October 11, 2024

First West Coast Offshore Wind Auction Fetches $757M

Five lease areas off the California coast brought in a total of $757.1 million as bidding ended Wednesday, with five companies named the winners in the West Coast’s first offshore wind auction, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) reported.

The winners were all subsidiaries of large multinational firms with experience in offshore wind, but no developer has yet built floating wind platforms of the immense size and number envisioned for the West Coast. The large scale, deep water, lack of port infrastructure and other risk factors kept the lease bids well below two East Coast auctions held earlier this year for areas off New York and the Carolinas, where shallower waters allow for fixed turbine platforms.

The bid prices, however, exceeded those from East Coast wind auctions held in prior years, according to a news release from the Interior Department, which oversees BOEM.

“Today’s lease sale is further proof that industry momentum — including for floating offshore wind development — is undeniable,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said. “A sustainable, clean energy future is within our grasp, and the Interior Department is doing everything we can to ensure that American communities nationwide benefit.”

The department called the sale a “significant milestone toward achieving President Biden’s goal of deploying 30 GW of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030 and 15 GW of floating offshore wind capacity by 2035.”

California has a mandate to provide retail customers with 100% clean energy by 2045 under 2018’s Senate Bill 100. The state’s Energy Commission has proposed offshore wind goals of 25 GW by 2045 to help fulfill that target. (See California Boosts Offshore Wind Goals.)

Of the five lease areas, three are in the Morro Bay Wind Energy Area (WEA) off the Central Coast and two are in the Humboldt Wind Energy Area off the coast of Northern California.

Winning bids reached as high as $173.8 million by California North Floating, a subsidiary of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), for a 69,000-acre Humboldt lease area with 1 GW of potential capacity. CIP is one of the firms building the Vineyard Wind project off the Massachusetts coast and is developing other East Coast offshore wind leases totaling 5 GW.

“California is expected to develop into a key market for floating offshore wind and the auction represented a strong investment opportunity for us,” CIP Senior Partner Torsten Smed said in a statement. “By adding the new lease area to our portfolio, and based on our large global portfolio of floating offshore projects in different stages of development, we are uniquely positioned to lead the commercialization of floating offshore wind in the U.S.”

Equinor Wind US submitted the lowest winning bid for an 80,000-acre Morro Bay parcel with 2 GW of potential capacity.

“Today’s announcement confirms Equinor’s floating [turbine] leadership and strong commitment to deliver renewable energy to the U.S. It adds at least another potential 2 GW to our existing 3.3 GW U.S. offshore wind portfolio,” said Pål Eitrheim, executive vice president of renewables at Equinor. “We were among the first movers into U.S. offshore wind and are now one of the first movers into California, a market we believe will become a strategic floating market globally.”

About two-thirds of offshore wind potential in the U.S. lies in deep waters; the Pacific Coast’s narrower continental shelf drops quickly to 3,000 feet or more, requiring floating platforms, the firm noted.

Other bids were $145 million by Invenergy California Offshore for an 80,000-acre Morro Bay lease area; $150.3 million by Central California Offshore Wind, an Ørsted affiliate, for a similarly sized lease in the Morro Bay WEA; and $157.7 million by RWE Offshore Wind Holdings for the second Humboldt lease of 63,338 acres.  

The average price paid for all five parcels, totaling 373,268 acres, with up to 4.6 GW of capacity, was $2,028/acre.

That was far below the record bids in February for the New York Bight auction, which pulled in $8,837/acre for a total of $4.7 billion. It was about a third less than the $2,900/acre that bidders paid in May in a North Carolina auction that fetched a total $315 million. However, it was double the $1,083/acre paid for wind leases off the Massachusetts coast in 2018.

The provisional winners of the California auction now have the exclusive right to propose projects and seek federal approval.

Reasons for Caution

Analysts had warned Tuesday, as the auction began, that bidders could show more restraint than they had in New York or the Carolinas.

