higher power prices, may not be entirely explained by market dynamics.

FERC’s summer assessment said futures prices are higher at every major U.S. trading hub, with Henry Hub prices averaging $7.06/MMBtu for June 2022 through September 2022, up 88% from last summer’s average of $3.75/MMBtu.

“I’ve had a couple of CEOs suggest that they don’t think the market fundamentals support the current natural gas pricing,” Glick said. “They may or may not … [and] that’s something we need to consider and take a look at.”

He elaborated in the press conference. “FERC has authority over natural gas market manipulation as we do on electric market manipulation. And so that’s something we’re taking a look at. But I don’t want to suggest that we’ve found anything. I don’t want to suggest we haven’t found anything. It takes a while to do these investigations.

“That’s just good regulatory practice to make sure that the markets that we oversee aren’t being manipulated,” Glick said.

ISO-NE’s Order 2222 Filing Earns FERC Deficiency Letter

FERC issued a broad deficiency letter Wednesday in response to ISO-NE’s Order 2222 compliance filing, asking the grid operator for more information on a myriad of topics.

The order requiring RTOs to implement rules letting aggregations of distributed energy resources (DERs) take part in organized electricity markets has stirred debate in New England — as in every region of the country. DER advocates have challenged ISO-NE’s filing, saying it doesn’t do enough to pave the way for DERs. (See ‘Beautiful Symphony’ or Bust on Order 2222, Advocates Say).

Order 2222 requires grid operators not to accept market bids from DER aggregators that aggregate customers of small utilities (distributing 4 million MWh or less annually) unless the relevant electric retail regulatory authority (RERRA) of the utility allows those customers the choice to “opt in” as part of aggregation.

In its letter Wednesday, FERC asked why ISO-NE’s filing proposes that a DER aggregator “’not be located in the metering domain of a [small] Host Utility,’” (emphasis added) when Order No. 2222 requires that RTOs/ISOs not accept bids from a distributed energy resource aggregator if its aggregation includes distributed energy resources that are customers of small utilities.”

FERC also asked the RTO why its rules give the opt-in power to host utilities rather than RERRAs.


In Order 2222, FERC declined to exercise its jurisdiction over the interconnection of DERs to distribution systems for the purpose of participating in RTO/ISO markets as part of a DER aggregation (DERA).

ISO-NE addressed this by adding to its tariff a category of interconnection not subject to its normal small generator interconnection procedures (SGIP): “a Distributed Energy Resource that will be participating in the wholesale market exclusively through a [DERA].”

FERC asked in its letter whether this would exempt from the SGIP all interconnections of resources participating in the ISO-NE markets exclusively through an aggregation.

The agency also asked how ISO-NE is planning to review service requests for DERs and evaluate their abilities to provide capacity.

And FERC wants to know how certain DERs are able to make use of a provision allowing them to participate in the markets before the full DERA rules come into effect in 2026.

Participation Models

The participation models put forward by ISO-NE, five existing and two new, are central to its filing.

FERC asked in particular about the distinction between two: Demand Response Distributed Energy Resource Aggregation (DRDERA) and Demand Response Resource (DRR).

“Must homogeneous aggregations of demand response resources participate under the DRR model, or may they alternatively participate under the DRDERA model?” the letter says.

The letter also digs deeper into the DRDERA model, asking about possible barriers to its use in the ISO-NE filing.

Other questions on the filing include the RTO’s proposal to prevent double counting in multiple markets, the minimum size requirements for DERAs, locational requirements, and metering and telemetry requirements.

FERC also asked ISO-NE about its implementation timeline, and whether resources would be able take part in FCA 18, scheduled for 2024.

BOEM Details Gulf of Maine OSW Lease Timeline, Next Steps

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management expects to issue a request for interest (RFI) by October to restart an engagement process for offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine that began in 2019.

