October 10, 2024

Triple-digit Temps Continue to Roast Texas

Persistent triple-digit temperatures and extreme heat warnings across much of Texas forced ERCOT on Sunday to issue yet another operating condition notice (OCN) as it continues to flirt with the 80-GW threshold.

The Texas grid operator said the OCN, its lowest-level market communication, was necessary because of forecasted temperatures above 103 degrees Fahrenheit in its North Central and South Central weather zones. The seventh OCN issued this summer, the notice was effective Monday until Wednesday.

2022-07-25 US Weather Map (National Weather Service) Content.jpgExtreme heat will still be an issue in Texas and Oklahoma this week. | National Weather Service

Average demand Monday peaked at 78.8 GW during the hour ending at 5 p.m. CT. Staff expect demand Tuesday to just exceed 79 GW.

ERCOT has already set 11 new highs for peak demand this summer, the latest coming Wednesday when load came within 12 MW of breaking the 80-GW barrier. Demand averaged 79.8 GW during the hour ending at 5 p.m. CT.

Demand’s average peak has been above 70 GW every day since June 30. Before this year, ERCOT’s record peak was 74.8 GW, set in August 2019.

The National Weather Service said “sizzling” temperatures will stick around in the South Central U.S. before cooling off into the high 90s. Austin is expecting highs above 100 F into next week.

SPP Cancels Resource Advisory

SPP canceled a resource advisory for Monday, saying its forecast indicated more favorable conditions than originally anticipated. The RTO said it expected lower regionwide power usage and improved system capacity conditions.

The advisory, issued Friday, does not include customer conservation. It was effective noon  to 10 p.m. CT. (See SPP Issues Resource Advisory for Monday.)

“This summer has really put us the to the test,” CEO Barbara Sugg told SPP’s Regional State Committee on Monday.

The RTO’s most recent conservative operations and resource advisories expired as scheduled Thursday night.

SPP set a new mark for peak demand last week at 53.2 GW on July 19. It was the sixth time since July 5 the RTO has recorded a new high. The record before this year was 51.04 GW, set last July.

‘Clean Molecules’ Critical to Decarbonization, Panelists Say

SAN DIEGO — The effort to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will require a nearly half-and-half energy mix of renewable electricity and “clean molecules” such as hydrogen, according to Yuri Freedman, senior director of business development at Southern California Gas.

Drawing on research by BloombergNEF, Freedman spoke last week on a “Transforming the Gas System with Hydrogen” panel at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Summer Policy Summit. Notably, the panel lacked any skeptics about a big role for natural gas companies — or hydrogen — in the decarbonization of the U.S. energy system.

“Molecules are as critical” as electrons in getting to a zero-emissions world, Freedman said.

“Today, we consume 80% of our energy as molecules, so 80/20 is the makeup today,” he said. “One implication of that: Think about what needs to happen if the share of electricity is going to go from 20% to 50%” — an increase of 250%.

“But the molecules we’ll need tomorrow are different [from those used today], so you actually need to find a way to phase out the molecules that produce carbon emissions and introduce at scale those molecules by 2050 that are going to have no emissions,” Freedman said.

Compared with other potential substitutes for natural gas (such as biomethane), hydrogen has the greatest potential to be adopted at scale in the next few years and can do most of what natural gas does today, Freedman said, including being used to power fuel cell electric vehicles.

“When I hear the debate, ‘Should it be battery or fuel cell’ … well fuel cell [vehicles] are electric vehicles. In fact, they often can be assembled at the same factory as the battery electric vehicles,” Freedman said.

SoCalGas foresees hydrogen being used in three different sectors in Southern California.

The first is power generation, based on plans by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to convert a number of its generation stations to a blend of natural gas and green hydrogen, followed by a full conversion to hydrogen to meet California’s emissions targets.

The second is transportation, with Freedman noting that about 20,000 trucks haul goods between the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

“These trucks go through neighborhoods which are often low-income neighborhoods, so [it’s] not just the greenhouse gas emissions, but the air quality impact is very heavy. And we can be a significant director of environmental and social justice with the replacement of these diesel trucks with fuel cells,” Freedman said.

The third sector is manufacturing. “Los Angeles happens to be the largest manufacturing area in the country. That’s not typically what L.A. is associated with, but that’s the reality,” he said.

‘Not an Aspiration’

Panelist Jeff Reed is chief scientist for renewable fuels and energy storage at the Advanced Power and Energy Program at University of California, Irvine. He also previously worked at SoCalGas parent company Sempra Energy.

“From 2010 until I left Sempra in 2018, I was focusing on the leading edge of what Yuri is talking about: How do you decarbonize a gas utility? And in the state of California, that’s not an aspiration; that’s statute; that’s law; we must do that. So it’s really increased our efforts in this area,” Reed said.

Reed’s work initially focused on replacing natural gas with biomethane, which he called a “very important resource for the leading edge of the decarbonization process.”

But the evolving science around producing hydrogen means that fuel can potentially be produced at the price and quantities needed to replace fossil fuels, he said.

Around $6/kg — or $40/MMBtu — electrolytic hydrogen produced from renewables (green) is still expensive compared with hydrogen produced by the steam methane reformation (blue), which requires the resulting carbon emissions to be captured in order to be considered emissions-free.

But technological advancements also mean that green hydrogen “really does have the potential to have a rather steep cost-reduction curve, similar to what we’ve seen with wind and solar energy.”