ClearView Energy Partners called floating offshore wind “a far more nascent and undemonstrated technology,” saying the higher risks could mean lower lease prices.

“The record number of [43] eligible companies bidding for the areas suggests a highly competitive environment that may not conclude until tomorrow or Thursday,” ClearView said in a statement previewing the auction.

“However, we are not yet convinced that final per-acre prices will exceed those reached for the WEAs leased off New Jersey and New York earlier this year,” the firm said. “While California has aggressive decarbonization targets and needs new non-solar renewable resources, it does not yet have policies specifically targeting offshore wind akin to those adopted by several East Coast states.”

The Business Network for Offshore Wind said it was “excited to see the commencement of the first West Coast and first floating offshore wind lease auction” but warned not to expect record prices.  

“The Network does not believe the California leases will fetch as high of auction fees as the New York Bight,” the trade association said in a statement. “The New York Bight had several key elements, including a very visible path to offtake, strong monetary and public support from state governments, a visibly emerging port infrastructure and supply chain, and apparent willingness to tackle transmission. …

“Today, the California market is not as strong, and adding in new technology development will likely result in a lower price,” it said. “However, California is a premier market with strong political and public support and being the first to market is very attractive, as auction prices will only rise over time.”

ISO-NE: FERC Delay Sets Back DER Capacity Market Participation

FERC’s delayed response to ISO-NE’s Order 2222 compliance filing means that distributed energy resources won’t have a new way to participate in the grid operator’s next capacity auction.

In its compliance filing, sent to the commission in February, ISO-NE asked FERC to issue an order approving its response to Order 2222 by Nov. 1.

A month after that date, the grid operator made clear that, with no FERC approval yet arriving, it won’t be able to start approving and implementing rules that allow DECRs (distributed energy capacity resources), which ISO-NE defines as an aggregation of one or more DER aggregations, to take part in FCA 18, the capacity auction set to take place in 2024.

Unlike existing rules for demand response resources to compete in the market, the new rules are intended to allow for aggregations that include both demand response and other resources to also have a pathway to participate in the FCM.

“The November 1, 2022, effective date was necessary to ensure that the ISO would have sufficient time to implement the proposed rules for DECRs to participate in FCA 18,” ISO-NE wrote in a memo. “These efforts include developing software for qualification and auction participation for DECRs; establishing DECR qualification processes, user interfaces and forms, and data submission procedures; and creating associated training materials.”

ISO-NE said it will resume consideration of tariff updates for DERs to be included in the capacity auction as soon as it hears back from FERC on the Order 2222 compliance filing, but that it’s too late for participation in FCA 18, the process for which begins in March 2023.

IMM: Faulty Assumption in MISO’s Seasonal Auction Design

ORLANDO, Fla. — MISO’s Independent Market Monitor said he has uncovered a faulty assumption behind the seasonal capacity requirements, months before the RTO debuts its seasonal capacity auction.

IMM David Patton told the MISO Board of Directors’ Markets Committee Tuesday that he believes that MISO’s seasonal capacity requirements are artificially inflated in shoulder seasons because it expects generators on planned outages to offer capacity.

“MISO’s [seasonal] requirements essentially assume that all units with planned outages will be selling capacity,” he said. “Since that would reduce the average availability of capacity purchased, it raises the requirement.”

Patton said he expects that some generating units on long-duration planned outages won’t sell capacity and will seek exclusions with the IMM from market power mitigation. The exemptions allow generation owners to withhold capacity or offer it at high prices.

“This will cause the shoulder seasons to be artificially tight — and may be short,” Patton said, pointing to the fall months that are typically rife with planned outages. He said if half the units with long-term outage scheduled during next fall don’t offer, MISO will be short on capacity over the season.

If the grid operator’s planning resource auction fails to procure enough capacity in the fall, Patton said, it would be a “manufactured shortage” and “artificial tightness.” He said MISO should publish revised loss-of-load expectations or find another way to “ratchet down” the requirement.