An RFI is an optional initial step that BOEM will take as it develops wind lease areas in the Gulf of Maine for its planned lease sale in 2024, Zachary Jylkka, renewable energy program specialist at BOEM, said Thursday during the agency’s Gulf of Maine Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting.

BOEM took comments from task force members during the meeting on the agency’s RFI development framework in advance of issuing the final request.

The RFI will help BOEM gather information from stakeholders and gauge commercial interest as it prepares calls for information and nominations, which is the first step regulations require the agency to take in the lease development process. Once BOEM issues the RFI, it will hold a 45-day comment period, and Jylkka said the agency anticipates issuing the calls by April 2023.

BOEM has identified a draft RFI planning area that it will finalize based on stakeholder comments before issuing the RFI and refine further for the call.

“The planning area is roughly bounded on the west, north and east by BOEM’s jurisdiction for renewable energy activities on the Outer Continental Shelf, which is three nautical miles from shore to the exclusive economic zone,” Jylkka said. The southern boundary is based on physiographic and oceanographic features, he said

Gulf of Maine Planning Area (BOEM) Content.jpgBOEM’s Gulf of Maine planning area, as seen here, will be consolidated over the next two years into final offshore wind lease areas for auction. | BOEM

In identifying a final RFI area of interest, BOEM will remove spaces from the planning area that are incompatible with OSW development. Those exclusions include the location Maine identified in its unsolicited lease area application to BOEM in October 2021 for the state’s planned floating offshore wind research array.

That application is for a 15-square-mile lease area for 12 floating turbines with a potential nameplate capacity of 144 MW.

As part of the review process for the research application, BOEM must issue a request for competitive interest (RFCI) to determine if any entity, beyond the state of Maine, wants to develop a commercial project in the proposed lease area. BOEM expects to issue the RFCI early this summer, followed by a 30-day comment period, Jylkka said.

If BOEM determines that there is competitive interest, the research lease application will move to a competitive planning and leasing process that could overlap with BOEM’s broader lease area development. And if no one expresses a competitive interest, BOEM will negotiate a research lease agreement with the state of Maine, Jylkka said.

BOEM’s plan for achieving a lease auction by October 2024 includes designating wind energy areas by October 2023 and issuing a proposed lease sale notice by the end of next year and a final sale notice by June 2024.

The Gulf of Maine task force, which is comprised of about 80 federal officials and elected officers of state, local and tribal governments from Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, will continue to meet at “important milestones” in the lease development process, Jylkka said.

BOEM expects to share upcoming engagement opportunities, including draft call area information, this summer.

FERC Refuses Challenge to SEEM Transparency Changes

FERC dealt critics of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM) yet another setback on Thursday, rejecting their request for a rehearing of the commission’s acceptance of proposed changes by the market’s founders (ER22-476).

SEEM’s opponents, two unconnected collections of activist organizations calling themselves the Clean Energy Coalition (CEC) and the Public Interest Organizations (PIOs), have filed several challenges to the SEEM agreement both before and after it took effect by force of law last October. (See SEEM to Move Ahead, Minus FERC Approval.)

So far, the commission has refused to entertain any of their rehearing requests. For example, in March FERC rejected an attempt to overturn its acceptance of key tariff changes needed to deliver the market’s energy transactions. (See FERC Again Rejects Efforts to Overturn SEEM.)

The opponents’ latest attack on SEEM stems from a set of changes that the commission accepted in January. (See FERC Accepts SEEM Revisions on Transparency.) The changes are aimed at closing a gap that FERC identified last year in a deficiency letter expressing concerns about market power and seeking assurances about the transparency of the planned market, but that the commission was unable to address because of how the agreement took effect.

At the time FERC only had four members, who split 2-2 on whether to accept the proposal. Under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act the agreement therefore became effective by default.