Reed thinks the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Earthshot” goal of achieving $1/kg green hydrogen is a “stretch, but not impossible.”

“Once you get to a certain cost point, you can envision using hydrogen or renewable methane, for everything we currently use natural gas for. If we’re using hydrogen, we can also add a substantial additional demand for mobility and transport, which isn’t currently served by the natural gas system,” Reed said.

He noted that California policy currently assumes electric air-source heat pumps are the most efficient way to heat buildings.

“If we get near these Earthshot goals, that’s actually not the case. You can provide heating in the same way we do with natural gas, and be very cost-competitive,” he said.

Question of Cost

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Commissioner Upendra Chivukula said his state is excited to be part of an effort to win part of $8 billion in DOE funding to become a national hydrogen hub, in partnership with New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts. (See DOE Hydrogen HUB Funding Program Announced.)

“The [New Jersey] legislature and governor are excited about hydrogen, and, of course, utilities have reached out to the commission, and they already started blending hydrogen into natural gas,” Chivukula said. “But the question is the cost, I think. Who’s going to pay for the cost?

“We look at hydrogen as promising, but it is going to take some time. The costs have to come down, and some of the technological advancements have to take place,” he said. “So we are looking forward to more on hydrogen, because I don’t know whether we’ll be able to get 100% clean energy with electrification alone.”

“What would allow those costs to come down,” Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities Commissioner Robert Hayden, co-moderator of the discussion, asked panelists.

Tricia Pridemore 2022-07-19 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgTricia Pridemore, Georgia Public Service Commission | © RTO Insider LLC

Reed responded that natural gas-derived hydrogen can already be produced fairly cheaply at less than $2/kg, but it requires pipelines for the transportation and sequestration of carbon emissions. Regarding green hydrogen, he reiterated his comparison to solar development, where a high “demonstrated learning rate” has significantly reduced costs in the past decade. “So what we need is production volumes and global expansion in the market,” he said.

For Freedman, cost reductions will come down to building pipelines dedicated to transporting hydrogen.

“The majority of that cost is not production; the vast majority comes from the fact that they have to put it in a truck and haul it in cylinders, and that’s not cheap. So a pipeline is an absolute must to that low cost of hydrogen,” Freedman said.

Speaking from the audience, North Carolina Utilities Commissioner Floyd McKissick Jr. asked about the impact of DOE’s hydrogen hubs once they become operational.

“You can view these as a very exciting opportunity for us to catch up and maybe surpass where we think Europe is,” Freedman said.

Freedman envisions hub developments playing out “region by region,” given that some will be producing hydrogen from natural gas, while others will rely on renewables or nuclear power to generate hydrogen from water. But he does foresee the hubs becoming clusters of decarbonized industrial activity to overcome the issue of supplying hydrogen to multiple sectors.

The panel’s other moderator, Georgia Public Service Commissioner Tricia Pridemore, asked whether the “hydrogen rainbow” — using colors to refer to how the gas is produced — is still relevant.

“Within the trade groups that I work with, we really think we should be talking about carbon intensity, as our objective to a large extent is just to reduce carbon content in the gas system,” Reed said.

MISO Board Approves $10B in Long-range Tx Projects

MISO’s Board of Directors voted unanimously Monday to approve the 18-project, $10.3 billion first phase of its long-range transmission plan (LRTP).

MISO Director Todd Raba called the July 25 open session of the board “one of the most important meetings” of his tenure.

MISO Vice President of System Planning Aubrey Johnson called it a “distinct honor” to summarize the plan a final time before the board greenlit it.

He said the portfolio will help MISO members ensure they can achieve their clean energy goals, “accommodate the rapid portfolio shift that’s well underway” and shore up the system as more extreme weather lashes the footprint.

Most of the projects’ routes use existing rights of way from other lines. The grid operator estimates the lines will be in service between 2028 and 2030 and deliver at least $37 billion in benefits to ratepayers from 2030 to 2050. The first LRTP portfolio is considered a late insert to MISO’s 2021 Transmission Expansion Plan. (See MISO Puts Finishing Touches on $10B Tx Plan, Hunts New Projects.)

To shape the transmission plan, MISO held more than 200 public stakeholder meetings over two years, some of them standing room only, Johnson said.

The portfolio is premised on MISO’s estimate that 58 GW of primarily coal resources will retire in the footprint within two decades, while the RTO adds 90 GW in solar, wind and natural gas generation, bringing its total installed capacity to about 160 GW.

MISO said the lines will result in a minimum 2.2-to-1 benefit-to-cost ratio across all its Midwestern transmission planning zones. MISO didn’t analyze its South region’s transmission needs for the portfolio and won’t for at least a year.

More ‘Urgency’ Needed

Several stakeholders took advantage of an open comment period at the end of the meeting to urge MISO to get a jump on more future-looking system planning.

Clean Grid Alliance’s Natalie McIntire said the need for the lines has never been more evident than during this heatwave-laced summer, when MISO strained to manage increased demand.

“This is not the time to stop planning. … It is just the first step in much-needed investment in transmission capacity nationwide,” she said. “We have more work to do to fully achieve carbon reduction goals and build a more resilient grid to withstand increased weather-related challenges.”

“Not only does MISO need this, but our nation needs this as a model,” Sustainable FERC Project Attorney Lauren Azar told MISO directors.

Azar urged MISO not to waste any time in planning the second, third and fourth iterations of the portfolio.