Patton said the issue is “pressing.”

“From an economic perspective, this is really big deal,” he said. “We would have to reject exclusion requests and force such units to sell to reduce the impact of this issue. Even then, prices would be artificially inflated if suppliers include expected penalty costs in their offers.”  

Patton said MISO’s seasonal capacity actions are a big undertaking, making it difficult for staff to anticipate all implications.

“Going to a seasonal market, there’s a tremendous number of changes that have to be made in a short amount of time,” he said.

Staff said they’re working with the IMM on a solution for their shoulder season requirements.  

MISO will simultaneously conduct four seasonal capacity auctions this spring, with accreditation values for thermal generation that vary by season. FERC in August approved the RTO’s request to clear four separate auctions once a year and to use an availability-based resource accreditation that relies on the riskiest hours in a season. (See FERC OKs MISO Seasonal Auction, Accreditation.)

Otherwise, Patton said MISO is making good progress on his yearly bundles of market improvement recommendations. (See MISO Simpatico with Monitor’s 2022 Market Recommendations.)

“I’m super excited for what MISO is doing,” Patton told board members.

“So clearly, there is a Santa Claus,” MISO director Mark Johnson joked.

MISO TOs File to End Reactive Supply Compensation

MISO transmission owners have filed with FERC to eliminate all reactive power and voltage-control charges from their own and affiliated generation resources.

The TO sector said the revisions will result in a rate decrease for transmission customers. They agreed in October to make the filing and requested FERC backdate the change to Dec. 1 (ER23-523).

Under Schedule 2 of MISO’s tariff, most generation owners can apply to receive separate compensation for their reactive supply. The TOs said they no longer want any separate charges to pay for reactive service supplied within the standard power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging power factor.

The TOs proposed that online generation called up or manually redispatched by MISO to furnish reactive power outside of the generator’s deadband (a control system’s band of input values where the output is zero) should still be compensated. They said their proposal would put an end to generation receiving “compensation whether or not it ever actually supplies reactive power or whether or not it is located in an area where there is an actual need for additional reactive power.”

FERC has previously ruled that generators don’t have to be paid for reactive power within the standard range, the TOs said.

During an Advisory Committee meeting Wednesday, members asked whether the TOs expect resistance to the filing.

“I think there are a number of different views on the filing, so there is a possibility that it will be protested,” Stacie Hebert, a TO representative for Otter Tail Power, said.

MISO said it has not taken a position on the filing but submitted it to FERC on behalf of its TOs.

The TOs emphasized that their proposal will not affect the grid’s reliability.

“The proposed revisions eliminate the capability-based reactive power compensation via Schedule 2, and impact neither the need for or creation of reactive power nor the ongoing obligation of generators to provide reactive power,” MISO TOs said. “In other words, new generators will still be required to have the capability to provide reactive power within the deadband as a condition of obtaining interconnection and all generators will still be required to operate with that capability enabled as a condition of maintaining an interconnection.”

ISO-NE Lays out Proposal for Measuring Gas Plants’ Winter Limitations

As ISO-NE continues to hack away at the complicated process of updating its capacity accreditation method, the grid operator is turning its attention to gas.

In a presentation to the NEPOOL Markets Committee on Tuesday, ISO-NE officials outlined principles for how they plan to upgrade accreditation of gas resources, which has been an emphasis for many stakeholders frustrated that the current process fails to take into account fuel storage limitations.

ISO-NE is planning to introduce a qualification rule that would reflect gas generators’ fuel storage capabilities and fuel contracting arrangements for the winter, said Tongxin Zheng, the RTO’s director of advanced technology solutions.

Gas resources’ qualified capacity for the winter season would be divided into firm and non-firm capacity. Non-firm capacity — that which is not backed up by on-site fuel storage or firm fuel contracts — would lead to a lower capacity rating for resources.