Opponents Cite Batavia Order, FERC Precedent

CEC and the PIOs claimed in their rehearing request that the commission had “improperly evaluated the proposed revisions in isolation,” counter to a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals (Cities of Batavia v. FERC) that requires FERC to review a revised rate “completely to assure that its parts … ensure a ‘just and reasonable’ result.” In this case, the filers claimed that rather than reviewing only the proposed changes, FERC should have reviewed the entire agreement to consider the interactions between the changed and unchanged portions.

The opponents also charged that FERC had failed to properly consider whether the proposal to have most SEEM rules fall under the “just and reasonable standard” rather than the lower Mobile-Sierra public interest standard was lawful. CEC and the PIOs said that “the commission was obligated to determine whether [Mobile-Sierra] is appropriate for the … provisions to which [it] will continue to apply,” and that “a proper review [would] have rejected the proposed revisions … based on precedent where the commission did not” apply Mobile-Sierra in similar cases.

However, FERC concluded that the decision in its January order was appropriate on both counts. Regarding the opponents’ first argument, the commission observed that since the Batavia decision, the Court of Appeals has clarified the application of its requirement to review a revised rate completely. FERC said that the “justness and reasonableness of the [provisions] to which the members do not propose revisions … is not pending.”

Moreover, the PIOs and CEC neglected to explain how the proposed revisions will interact with the agreement’s other provisions to create unjust and unreasonable results. Because FERC could not find any such interactions either, it determined that further review would be unproductive.

The commission also rejected the standard of review argument, stating that the opponents “improperly [focused] on the form of the revisions rather than their substance.” Specifically, FERC said that while the proposed changes list “the provisions of the SEEM agreement for which changes will be subject to” Mobile-Sierra, the revisions do not actually change the standard of review for those provisions; they merely provide an explicit statement of their coverage where none was available before.

Unlike the last time FERC rejected a rehearing request on SEEM, no commissioners filed a dissent. SEEM’s supporters are aiming to launch the market in the fourth quarter, and recently held the first of three planned introductory webinars to introduce existing and prospective participants to the details of its expected functionality. (See SEEM Members Launch Engagement Series for Participants.)

FERC Denies Rehearing, Clarifies Order 881 on Line Ratings

FERC on Thursday denied rehearing requests from transmission providers and others on Order 881, which requires the use of ambient-adjusted ratings (AARs) for short-term transmission requests for all lines impacted by air temperature.

The commission also clarified its rationale on several issues related to Order 881 (RM20-16-001; Order No. 881-A).

“In this order, we sustain the result of Order No. 881 and continue to find that, because transmission line ratings and the rules by which they are established are practices that directly affect the cost of … wholesale rates, inaccurate transmission line ratings result in commission-jurisdictional rates that are unjust and unreasonable,” FERC said.

The commission in December ordered transmission providers to end the use of static line ratings in evaluating near-term transmission service to improve accuracy and transparency and increase utilization of the grid. (See FERC Orders End to Static Tx Line Ratings.)

The commission said the rehearing requests could be deemed denied by operation of law, but that it was modifying the discussion in Order No. 881, granting clarification in part, but continuing to reach the same result and confirming the effective date of the order as March 14, 2022.  

Petitioners for rehearing and/or clarification included American Transmission Company (ATC); Edison Electric Institute (EEI); ITC Holdings Corp.; MISO Transmission Owners; and Potomac Economics, acting in its capacity as MISO’s independent market monitor.

AAR Requirements

In its 82-page order, the commission discussed the requirement for transmission providers to implement AARs on all transmission lines; the impact of the AAR requirements on transmission line relays; the use of AARs 10 days forward in transmission service and operations; seasonal line rating floors; the minimum AAR temperature range and AAR granularity; and solar heating in AAR calculations. 

FERC said it disagreed with EEI’s argument that the commission assumed, without support, that AARs will ensure that wholesale rates more accurately reflect the cost of the wholesale service being provided, and that the commission should prioritize implementation of AARs on historically congested transmission lines. 