Invenergy’s Arash Ghodsian asked that MISO consider high-voltage merchant transmission planning, including the Grain Belt Express, in future long-range modeling and analysis. (See Invenergy Announces Grain Belt Express Expansion.) He called for a “more comprehensive and realistic view of the future system.”

MISO’s Environmental Sector said the portfolio is “critical, but there is far more leadership and urgency needed from MISO.

“Much more remains to be done to shift away from fossil fuels and quickly meet clean energy goals. Note that none of the benefits [in the portfolio] is being provided to residents and businesses in MISO South, which includes Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and a portion of Texas. The South is left out in this set of projects, despite the region’s dire need for greater resilience, clean energy deployment, and access to low-cost power,” the group said in a statement released ahead of the vote.

Environmental Sector members said MISO has been “subject to pressure from utilities like Entergy in the South — and others in the North — that have succeeded in delaying progress on long-range transmission lines.”

They said the “status quo, fossil-fuel-heavy” MISO grid is costing consumers, noting that about 500 solar, wind and hybrid project proposals have withdrawn from the MISO queue in the last five years.

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) said the portfolio is a “significant first step toward building the modern, resilient, and reliable electric transmission system necessary to decarbonize the energy sector.” The group estimated that the lines will enable enough renewable energy to power more than 12 million homes.

James Gignac, senior Midwest energy analyst at UCS, called the vote “exciting progress, and only the first of several portfolios of investment that we’ll need to keep up with the drive to decarbonize and meet the challenges of climate change.”

MISO estimates the portfolio will keep 400 million metric tons of carbon emissions out of the atmosphere between 2030 and 2050.

“We appreciate the spirit of collaboration and the hard work that MISO members and stakeholders have invested in these projects and look forward to continued discussion around future tranches,” MISO CEO John Bear said in a statement following the vote. “We also recognize the effort and strong support for LRTP from various regulators and policymakers in the states — including state utility commissions and governors.”

The new portfolio is already at the heart of one FERC complaint. Last week, an alliance of consumer groups jointly filed to challenge MISO’s practice of respecting state rights of first refusal (ROFR) laws in its regional transmission planning. The consumer alliance asked FERC to block MISO and other RTOs from applying “anticompetitive” state ROFR laws to their regional transmission planning, including the long-range portfolio. (See related story, Consumer Groups File FERC Complaint Against MISO.)

MISO estimates just $1 billion of its $10.3 billion LRTP portfolio will ultimately be open to competition. The grid operator said nearly $4 billion worth of the projects are considered upgrades to existing facilities, while another $5.5 billion worth of projects will be sited in states that have enacted ROFR legislation.

Tx to Bring Capacity Online, but Will it Solve Crisis? 

The transmission approval also comes as MISO is facing heightened scrutiny from its Midwestern states over a capacity shortage in the entire MISO Midwest region, which some say is partly due to insufficient transmission to connect the 806 mostly renewable projects totaling 126.3 GW in its interconnection queue.

The Organization of MISO States is considering the Independent Market Monitor’s recommendation that MISO replace its vertical capacity demand curve with a sloped curve to incent new resources. (See MISO Warming to Patton’s Sloped Demand Curve.) In a July 18 OMS board meeting, Executive Director Marcus Hawkins said OMS members heard a “menu of options” on auction and energy market changes during closed-door meetings during MISO’s June Board Week in Indianapolis.

Illinois lawmakers last week blasted MISO over failing to bring renewable generation online faster through its interconnection queue. (See related story, Illinois Leaders Blast MISO Inaction on Capacity Crisis.)

And the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) last week directed Ameren Illinois to perform a cost-benefit analysis of remaining in MISO versus departing for PJM or another grid operator (22-0485). Chair Carrie Zalewski said the ICC feels it “appropriate to explore whether membership in MISO continues to provide net benefits to Ameren Illinois’ electricity customers.”

Citizens Utility Board of Michigan Executive Director Amy Bandyk called it “good news that MISO is overcoming barriers that have blocked new transmission lines for years. A more connected grid benefits ratepayers by enabling lower-cost renewable energy to flow to where it is needed, improving the reliability of electric service.”

Could the US See a ‘Nuclear Renaissance’?

SAN DIEGO — Nuclear proponents pitched their plans for smaller and more innovative reactors at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) Summer Policy Summit on Wednesday, saying nuclear power is needed to provide a dependable source of carbon-free energy as coal plants retire, and wind and solar resources proliferate.

Chris Levesque, CEO of TerraPower — a company founded by Bill Gates — described the firm’s plans to develop a sodium-cooled reactor, paired with molten salt energy storage, near a PacifiCorp coal plant in southwest Wyoming slated to close in 2025. (See Wyoming Welcomes DOE-funded Advanced Nuclear Plant.)

In coming decades, “we’re going to retire all that 24/7 coal, and we’re going to add all this low-cost wind and solar, which is great, but it is intermittent” based on weather, Levesque said. “So, it’s really calling for nuclear, which we all believe … should be 20 to 30% of the carbon-free grid.”

In addition to the reactor’s baseload power, molten salt storage can ramp up quickly to meet peak demand, he said.

Levesque was one of four panelists in a session titled “Are We Ready for a Nuclear Reactor Renaissance?” and moderated by NARUC President Judith Jagdmann, a member of Virginia’s State Corporation Commission.

Jacob DeWitte — CEO and co-founder of Oklo Inc., a Silicon Valley startup aiming to build liquid-metal microreactors — said the company had secured a site license and fuel allocation from the Department of Energy to build its first compact fast reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory near Idaho Falls.

However, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission denied Oklo’s application in January, citing insufficient information. DeWitte said the company is continuing to press its case with the commission.

The compact modular units Oklo envisions could run for 20 years without refueling, DeWitte said, and would be housed inside buildings that look like futuristic ski chalets. Industry and rural communities could one day be Oklo’s customers, he said.

Microreactor Rendering (Oklo) Alt FI.jpg

A rendering shows the exterior of Oklo’s proposed microreactor at the Idaho National Laboratory. | Oklo

“You have this kind of decentralized, dispatchable clean asset that all of a sudden, a lot of people in the industrial [and] commercial markets are pretty interested in for behind-the-meter generation,” he said. “You see a lot of appetite in different electric utility markets, ranging from the rural and the off-grid kind of co-ops and municipal utilities, to the larger-scale utilities, especially when you think about a system like this and what it can do for alleviating transmission stresses across a large grid like you have in the Western United States.”

Nuclear Energy Institute CEO Maria Korsnick called nuclear, currently the largest source of carbon-free energy in the U.S., critical to decarbonizing the grid.

“Our current reactors provide unmatched resiliency, which is the necessary foundation for a stable and affordable electric grid,” Korsnick said. “But that alone won’t be enough. In order for our communities and our economy to rise to these growing challenges, we must prepare our supply chain to build new, advanced reactor designs in the coming years.”

Reactors under development are “simpler and more adaptable to a variety of energy needs,” she said. “They will open new possibilities for carbon-free energy service at any scale, from the world’s largest cities to remote rural communities. And they can free communities from diesel and fossil fuels and require far less investment in transmission and distribution than other carbon-free resources.”

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Chair Gladys Brown Dutrieuille said that may be true, but she asked how nuclear advocates planned to convince a wary public to accept more nuclear plants and the risk of catastrophic accidents. She grew up in Middletown, Pa., the closest community to the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station, which partially melted down in March 1979.

“In the course of the conversation and talking about this advanced technology, how do you sell it to the consumer who may be concerned about building more nuclear even though they also see the value of nuclear?” she said.

Korsnick said “nuclear favorability” in the U.S. is about 60%, and a recent survey among those who live near nuclear plants showed nearly 80% favorability, she said. The assumption that nuclear is widely despised is a result of decades of successful campaigns by anti-nuclear groups, she said.

Earlier in the session, Jeffrey Merrifield — a former member of the NRC and partner at law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in D.C. — asked for a show of hands from attendees who had slept a mile from a nuclear reactor. A spattering of audience members raised their hands.

Merrifield said everyone should have raised their hands because a nuclear aircraft carrier was docked in San Diego Bay, just across a narrow stretch of water from the hotel where the conference was being held. The supercarrier USS Carl Vinson’s twin “200-MW nuclear reactors … are 40 years old and speed millions of miles around the earth,” he said.

Assembled in factories, the compact units are among “100 reactors owned and operated by the U.S. Navy, modular reactors that power our nation’s 10 nuclear aircraft carriers and a multiplicity of subs,” Merrifield said. The units have “an incredible track record, and what we’re trying to talk about today with these developers is using that same methodology to bring these technologies to the American people.”

NJ Cuts Incentives for New Phase of EV Promotion

New Jersey on Monday launched the third phase of its Charge Up New Jersey electric vehicle (EV) subsidy program, cutting the maximum vehicle incentive to $4,000 but adding a new $250 subsidy for home chargers.

State officials said the incentive would apply to EV purchases beginning July 25 and would remain available until the $35 million in funding is exhausted. They also said they would begin accepting applications for three other programs that offer incentives to promote the use of EVs. Those programs pay for the installation of charging stations in tourist areas and multi-dwelling properties and help local and state governments add EVs to their fleets.

Speaking at a press conference in Asbury Park, Gov. Phil Murphy said the program, shows “our continued commitment to transitioning our economy away from fossil fuels.

“We know this incentive can push more buyers to making the decision to go electric,” said Murphy. The incentives will be especially effective, he said, “as the prices of EVs continue to fall more and more in line with gas-powered cars, especially in the all-important and growing mid-price category.”

The first two phases of Charge Up New Jersey, which is run by the Board of Public Utilities, assisted the purchase of about 13,000 vehicles.

Seeking ‘Incentive Essential’ Buyers

The new $250 incentive will be available for Level-Two chargers capable of capturing data, known as “smart” or “networked” chargers. The incentive will pay for chargers installed in a residence and will only cover equipment, not installation costs. The state budget approved in June allocated $5.5 million for the incentives.

At the same time, the BPU reduced by $1,000 the maximum EV incentive, from the $5,000 offered in the second phase. As before, the maximum incentive is only available for vehicles that cost $45,000 or less. Vehicles priced between $45,000 and $50,000 are eligible for an incentive of up to $2,000, and no subsidy will be awarded for higher priced vehicles.

The incentive is calculated by multiplying $25 by the number of miles that the vehicle will run on a single charge. For example, a 2021 Hyundai Kona Electric, which can run for about 258 miles on a single charge, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s site, would be eligible for the maximum $4,000 incentive.

The BPU implemented the $45,000 price-tag cap in the second phase after data showed that Tesla vehicles received 83% of the incentives in the first phase. The reduction meant that in the second phase only the lowest priced Tesla could get the maximum incentive. BPU officials said they believed that change would help the program focus on “incentive essential” customers: those who would only buy an EV if there was an incentive available. (See NJ Boosts EV Charging Program for Tourist, Multifamily Locations.) Indeed, data from the second phase show that Teslas accounted for 66% of the incentives granted.