“Gas resources will be required to demonstrate firm fuel arrangements (e.g., LNG contracts, firm pipeline transport, proposed dual-fuel capability and on-site storage capability) in the qualification process,” Zheng said.

ISO-NE is also planning major changes to how it models resource adequacy during the winter. The grid operator is planning to use forecasts of available pipeline capacity and LNG under different scenarios to enhance its modeling.

Early Concerns from LS Power

Ben Griffiths of LS Power offered a rebuttal to ISO-NE, presenting on the company’s initial criticisms.

In particular, Griffiths said LS is “concerned that the ISO is deviating from its unit-specific approach when addressing pipeline gas availability.”

Unlike other pieces of ISO-NE’s marginal reliability impact (MRI) approach to accreditation, he said, the proposed fuel framework “relies on class-level accreditation mechanisms.”

ISO-NE’s resource capacity accreditation project “will be a failure unless it can reasonably distinguish between high-quality, gas-only resources and low-quality ones,” Griffiths said.

Among the various discrepancies between resources, he said, are that gas availability is spottier at downstream delivery points; different pipelines go to different points; and different units have gas arrangements with varying levels of “firmness.”

He noted an incident from March of this year, when multiple gas-fired generators warned the grid operator that they might be short on gas imminently. To fill the gap, several additional fast-start resources came online — including another gas plant, LS Power’s Wallingford facility.

“If some gas resources are coming offline for fuel unavailability while others can come online with no notice to replace them, then gas resources cannot be treated as one-for-one,” Griffiths said.

California Offshore Wind Bidders Show Caution

The West Coast’s first offshore wind auction got off to a cautious start Tuesday, with bids closing the day at levels far lower than two East Coast wind auctions held earlier this year.

By the close of bidding at 5 p.m. ET, the high bids for five leases off the California coast had reached an average of $1,037/acre, a little less than the $1,083/acre paid for wind leases off the Massachusetts coast in 2018, the Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management reported.  

The auction will resume Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. ET, and some observers predict bidding could continue through Thursday, with prices more than doubling from Tuesday.

The California auction involves 373,267 acres in two large wind energy areas — the Humboldt Wind Energy Area off the coast of Northern California and the Morro Bay Wind Energy Area off the coast of Central California. (See BOEM Sets California Offshore Wind Auction Date.)

The California bidding totaled $387.1 million at the close of business Tuesday. By comparison, winning bids for the New York Bight area in February set a record of $8,837/acre, totaling $4.7 billion, while a North Carolina auction in May fetched $2,900/acre, for a total of $315 million.

As the auction began Tuesday morning, California Gov. Gavin Newsom hailed it as a “historic step.”

“Together with leadership from the Biden-Harris administration, we’re entering a new era of climate action and solutions that give our planet a new lease on life,” Newsom said in a news release. President Biden established a goal last year for the U.S. to deploy 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030.

California has a mandate to provide retail customers with 100% clean energy by 2045 under 2018’s Senate Bill 100. The state’s Energy Commission has proposed offshore wind goals of 25 GW by 2045 to help fulfill that target.

Environmental groups and trade associations lauded the start of the auction.  

“California will be the big winner in this first lease sale for the state’s multigigawatt floating offshore wind resource,” Adam Stern, executive director of Offshore Wind California said in a statement. The trade group declined to comment on the bidding so far.

Reasons for Caution

Analysts had warned that bidders could be cautious given the West Coast’s lack of offshore wind infrastructure, including developed ports, and the floating wind turbines required in California’s deep offshore waters.

ClearView Energy Partners called floating offshore wind “a far more nascent and undemonstrated technology,” saying the higher risks could mean lower lease prices.

“The record number of [43] eligible companies bidding for the areas suggests a highly competitive environment that may not conclude until tomorrow or Thursday,” ClearView said in a statement previewing the auction.