The commission countered that the “inextricable link” between transmission line ratings and wholesale rates reflects the basic economics of the transmission system and that “by design, limiting AARs to only historically congested transmission lines would not address evolving transmission congestion patterns until after potentially costly congestion occurs on previously uncongested lines.”

On cost concerns, the commission referred to the example it cited in Order 881: “During certain single extreme events, the congestion cost savings of AAR implementation would have been substantial enough from that event alone to justify applying the AAR requirements to all transmission lines, instead of just to historically congested transmission lines. For example, in the February 2021 cold weather event, MISO … accrued $773 million in congestion charges in just a few days, significantly in congestion patterns that were neither predicted nor typical in MISO.”

Implementation of AARs also will lower transmission line ratings during extremely high temperatures, reducing the likelihood of inadvertently overloading a transmission line, the commission said.

FERC clarified two aspects of the AAR requirements related to transmission providers’ transmission protection relay settings. “First, if a transmission provider establishes higher transmission line ratings, it will have to evaluate or reevaluate its applicable protection systems for that facility. Second, we clarify that in a majority of situations the relay setting should exceed AAR values,” the order said.

The commission disagreed with MISO TOs’ arguments that requiring use of AARs for a 10-day forward period could adversely impact reliability, countering that transmission providers must implement forecast margins and adjust them regularly for accuracy.

The commission denied MISO TOs and ITC their requested clarification and rehearing on the use of a transmission line rating “floor” whereby no AAR would fall below the lowest seasonal line rating.

“The transmission line ratings resulting from a seasonal line rating floor would be inaccurate and thus would not reflect true system limitations and could create reliability concerns,” the commission said.

The commission rebutted every argument that the plus-or-minus 10-degree range and five-degree maximum increment AAR requirements will force TOs to develop or maintain millions of data points and transmission line ratings across their systems.

“The commission balanced the evidence of the benefits of this granularity in AAR calculations with the burdens imposed by increasing precision. Specifically … that AAR implementation will likely be primarily automated and that implementation costs will primarily be one-time expenses,” FERC said.

EEI asserted that the scope of benefits that flow from incorporating solar heating into AARs by implementing separate AARs for daytime and nighttime periods is unclear, while ITC contended that FERC failed to demonstrate that any potential market efficiencies that flow from this and other requirements outweigh the burden on transmission owners.

The commission said implementation of daytime/nighttime ratings would enhance the accuracy of transmission line ratings and that “none of the arguments contained in the requests for rehearing persuade us to alter that view.”

Transparency, Compliance

The commission also clarified its stance on the annual recalculation of seasonal line ratings, which ITC asserted had no technical or market-driven justification.

To the extent that a transmission provider continues to implement seasonal line ratings for years without reviewing and updating those ratings, transmission system conditions are likely to have changed to such a degree as to render the ratings inaccurate and associated wholesale rates unjust and unreasonable, the commission said.

“Nevertheless, we clarify that the commission did not prescribe the procedure for recalculating seasonal line ratings, including determining which inputs have changed in a year. For instance, a transmission provider could comply with the annual update requirement for seasonal line ratings by recalculating its seasonal line ratings annually to adjust seasonable temperature assumptions, but then also perform a more detailed recalculation every few years using multi-year temperature data to consider temperature patterns that are harder to identify with only a single year of new temperature data,” the commission said.

The commission further clarified that the requirement to engage in an annual recalculation does not require TOs to undertake unnecessary change from year to year. To the extent that relevant inputs have not changed from one year to the next, the annual recalculation may simply result in continuing to use a transmission owner’s existing facility ratings.

On the transparency requirements adopted in Order No. 881, including the data-sharing burden, the commission continued to find that the benefits outweigh the burdens: “making transmission line ratings and methodologies available to a broader range of stakeholders will amplify the expected benefits … further facilitate more accurate transmission line ratings, and facilitate more cost-effective decisions by market participants and state agencies.”