Murphy noted that the available funds were quickly exhausted in the first two phases of the program.

“We expect more of the same this year,” Murphy said. “And with a refocusing of this incentive for mid-priced vehicles, we believe we can expand the appeal of an electric vehicle to more consumers.”

Expanding Charger Numbers

The EV incentive is part of a portfolio of programs aimed at helping the state meet the goals set out in the Energy Master Plan for the state to deploy 330,000 light-duty EVs on the road by 2025.

Slightly more than 64,000 EVs were registered to drive on New Jersey roads at the end of 2021, and there are about 750 chargers in the state.

The state in January 2020 enacted a law that called for the installation of at least 400 DC fast chargers, which can add about 60 to 80 miles to an EV in 20 minutes of charging, and 1,000 Level 2 chargers, which add 10 to 20 miles per hour of charging time, by Dec. 31, 2025.

New Jersey officials say the key to putting more EV vehicles on the road is to have more chargers available.

“We don’t want anybody to say ‘I’m not buying an electric vehicle because there’s not enough charging stations,” said BPU President Joseph L. Fiordaliso at the conference Monday.

To that end, New Jersey’s budget struck in June allocated $10 million to support the purchase of EVs by state and local governments, $6 million to put chargers at tourist sites and $4 million to put them in multi-unit dwellings.

Newsom Calls for ‘Bolder’ Climate Action in California

The state agency drawing up California’s plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045 should take “even bolder action” to address climate change, Gov. Gavin Newsom said on Friday.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) should include in its climate plan a goal of at least 20 GW of offshore wind by 2045 and a target of 7 million “climate-friendly” homes in the state by 2035, Newsom said. The state has about 14.5 million housing units, according to census data.

Newsom said he’s asking state agencies to plan for a clean energy transition without new natural gas plants. And he asked CARB to set a carbon removal goal of 20 million metric tons (MMT) for 2030 and 100 MMT for 2045.

“We know from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that there is no path to carbon neutrality without carbon capture and sequestration,” Newsom said in the letter sent to CARB Chairwoman Liane Randoph.

CARB lays out a roadmap for the state to meet its climate goals in a document called the scoping plan. Under state law, the scoping plan must be updated every five years. The next edition is due by the end of this year.

A draft version of the scoping plan was released in May and presented to the CARB board last month. Although CARB analyzed ways to get the state to carbon neutrality by 2035, the draft plan’s selected scenario has the state reaching carbon neutrality in 2045. Some critics have called the proposed scoping plan “too little, too late.” (See Critics Tear into CARB Draft Climate Change Plan.)

‘More Aggressive Actions’

In his letter to Randolph, Newsom called the draft plan “the world’s first large-economy plan for carbon neutrality.” He said CARB’s final scoping plan must lay out a path to statewide carbon neutrality by 2045 as well as meeting the state’s 2030 climate goals. California’s 2030 target is a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels.

“The state’s draft carbon neutrality road map doesn’t go far enough or fast enough,” Newsom said Friday in a release. “That’s why I’m pushing state agencies to adopt more aggressive actions, from offshore wind to climate-friendly homes, and to make sure we never build another fossil fuel power plant in California again.”

Newsom asked that CARB incorporate his goals into the scoping plan.

Regarding offshore wind, Newsom said he would ask the California Energy Commission to set 20 GW by 2045 as a planning goal. Earlier this year, CEC proposed offshore wind goals of 3 GW by 2030 and 10 to 15 GW by 2045 —targets that some stakeholders called too conservative. (See CEC Postpones Vote on Offshore Wind Goals.)

‘Going Big’ on OSW

Offshore Wind California, a trade group of offshore wind developers and technology companies, is urging the CEC to approve offshore wind planning goals of 5 GW by 2030 and at least 20 GW by 2045. The group said Friday that Newsom’s announcement was “great news.”

“This is another sign California is serious about ‘going big’ on floating offshore wind, to drive economies of scale and realize the very substantial clean power, climate and jobs benefits offshore wind can deliver for our state,” Adam Stern, the group’s executive director, said in a statement.

In another request, Newsom wants CARB to adopt a 20% clean fuels target for the aviation sector.

Newsom also asked CARB to work with the state’s Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) to form a task force to find and fix methane leaks from oil infrastructure near communities.

The governor noted that the state budget allocates $100 million for methane detection satellites plus another $100 million for CalGEM to plug orphan oil wells, which may be leaking methane.

NERC Report Highlights Dangers of Tower Climbing

In a new Lessons Learned report posted Wednesday, NERC reminded utilities to be vigilant about the possibility of unauthorized people climbing on their transmission towers.

The Tower Climber Incident report is based on an incident in which a climber ascended to the top of a transmission tower before being detected by the transmission operator (TOP). As is usually the case with Lessons Learned reports, many details of the event — such as its location and the people, utilities and regional entity involved — were omitted to protect potentially sensitive business information. NERC also left out the date of the incident, only stating that it occurred “on an August day.”

Unapproved climbers on transmission towers are an ongoing concern in the U.S., with multiple incidents reported in the last year. In January, Duke Energy had to cut power to more than 15,000 customers after a man climbed an 85-foot tower in Charlotte, N.C., and stayed there for nearly four hours. In addition, The Washington Post reported last August on police in Utah finding hammocks strung high on transmission towers operated by Rocky Mountain Power, though without finding the trespassers themselves.