“However, we are not yet convinced that final per-acre prices will exceed those reached for the WEAs leased off New Jersey and New York earlier this year,” the firm said. “While California has aggressive decarbonization targets and needs new non-solar renewable resources, it does not yet have policies specifically targeting offshore wind akin to those adopted by several East Coast states.”

The Business Network for Offshore Wind said it was “excited to see the commencement of the first West Coast and first floating offshore wind lease auction” but warned not to expect record prices.  

“The Network does not believe the California leases will fetch as high of auction fees as the New York Bight but will likely eclipse what we saw in the Carolinas,” the trade association said in a statement. “The New York Bight had several key elements including a very visible path to offtake, strong monetary and public support from state governments, a visibly emerging port infrastructure and supply chain, and apparent willingness to tackle transmission. …

“Today, the California market is not as strong, and adding in new technology development will likely result in a lower price,” it said. “However, California is a premier market with strong political and public support and being the first to market is very attractive, as auction prices will only rise over time.”

IEA: Solar Will be ‘No. 1 Source of Electricity’ Worldwide by 2027

Driven by global concerns about energy security and new government support — such as the Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S. — renewable energy could see unprecedented growth in the next five years, outpacing natural gas and coal as the world’s top source of electricity, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

“In the next five years, the growth will be equal to what we have seen in the last 20 years,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said Tuesday at an online rollout for the Renewables 2022 report. “Solar will be the No. 1 source of electricity in the world.”

Heymi Bahar (IEA) FI.jpgHeymi Bahar, IEA | IEA

The IEA has upped its projection for renewable capacity growth to more than 2,400 GW by 2027, a 30% increase over its five-year projections in Renewables 2021, said IEA Senior Analyst Heymi Bahar, a lead author of the 2022 report.

But even this accelerated growth, based on existing policies, will not be enough to ensure climate change can be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the global goal set in the Paris climate accords of 2015. To stay on track for that target, the IEA estimates total renewable capacity would have to grow by more than 3,500 GW in the next five years.

“Most advanced economies face challenges to implementation, especially related to permitting and grid infrastructure expansion,” the report says. In the U.S., an estimated 1,400 GW of solar, wind and storage projects are currently in interconnection queues, according to figures from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

In developing and emerging countries, policy, weak grid infrastructure and lack of access to financing are the main obstacles. Addressing these challenges, in both developed and developing countries, could close the gap about halfway, the report says.

Still, the IEA report is mostly optimistic. “Annual solar PV capacity additions increase every year for the next five years,” the report says. “Despite current higher investment costs due to elevated commodity prices, utility-scale solar PV is the least costly option for new electricity generation in a significant majority of countries worldwide. …

“Distributed solar PV, such as rooftop solar on buildings, is also set for faster growth as a result of higher retail electricity prices and growing policy support to help consumers save money on their energy bills,” the report says.

In other words, Behar said, “Cheap renewables are providing new capacity that is cheaper than existing systems or new additions.”

Renewables coming online will account for 90% of new capacity growth in energy markets worldwide and almost 40% of all electricity production by 2027, Behar said

Electricity Generation by Technology (IEA) Content.jpgBy 2027, renewables will be the top source of electricity in the world, surpassing both natural gas and coal. | IEA


“We expect the share of all the other fuels to decline, and their share basically [to move] to the renewables,” he said. Solar capacity will surpass natural gas in 2026 and surpass coal in 2027, Behar said.

The report also sees a gradual shift in global supply chains, with government incentives, like the IRA’s tax credits for solar manufacturing, helping to create domestic supply chains, both in the U.S. and India, which can in turn lessen U.S. dependence on China for solar imports.

The IRA’s manufacturing tax credits, which come with a direct pay option, “could bring all segments of PV manufacturing to cost parity with the lowest-cost manufacturers” in China and Southeast Asia, the report says.

But such policies will, at best, put a dent in China’s dominance of renewable energy supply chains, the report says. The IEA estimates that the country’s share of global supply chains could dip from the current level of 80 to 95% to 75 to 90%. Maintaining trade policies that limit solar imports and encourage domestic production could shrink China’s market share further to 60 to 75% by 2027, the report says.