In response to ITC’s comments that the total number of transmission line ratings required to be stored would “quickly become astronomical,” the commission found “the implementation and operation of a database of this type to be well within the normal business scope of a data-intensive entity like a transmission provider. For example, the 3.4 million transmission line rating records that ITC explains it would have to calculate and store every hour would total only about 1.8 terabytes over the entire five-year line rating retention period required in Order No. 881, although the overall storage requirements would be several times that, considering memory for back-ups and data management.”

On OASIS access, the commission clarified that Order 881 requires transmission providers to post transmission line ratings and methodologies-related data to a password-protected section of their OASIS site or another password-protected website. 

“We note, however, that the data posted to either a transmission provider’s website or OASIS must be maintained such that users can view, download, and query data in standard formats, using standard protocols. If the transmission provider chooses to post the data to its own website instead of OASIS, we clarify that users must be able to access the data in a manner that is comparable to if it were posted to OASIS and subject to OASIS access requirements,” the commission said.

On the role of independent market monitors, the commission granted EEI’s request for clarification in part and denied in part. 

“We clarify that nothing in Order No. 881 changes or expands the role or authority of market monitors or the auditing responsibilities of any entity. However, we deny EEI’s request for clarification on other matters. We expect that market monitors may use the transmission line rating information available to them in furtherance of their existing responsibilities, which are set forth in the commission’s regulations and the relevant tariffs of each RTO/ISO,” the commission said.

Lastly, the commission said it was neither persuaded to adopt an earlier implementation, as requested by Potomac Economics, nor a delayed one, as requested by EEI, but to stick with the staggered three-year plan as outlined.

“We expect that the implementation burden is predominantly a one-time investment and that the burden of applying AARs to additional transmission lines is minimal. … Moreover, as a matter of policy, there are administrative efficiencies to requiring implementation of all the requirements adopted in Order No. 881 on the same timeline. Specifically, by maintaining a single implementation timeline, the implementation burdens are lessened in that all transmission line rating recalculations must only be done once,” the commission said.

ISO-NE Elects Melvin Williams Jr. to Board

ISO-NE has elected former Department of Energy official Melvin Williams Jr. as a board member, the grid operator announced on Thursday.

Board Chair Cheryl LaFleur was also re-elected to a second term on the board.

Williams and LaFleur will start their new terms on Oct. 1, as Directors Barney Rush and Vickie VanZandt retire. The board is going back to 10 members after it was temporarily expanded to 11 in 2021 to “capitalize on a trio of highly qualified candidates,” ISO-NE said.

Williams served in the Navy as a submarine and fleet commander, ultimately ending his military career as a vice admiral. During the Obama administration, he was appointed associate deputy secretary of energy. Since leaving government, he has been working in academia at institutions including University of California Davis, George Washington University and most recently Catholic University, where he is associate dean of engineering.

LaFleur, a former FERC commissioner and chair, has been on ISO-NE’s board since 2019 and its chair since 2021.

“The election of Mel and re-election of Cheryl will continue the region on its transition to a clean energy future,” ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie said in a statement. “Their breadth of experience in energy, government, academia and beyond will serve all New Englanders well.”

ISO-NE board members are chosen by the existing board and approved by the NEPOOL Participants Committee, in a process which has been criticized for its opacity. (See ISO-NE, States Seek to Build on ‘Alignment’ Efforts.)

ISO-NE Network Briefly Knocked Down by Hardware Malfunction

A hardware malfunction took down a number of ISO-NE systems for six hours on Wednesday, the grid operator said.

Starting at around 2 p.m. the malfunction hampered systems including email, internet, ISO-NE’s public website and market software applications, the RTO said.

The grid operator’s IT staff were able to bring networks back online by about 8 p.m., and the reliability of New England’s power system was not affected, ISO-NE said in a statement. 

“The ISO will be conducting a thorough review of the outage to determine its cause, and taking necessary steps to prevent similar disruptions in the future,” the statement said.