In the event detailed in NERC’s report, the TOP received a report of a “civilian tower climber” in a 230/500-kV corridor and dispatched a line crew to investigate. The crew was joined at the site by police and emergency services; after receiving confirmation of the report, the TOP relayed it to the reliability coordinator; together with the RC, the TOP decided to remove the three circuits that shared the tower (500 kV, 230 kV and 115 kV) from service to avoid injuring the climber.

To safely shut down the circuits, the RC first ordered import schedules on a nearby interface curtailed to 53% (later 21%) of their value prior to the incident. Internal generation was increased, and all load rejection schemes for the area were armed. The TOP then “reduced the load on the transformers supplied by these circuits” before removing them from service.

Meanwhile, the field crew worked to prepare a clearance so a crane could access the tower. After more than two hours, rescuers were able to bring the climber down, at which point police took the climber into custody. At this point the RC and TOP began to bring the circuits back online, after which the RC rescinded the emergency measures for the area.

Reviewing the incident, NERC noted that climbing a transmission tower poses “a safety hazard to the climber, operational risks to the entity and a potential service loss to consumers.” Its recommendations for TOPs and transmission owners included following policies on the installation of deterrents to prevent climbing; immediately after the event, the TOP had discovered there were “no visible danger/warning signs” in the area, which it addressed immediately.

NERC also suggested that TOs and TOPs ensure they have policies on responding to public safety hazards and communicating with other stakeholders, including first responders in addition to the RC, and that they “establish a minimum above-grade height for tower climbing aids that discourages unauthorized climbing.”

NARUC Weighs SCOTUS Decision’s Impact on Coal

SAN DIEGO — The Supreme Court’s recent decision in West Virginia v. EPA and its potential effects on the nation’s coal-burning power plants occupied a session on EPA’s authority over CO2 emissions at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Summer Policy Summit.

NARUC’s Subcommittee on Clean Coal heard from attorney Matthew Leopold, who helped lay the legal groundwork against the EPA in the West Virginia case during a discussion moderated by West Virginia Public Service Commission Chair Charlotte Lane.

The high court’s 6-3 decision on June 30 ruled that EPA lacks authority to compel generation shifting to reduce carbon emissions, saying the agency failed to provide “clear congressional authorization” for the rulemaking. (See Supreme Court Rejects EPA Generation Shifting.)

While environmentalists decried the decision, Lane called it “exciting” given the push to retire coal plants.

“We all need to work together to make sure [EPA] regulations do not cause grid reliability problems, or make electricity less affordable for ratepayers,” she said.

Leopold, a former EPA general counsel during the Trump administration and now a partner at law firm Hunton Andrews Kurth, said the decision checked but did not fundamentally alter EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants under the Clean Air Act.

Yet the decision could have far-reaching effects on federal agencies’ rulemaking, he said. It invoked the major questions doctrine, a rarely cited legal principle affecting Congress’ delegation of authority to executive agencies, to say the EPA had overstepped its bounds.

Going forward, courts will scrutinize EPA and other agencies’ actions to ensure they have a clear basis in statute and historical precedent, Leopold said.

“If an agency’s getting out of its lane, and it’s trying to do something that hasn’t historically done, it may be under threat,” he said. “And so, the example right now on the Biden administration’s list of big rules … is its [approach] to climate change that a lot of lawyers, including myself, are saying might be vulnerable.”

He cited a proposed rule requiring that public companies disclose business risks related to the climate and greenhouse gas emissions to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“There, you have similar facts [to West Virginia v. EPA because] … the SEC has not regulated climate change since [the agency began in] the 1930s,” he said. The rule would be a “new transformative approach that [the SEC has] never done before. There’s no express discussion of environmental regulation in their statutory authority. And so, I think, you know, the administration is going to have to look long and hard about how they go about finalizing that rule.”

“More to the point and more practical, is how this decision is going to affect fossil-fired and coal generation,” Leopold said.

The case calls into question whether the EPA can require emissions controls only at the source power plant or whether it can go “outside the fence” to regulate emissions.

Requiring a power plant to switch fuels might be permissible but not “forcing a coal plant to become a gas plant,” Leopold said. The decision raised questions about possible carbon capture rules and whether emissions reductions that are not cost-effective would be permitted, “for instance if a plant is scheduled to close in 5 years,” he said.

For the foreseeable future, the EPA is going to “hit singles and doubles rather than … swinging for the fence,” being careful to base its actions on statutory authority and not push its boundaries beyond what the courts deem permissible under West Virginia v. EPA, Leopold said.

NARUC Panel Explores ‘Future Proofing’ EV Infrastructure

SAN DIEGO — Utility regulators are confronting myriad challenges in dealing with the growing need for electric vehicle chargers, including a quickening pace of obsolescence, a lack of uniform standards among charging stations, and lingering questions about who should deploy and pay for equipment.

And any meaningful response to those challenges will likely fall to the states, according to Phil Jones, executive director of the Alliance for Transportation Electrification (ATE) and a former member of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.

“It appears to be a decision of the federal government not to do anything on climate and perhaps not even renew the EV tax credits,” Jones said during a July 18 panel on “future proofing” EV charging technology at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Summer Policy Summit. “The issues are going to be squarely in your laps in the states. That’s my prediction over the next three to four years, at least.” 

Following is some of what we heard during the panel.