But, Behar said, the build-out of supply chains in the U.S., India and China could produce a supply glut, with supply “doubling the need of the demand in the coming years. So, there will be an important opportunity to merge several manufacturers in terms of their plants or basically decommission the old capacity, which has the oldest technology today,” he said.

1.5 Still Alive

As it did in its recent report on energy efficiency, the IEA frames drivers and trends in renewable energy development with the impacts of Russia’s war on Ukraine. The war, and the global energy crisis it has triggered, have “turbocharged” renewable energy growth, Birol said. (See IEA: Global Energy Crisis Puts Efficiency at ‘Center of Policy Agendas.’)

Fatih Birol (IEA) FI.jpgFatih Birol, IEA | IEA

“Many countries around the world see renewables now as an option to address energy security concerns” and replace Russian gas imports, especially in Europe, he said.

Another key driver is cost, Birol said. “The high-end, volatile fossil fuel prices [for] gas and coal make renewables competitive, even more competitive when it comes to electricity generation and high oil prices,” he said. “So solar is and will be the king of global power markets.”

The IEA report also, for the first time, looks at green hydrogen production as an emerging, but significant driver for renewable energy growth. More than 25 countries, including the U.S., and the European Union have introduced “policies and support measures.”

At present, IEA says about 500 MW of solar and onshore wind are dedicated to green hydrogen production, powering electrolyzers that produce hydrogen without carbon emissions, unlike most “grey” hydrogen produced from natural gas. IEA expects 50 GW of renewables will be used for green hydrogen production worldwide by 2027, a 100-fold increase, Behar said.

Renewable Capacity for Hydrogen (IEA) Content.jpgHydrogen production emerges as a new driver for solar and wind growth. | IEA


Looking specifically at the U.S., IEA predicts a 74% increase in renewables, adding more than 280 GW of solar and wind to the grid by 2027, with only a very small 4 GW dedicated to green hydrogen production. At present, the U.S. has about 131 GW of solar, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association.

Supply chain interruptions and the Commerce Department’s preliminary decision extending solar tariffs on solar cells and modules imported from companies in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam have slowed solar growth, with a 20% dip predicted for 2022, the report says. (See Solar Industry Slams Commerce Decision Extending Solar Tariffs.)

IEA expects the slowdown to be short-term. A range of incentives and tax credits in the IRA are “expected to make the business case more attractive for utility-scale projects,” the report says. Growing momentum in offshore wind is also expected, with the potential for up to 15 GW of projects in the development pipeline to go online by 2027.

President Biden’s goal of 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030 faces a list of barriers, the report says, “including long federal and state-level permitting wait times; Jones Act requirements that reduce the number of installation vessels available; and the need for port and transmission infrastructure development.”

The Jones Act requires that ships moving goods between U.S. ports be U.S.-owned and -operated. Such vessels for offshore wind deployment are currently limited.

The obstacles still slowing renewable energy growth inevitably raise questions about whether the Paris accord’s 1.5-degree limit on climate change is still possible, as one reporter asked Birol at the end of Tuesday’s webcast.

While acknowledging the difficulties ahead, Birol said, “It is far too early to write the obituary of the 1.5-degree target.”

Investments in clean energy are expected to reach $2 trillion by 2030, only about half of the $4 trillion needed to get to net zero by 2050, he said.

“Is it easy? Not at all,” Birol said. “Especially if we note that the bulk of this money needs to go to emerging and developing countries, it’s a big challenge. But in our view, to say that a 1.5-degree target is dead is factually poor and politically irresponsible. Such a conclusion may even jeopardize [our ability] to reach the targets of 1.6 [and] 1.7 degrees.”

California’s Energy Efficiency Policies Ranked Best in Nation

California ranks highest in a nonprofit advocacy group’s annual report on states’ energy-efficiency policies and programs, while the next eight entrants on the list are all clustered in the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions.