ISO-NE spokesperson Matt Kakley declined to provide any additional details to RTO Insider.

“Sound cybersecurity policy precludes us from discussing the details of our networks and systems in a public forum,” Kakley said.

NERC Cold Weather Standards Set for Shortened Comment Period

NERC’s Standards Committee on Wednesday agreed to shorten the time frame for industry review of the proposed new standards dealing with extreme cold weather, potentially cutting more than a month from the process in hopes of finalizing the standards before the Sept. 30 deadline set by the Board of Trustees.

At their monthly teleconference, committee members approved the posting of EOP-011-3 and EOP-012-1, the two standards proposed by the standard development team (SDT) for Project 2021-07 (Extreme cold weather grid operations, preparedness and coordination) for an initial formal comment and ballot period. They also agreed to waive the standard provisions of NERC’s Standard Processes Manual to allow the following modifications to the development process:

  • reduce the initial formal comment and ballot period from 45 days to “as little as 30 days,” with voting to take place during the last 10 days;
  • reduce any additional formal comment and ballot periods to as little as 25 days from the standard 45; and
  • shorten the final ballot period from 10 calendar days to five.

The idea to shorten the ballot periods was not a surprise for committee members: Howard Gugel, NERC’s vice president of engineering and standards, previewed the suggestion to the board at its meeting last week. (See “Standards Actions,” NERC Board of Trustees/MRC Briefs: May 11-12, 2022.) However, while the measure passed unanimously, some attendees did raise concerns about the consequences of reducing the opportunity for stakeholders to give their feedback.

“This is going to be a lot of work to be done in a very short period of time, so [focusing] on giving stakeholders as much time to work on this [as possible] would be appreciated,” said Kent Feliks, manager of NERC reliability assurance at American Electric Power. “I think we need to be really careful that we’re not missing out on voters, for whatever reason; they might just be off sick. But that’s not a lot of time to get that ballot out.”

In response, Gugel pointed out that the decision to shorten the comment period was “not unprecedented,” having been done for other projects considered pressing, including the previous cold weather standards project. (See NERC Cold Weather Team to Seek Faster Finish.) Latrice Harkness, NERC’s manager of standards development, added that staff will focus on ensuring that industry is given plenty of notification about the reduced time.

Other Standards Actions

The committee also agreed to post two other proposed standards for 45-day comment periods at Wednesday’s meeting:

  • MOD-026-2, developed by Project 2020-06 (Verifications of models and data for generators); and
  • PRC-002-4, developed by Project 2021-04 (Modifications to PRC-002).

In addition, members approved the generator ride-through standard authorization request (SAR), formally starting a new standard development process aimed at replacing PRC-024-3 (Frequency and voltage protection settings for generating resources). The SAR “proposes to replace PRC-024-3 with a performance-based ride-through standard that ensures generators remain connected to the [bulk power system] during system disturbances,” as recommended by NERC and the regional entities in response to several BPS disturbances involving widespread loss of solar, wind, battery and traditional generation resources.

Amy Casuscelli (NERC) Content.jpgAmy Casuscelli, Xcel Energy | NERC

One note of objection to the generator ride-through SAR was raised by independent member Philip Winston, who said he would have preferred that NERC’s Reliability and Security Technical Committee and its other technical committees had been given a chance to review the SAR before its approval. However, Winston chose to abstain rather than enter a formal negative vote. All other members voted in favor of the SAR.

Chair Amy Casuscelli of Xcel Energy also confirmed that the committee still plans to hold its July meeting in person at Xcel’s offices in Denver. Members will be joined by the Compliance and Certification Committee, which held regular joint meetings with the Standards Committee before the transition to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“For those of you who haven’t been involved in these joint meetings before, it’s a good opportunity to cross-pollinate between our two committees and touch base on what [we’re] working on and how we can support each other,” Casuscelli said.