Future Proofing Explained

Panel moderator Jamie Barber, director of the energy efficiency and renewable energy unit at the Georgia Public Service Commission, opened the discussion by pointing to a key problem utility commissions face in future proofing utility EV infrastructure investments.

“The regulatory process is often so long that by the time the commission approves a program or plan, the technology may already be out-of-date. So the question is, how should the commission plan for these short-lived assets?” Barber said.

“What does future proofing actually really mean?” said Marie Steele, vice president of electrification and energy services at NV Energy (NYSE:BRK.A). “When I think about it from a utility perspective, it’s very easy for us when we think about how to operate the greatest critical infrastructure that has reliability metrics around it. We focus on standardization; we focus on interoperability; we focus on reliability — also with that center of the customer experience. And grid integration is layered on top of it.”

NV Energy is allowed to own EV charging stations in Nevada, Steele noted, giving customers a choice of who can operate their sites: the utility, third-party providers or the customers themselves.

The utility previously took a “top-down” approach to encouraging development of charging sites by providing incentives. “‘Just do the best you can with moving the market’ was really how we designed our programs,” Steele said.

But with the approval last year of its $100 million Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan, NV Energy is now taking a more “bottom-up” approach to developing charging sites, according to Steele. The plan is expected to produce 1,882 chargers at 120 sites across the state. (See NV Energy Gets Green Light for $100 MW EV Charger Plan.)

Under the new approach, NV Energy starts by developing site profiles with an eye to standardizing the charging network within utility’s entire service territory while determining cost estimates for each site “irrespective of ownership model.”

“So we want to have the standardization there and know what the project is going to cost,” Steele said. “And then when we get to interoperability, which is also still reliability and standardization, we have another long list of requirements for infrastructure that will be incentivized or owned by NV Energy.”

Those include minimum power levels, secure communications protocols and customer payment requirements.

“All of this so as to make sure that we can connect it into the grid, right? So that it benefits not just that individual EV driver or businesses that host EV charging stations. We can also optimize grid integration. That’s to the benefit of everybody,” she said.

‘Anchoring’ with Fleets

“We have a lot of clean energy assets, and one of the core principles we are trying to bring to this industry is the lessons learned from the solar and wind industry and apply those lessons to the scalability of [EV] infrastructure,” said Suresh Jayanthi, a senior director of sales and business development in the mobility solutions division at NextEra Energy Resources (NYSE:NEE).

For NextEra, that includes a technology-agnostic approach to the design and construction of EV charging sites and bringing finance and operations groups together to provide charging energy as a service to customers.

“This similar perspective for infrastructure will be critical as we look at all the variables that we just heard, figuring out the design [and] permit considerations, [and] bringing those into a platform that gives us predictable deliverables in terms of the time it takes to get through the interconnection and all the issues associated with that,” Jayanthi said.

Jayanthi, who currently focuses on developing charging solutions for medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fleets, said it’s important for the power industry to remember that fleet operators want to focus on what they do best, such as delivering packages on time.

“They’re not out to become infrastructure experts. They’re not trying to figure out how to build charging stations and figure out how to manage energy cases. We are trying to remove some of those bottlenecks, so as they look at electrification, their focus is on using the infrastructure as an enabler rather than a bottleneck. And that’s been our focus,” he said.

NextEra believes that its experience in developing fleet charging can provide lessons for a broader charging strategy.

“While consumer vehicle infrastructure is a critical enabler for the broad-based adoption of electric vehicles, fleets can provide a unique anchoring point around which we can look at infrastructure scaling, and it could have a multiplier effect,” Jayanthi said.

‘Right-sizing’ vs. Future Proofing

ATE’s Jones recounted a recent conversation with his daughter, who works as a legislative analyst in Washington’s capital, specializing in broadband policy.

“When I told my daughter I was going to be speaking about future proofing in San Diego … she says, ‘Dad, there’s no such thing as future proofing. How can you proof the future? There’s always going to be uncertainty,’” Jones said.

“I prefer the term ‘right-sizing for the future,’ or something like that. So what you’re trying to do is right-size the conduit, the pipes, the asphalt, concrete, transformers [and] switchgear,” he said. “You’re trying to get the right set of equipment in that first phase that can scale without the risk of stranded assets.”

Jones offered a list of recommendations for state regulators, including:

  • creating a transportation electrification (TE) plan;
  • finding a way to bring stakeholders (such as truckers) into the process so they can describe where their industries are going;
  • encouraging utilities to have a single point of contact on TE issues;
  • developing an interconnection review process for TE projects;
  • offering incentives and rebates, which should be revisited often;
  • encouraging utilities to frequently change their approved product lists to accommodate new companies coming into the EV space; and
  • looking around for best practices from across the country.

And with the longer curve of adoption for EVs, Jones also encouraged commissioners to consider allowing utilities to employ multiyear rate plans to recover costs from EV equipment.

“I know that consumer advocates and [the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates] and others may not be fans of this, but in order to bring the right-sizing of this technology and do least-cost planning for the long term, you may need to do that,” Jones said.

SPP Board, Regulators to Consider Reserve Margin Increase

WESTMINSTER, Colo. — SPP and its members have agreed to boost the RTO’s planning reserve margin to 15% from 12% but remain at odds over the timing of the increase following Markets and Operations Policy Committee discussions that Chair Denise Buffington described as “contentious.”

SPP’s Regional State Committee and Board of Directors will each consider the issue during their virtual quarterly meetings, Monday and Tuesday, respectively.