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy on Tuesday issued the 2022 edition of its State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, first compiled in 2007.

It was the second year in a row that ACEEE put California at the top of the list; the report’s authors said it has become a leader for other states with its clean energy building codes and standards for vehicle emissions and appliance efficiency. As a result, it was awarded 47 of a possible 50 points.

“California recently approved the Advanced Clean Cars II rule, which will help the state meet its carbon neutrality targets,” the report noted. “The rule, if adopted by other states, will greatly grow the zero-emission vehicle market and deliver significant clean air and climate benefits.”

This year’s scorecard gave greater weight to states’ efforts to ensure that the clean energy transition benefited all segments of society, including those marginalized in the past.

During a webinar Tuesday discussing the scorecard, California Public Utilities Commissioner Genevieve Shiroma said the state has a very aggressive environmental justice plan to ask the question “are we lifting the least among us” as it moves the energy transition forward.

California attained a near-perfect score on equity, but 34 states earned less than half the possible points, according to ACEEE’s Sagarika Subramanian, lead author of the study.

“A small but growing number of states are making progress toward [equity],” she said during the webinar. “I think leading states are really understanding the importance of all customers being included in the clean energy transition.”

Among the 50 states and D.C., Maine made the biggest jump in the annual ratings, moving up 11 spots to No. 5 on the strength of its climate leadership, particularly in the buildings sector.

Projects funded by Maine’s housing authority are now required to be all-electric and include EV charging; weatherization and heat pump incentives have been increased; and Maine’s Clean Transportation Roadmap sets out a plan to advance EV adoption.

Dan Burgess, director of the Maine Governor’s Energy Office, said Gov. Janet Mills and the Legislature have set out ambitious energy-efficiency and net-zero goals. “We’ve been hard at work across state government and with partners across Maine working on how to achieve those targets,” he said.

The scorecard reflects the great diversity of opinion and policy within the U.S. The authors note that while some states are taking extensive steps to encourage electrification, at least a dozen others forbid incentives to switch from fossil fuel heat to electric.

South Carolina took the biggest drop in the rankings, falling nine spots to tie with Kansas at 49th because of policies that discourage use of efficiency funds for fuel switching; restrictions on jurisdictions adopting a more stringent energy code than the statewide code; and not having equitable planning or processes.

Dead last on the ACEEE scorecard was Wyoming, at 51st place with 2 points.

The scorecard flags Colorado (13), Michigan (15), Nevada (21), New York (3), North Carolina (25), Oregon (11) and Washington (11, tied with Oregon) as “states to watch” because of their high ranks within their own regions and the promising model they offer their neighbors.

NV Energy IRP Looks to Reduce Reliance on Open Market

NV Energy has filed a proposal aimed at reducing Nevada’s dependence on the open energy market through the addition of geothermal resources, battery storage and a 440-MW, gas-fired peaker facility.

The plan proposes to postpone by either five or 10 years the retirement dates of several gas-fired units in both northern and southern Nevada. The proposal also addresses NV Energy’s removal from its energy portfolio of two solar-plus-storage projects that the company said have stalled because of supply chain issues.

The plan was filed last week with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) as an amendment to the company’s 2021 integrated resource plan. A commission decision on the plan is expected by mid-May. But NV Energy is asking the PUCN to approve the Silverhawk peaking facility by March 10, so that operations can start by July 2024.

NV Energy said Nevada’s energy supply has faced challenges over the last three summers caused by energy shortfalls in California and increased competition for energy across the West. The company said the proposal is intended to “shield” its customers from the impacts of regulatory changes in California and resource adequacy challenges.

“Our plan will advance Nevada’s energy independence — ensuring reliable energy for our customers no matter how hot it gets across the western United States while also advancing our state’s sustainability and clean energy goals,” NV Energy CEO Doug Cannon said in a statement.