Asthana Celebrates Stakeholder Process at PJM Annual Meeting

Manu Asthana 2022-05-17 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgManu Asthana, PJM CEO | © RTO Insider LLC

VALLEY FORGE, Pa. — PJM and its stakeholder body were not perfect in solving complex issues in 2021, but the difficult debates led a long list of accomplishments CEO Manu Asthana said Tuesday at the keynote address of the Annual Meeting of Members.

The event at the PJM campus marked the first time in more than two years that stakeholders joined for an in-person discussion after the COVID-19 pandemic forced the RTO into remote meetings. It also was the first in-person Annual Meeting since 2019 in Cambridge, Md.

Asthana said the accomplishments of PJM and its members in a remote setting over the last year showed that they are committed to the three-prong strategic pillars laid out in December in the RTO’s paper, “Energy Transition in PJM: Frameworks for Analysis”: the facilitation of decarbonization policies in a cost-effective way through competitive markets while still maintaining reliability; doing the necessary work to “herald” the grid of the future; and creating an environment of innovation. (See PJM Energy Transition Study Released.)

“I think the stakeholder body works together well when we can show up with respect to each other’s expertise; when we can show up and assume positive intent from each other and from PJM,” Asthana said. “I think we have the power to solve really complex problems.”

2021 in Review

Asthana called 2021 a “busy year” for the RTO, stakeholders and the energy industry in general.

“Reliability is our No. 1 priority, and I feel great about how collectively we have performed against that priority over the last year,” Asthana said.

PJM Annual Meeting Panel 2022-05-17 (RTO Insider LLC) Alt FI.jpgPJM staff and stakeholders at the Annual Meeting of Members: (from left) Chris O’Hara, PJM; Dave Anders, PJM; Erik Heinle, D.C. OPC; Becky Robinson, Vistra; Manu Asthana, PJM.


He harkened back to the February 2021 winter storm and its impacts on his home state of Texas.

“It was a sobering reminder of the importance of what we do, the importance of keeping the lights on for the 65 million people who we serve, which is our No. 1 purpose,” Asthana said. “I felt the weight since I took this job of that responsibility; after [Winter Storm] Uri, I have felt it even more.”

PJM and its members have seen an “immense amount of work” over the last year, Asthana said, with the workload continuing to “accelerate” because of the energy transition to renewable resources and the growing number of them in the interconnection queue.

Asthana highlighted changes to the minimum offer price rule, updated effective load-carrying capability rules, and the work started at the Resource Adequacy Senior Task Force to attempt to design a clean energy or state policy procurement market.

The first-ever use of the State Agreement Approach (SAA) with New Jersey on developing offshore wind plans and becoming the first RTO to publish marginal emissions data on a nodal basis were also highlights. Asthana said the SAA is serving as a model for RTOs and ISOs around the country.

For 2022, Asthana said, PJM and stakeholders need to continue the successes of the last year by making sure the work of the RASTF is done correctly.

“I think it’s really important to get the word of the RASTF right because we’re asking things of our market that we didn’t used to ask,” Asthana said. “And we’re asking them to facilitate the policies of 13 different states and D.C. And those policies are starting to diverge.”

Asthana finished his remarks by acknowledging PJM’s two major anniversaries for 2022: 95 years as an organization, and 25 years since it FERC designated it an ISO. (It became an RTO in 2002.)

Mark Takahashi 2022-05-17 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgMark Takahashi, PJM Board of Managers | © RTO Insider LLC

“This 95 years, this 25 years, belongs as much to all of you as it belongs to the people that work at PJM. I want to say thank you for supporting the RTO and for supporting our important mission and helping us get better over the last 95 years.”

PJM also announced that three of its Board of Managers were re-elected to their positions.

Terry Blackwell, O.H. Dean Oskvig and Mark Takahashi will serve additional three-year terms. Takahashi joined the board in 2016 and currently serves as chair. Blackwell joined in 2015, and Oskvig joined in 2016.