SPP’s reserve margin requirement, currently 12%, is based on a probabilistic loss-of-load expectation (LOLE) study performed every two years to determine the capacity needed to meet the reliability target of a one-day outage every 10 years (0.1 days/year). LREs unable to meet their obligation can incur financial penalties from the RTO.

“There was concern that moving too quickly will put members in non-compliance from the start,” Buffington told the Strategic Planning Committee the day after MOPC’s July 10-11 meeting. “There were also concerns the [generator interconnection] queue isn’t sufficiently caught up to actually get steel in the ground to meet those obligations.”

The grid operator’s staff wants to raise the planning reserve margin (PRM) to 15%, saying the 2021 study shows the current 12% requirement won’t satisfy the 1-in-10 metric for the 2023 summer season. They also said an increased margin of safety is necessary, as the 31 GW of nameplate wind capacity already present on the system has increased the risk of wind volatility, with more wind projects yet to come. A 15% PRM would incent new generation and reduce the risks and costs associated with extreme weather events, they said.

COO Lanny Nickell told MOPC that SPP doesn’t take lightly its responsibility to manage reliability across its footprint.

“We understand that some LREs expect to struggle to comply with the increased PRM requirement … We understand that taking actions to increase capacity necessary to comply will be costly, likely upwards of a billion dollars in capital investment,” he said.

“However, we also know that experiencing an unwanted interruption of power, especially during extreme heat or extreme cold conditions, is not only extremely frustrating to customers but also very costly, especially when loss of life is involved. A decision to increase the PRM requirement to 15% as soon as possible significantly reduces our risk that we experience another event where load is not able to be served,” Nickell said.

Stair-Step Approach

The Supply Adequacy Working Group (SAWG) is recommending a stair-step approach, with the PRM raised one percentage point over each of the next three years. It said that would give the GI queue time to reduce its backlog, adding certainty to generation forecasts, and allow LREs short of their capacity requirements to close their gaps.

SPP resisted. “As a reliability coordinator, we cannot endorse a 13% planning reserve margin next year when we think the right number is 15%,” Casey Cathey, director of system planning, said. “It’s just too much of a risk to endorse a stair-step approach, given the nature of our generation mix and the uncertainties around us.”

Staff updated MOPC on its efforts to clear the queue’s backlog, sticking to the 2024 completion target they set during April’s meeting. They said they’ve reduced the current queue’s number of active interconnection requests from 481, totaling 90.3 GW, to 466, totaling 87.27 GW as of June, thanks to the new three-phase interconnection study process. (See FERC OKs New SPP Interconnection Process.)

SPP has added more than 25 GW of generation the last five years, most of it from renewable resources.

Usha Turner 2022-07-11 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgUsha Turner, OG&E | © RTO Insider LLC

“We should make certain [our current processes] are reflective of the current changes in our industry,” Oklahoma Gas & Electric’s Usha Turner said. “As we’re looking at 15%, given what we are seeing in the queue and the nature of what’s in the queue, is that enough?

“We’re evolving as we’re seeing things happening,” she said. “We need to better reflect the nature of our generation.”

Stakeholders in various working groups have pointed out the LOLE study does not include 2011 and 2021 weather-related impacts, future forced outage rates, the limited availability of demand response or any safety margin beyond the 1-in-10 reliability metric.

They said a larger, immediate increase in the PRM adds to market uncertainty and could leave LREs unable to cure capacity shortfalls. They also said they are concerned that even if excess capacity exists, it might not be available for purchase.

Nickell said that were the 15% PRM required by 2023, up to a dozen LREs would not be able to meet their obligations. Cathey noted SPP has about 3.6 GW of capacity available for purchase, but Turner responded that in her experience, that capacity is not available.

Midwest Energy’s Bill Dowling, among those favoring the SAWG approach, said instituting the 15% PRM immediately would prevent generators from rethinking retirement plans “that were devised with at least an assumption that the planning reserve margin wasn’t going to make a big jump.

“I don’t think we can expect to get out of this by saying we need 15%,” Dowling said. “We need time.”

Natasha Henderson 2022-07-11 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgSAWG chair Natasha Henderson explains stakeholders’ position during PRM discussion. | © RTO Insider LLC

SAWG chair Natasha Henderson of Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, suggested it would be helpful to gather additional metrics around energy uncertainty. “What do we have now? What did we have a few years ago? What will we have going forward?”

Her recommendation gained support from Nickell.

After rejecting a suggestion to delay the PRM’s consideration until the October MOPC meeting, members voted on several motions before arriving at a consensus. A suggestion to increase the PRM to 13% in 2023 and 15% in 2025 fell short of two-thirds approval at 60%. Endorsing the SAWG’s stair-step increase but incorporating a waiver process should the RSC reject the working group’s recommendation won only 48% approval.

However, a straight motion on the stair-step method passed with 95% approval. Members followed that by endorsing the SAWG’s recommendation for a performance-based accreditation for conventional resources (thermal and hydro), with a one-year delay in the implementation date.

The performance-based accreditation differentiates resources according to their historical reliability but does not change the total capacity required to meet system reliability. It would be the first time SPP has applied this methodology.

MOPC then approved a motion directing staff to create a process for approving waivers from the resource adequacy requirement should LREs not have sufficient time to resolve their deficiency.

As the dust settled, Buffington quipped that MOPC could soon expect a quiz on Robert’s Rules of Order. She was greeted with laughter.