Home Solar: ‘Gateway Drug’ to Grid Technologies?

ATLANTA — Financing programs are making rooftop solar more affordable and increasing the number of consumers who may be willing to take proactive steps to contribute to decarbonization. But it will take careful utility rate design to ensure electrification comes with carbon reductions, speakers told the RE+ Southeast conference last week.

“We really look at our customers, and consumers generally, as being a big part of the solution,” said Thad Culley, senior manager of public policy for Sunrun (NASDAQ:RUN), which provides residential solar panels and batteries. “They’re both users of energy and potentially producers of energy.

“Anything we could do to influence consumer behavior to make it more compatible with operating a grid in a low carbon way, I think is important. … As we look at load growth coming with electrification — with more customers using heat pumps [and] EVs — we’re going to see that load change and potentially become more carbon-intensive, if we’re not taking measures to shape it,” he said during the opening general session of the conference, sponsored by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA).

Abby Hopper 2022-05-11 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgSEIA CEO Abigail Ross Hopper | © RTO Insider LLC

“Solar can be an entry point for this consumer to get more engaged with the grid. When you start adding storage to the mix, not only are you shaping the customers’ load, you can do some really sophisticated things with storage [to] make the home itself a grid interactive resource,” he added. “I’m really bullish on the ability of consumers to play a large role in this.”

“What I heard you say,” joked SEIA CEO Abigail Ross Hopper, “was that solar is the gateway drug to all of these other technologies.”

Lon Huber, vice president of rate design and strategic solutions for Duke Energy (NYSE:DUK), said the utility is pursuing a similar strategy.

“We want to encourage the customer to pair their solar with a variety of different grid-beneficial technologies. That could be battery storage in the near term. We started with smart thermostats. And so if a solar customers pairs their smart thermostat with their solar, they get a 31-cent [per kWh] upfront incentive [to] help defray the costs of that investment. And they’re on [a time-of-use] rate, so if they respond to that they get additional savings.”

A study released by Lawrence Berkeley Lab in March found that although the incomes of solar adopters tend to be higher than those of the general population, 41% of adopters in 2020 had incomes below 120% of their respective area median income (AMI) — a threshold used to define low and moderate income (LMI) households.

“So solar is not just for the wealthy anymore,” said Jim Purekal, manager of market development and policy for SunPower. “There’s better access to financing for solar, specifically now through third-party ownership.”

Need for ‘Dynamic’ Time-of-Use Rates

Huber said Duke included “dynamic” time-of-use rates as part of its recent proposal to change net energy metering rules in North Carolina.

“As we all know, climate change is causing more intense storms; it’s changing the jet stream. So it can lead to polar vortex events, [a] type of event that really drives our peak,” he said. “And once something drives the peak, that drives the capital investment. A lot of dollars are [spent to prepare] for these infrequent storms.

Lon Huber 2022-05-11 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgLon Huber, Duke Energy | © RTO Insider LLC

“The way we solve that is to make sure that all the resources — whether that’s a large-scale power plant all the way down to something behind the customer’s meter — have the right price signals and are geared towards solving that issue. Because solving that issue lowers the system costs, saves us carbon and enhances reliability.

“And we said, how can we tackle this problem together in a way that makes sense, and that is long term, so that we don’t have a policy battle every few years and have to worry about, ‘Oh, are we hitting a cap?’ Or do we have to do some type of study and pause things. We said let’s build software for the long term that solves a system challenge.”

The resulting proposal includes time-of-use netting, which Huber said is a “hybrid” that makes it easier to calculate savings versus instantaneous, or 15-minute, netting.

“Those polar vortex events, those are very hard to predict,” he said. “I can’t create a TOU rate ahead of time and say, ‘Oh, it will [happen on] January 20.’ So we need these dynamic price signals once there is that type of event to say, ‘Hey, customer, if you can reduce your load you’re gonna save a lot of money.’ And this can get up to 35 cents a kilowatt hour.”