NV Energy’s push for Nevada’s “energy independence” comes as the state faces a 2030 deadline for its transmission providers to join an RTO as mandated by Senate Bill 448 of the state legislature’s 2021 session.

NV Energy has been participating in the RTO discussions. It is also a participant in the Western Markets Exploratory Group (WMEG), a stakeholder group that is discussing the design of two proposed day-ahead markets: CAISO’s extended day-ahead market and SPP’s Markets+. (See NV Energy Seeks Recovery of RTO-related Expenses.)

“Our filing aligns with our support of a regional transmission organization that will improve resource adequacy and improve reliability for our customers,” an NV Energy spokesperson told NetZero Insider.

Plan Components

NV Energy’s new proposed resource plan includes a 200-MW, grid-tied battery storage system on the site of the coal-fired Valmy Generating Station in Northern Nevada, which is slated for retirement by the end of 2025. The estimated cost for the battery storage is $466 million.

The Valmy battery storage would be a four-hour system, in contrast to the recently approved two-hour Reid Gardner battery storage system. Reid Gardner was designed to target the tip of summer net peak load, while Valmy will cover a broader portion of the peak, NV Energy said in its filing.

Another component of the plan is 440 MW of natural gas-fired combustion peaking turbines on the site of the Silverhawk Generating Station in southern Nevada. Silverhawk is a 520-MW, gas-fired power plant near Las Vegas.

NV Energy said in its filing that the Silverhawk peaking plant would be able to run on a 15% hydrogen fuel mix, with a potential for 100% hydrogen operation in the future.

The geothermal piece of the plan includes a 120-MW package of geothermal projects from Ormat and a 20-MW geothermal system from Eavor. The pricing for the geothermal energy would be $69/MWh for the Ormat portfolio and $70/MWh for the Eavor project — prices that NV Energy called “historically low” for a geothermal resource. For example, the Eavor price would be 28% lower than the last geothermal energy price that PUCN approved.

NV Energy’s proposal also includes transmission upgrades to accommodate the new energy resources.

Solar Projects Stalled

NV Energy received PUCN approval in January to purchase the Iron Point and Hot Pot solar-plus-storage projects from Primergy Solar. The projects — totaling 600 MW of solar and 480 MW of battery storage — were intended as replacement resources for the Valmy coal-fired plant.

But now, Iron Point and Hot Pot are “no longer expected to move forward as previously approved,” NV Energy said in its filing, blaming supply-chain issues.

“Due to the recent … price increases in the solar and energy storage market, [the developer] was unable to complete procurement on the schedule and at a price supporting that approved by the commission,” the filing said.

NV Energy said it is working with the developer to find ways that one or both projects could be delivered. Primergy didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment sent to the solar company’s publicist.

Utilities Grapple with Increasingly Distributed Power System

WASHINGTON — The transition to a more distributed power system is well underway, but system operators need better visibility into that shift, experts told GridWise Alliance’s gridCONNEXT 2022 on Tuesday.

“I’ve got 5,800 EVs and plug-in hybrids on my system, and I control 21,” said Mark Gabriel, CEO of Denver area cooperative United Power. “This number is going up between 100 and 200 a month. It is ramping like crazy, and we have no ability to control it.”

United Power has seen 9,400 of the 107,000 meters it serves adopt distributed solar, but it has control over none of those, he added.

The old days of vertically integrated utilities featured power systems that were much easier to run, and all of the risk was at the utility. But now the assumption of risk is moving toward the customer — or member in the co-op’s case, Gabriel said.

In response to the changes, United Power is shifting from its role as a generation and transmission cooperative to become a distribution system operator that will need to be linked up to a wholesale market, Gabriel said. Colorado law (SB 72) requires the state’s utilities to enter an RTO by 2030, but Gabriel said that shift should happen at least five years earlier.

Portland General Electric, which is facing many of the same issues, will get one-quarter of its supply from the distribution system by 2030, said Vice President of System Operations Larry Bekkedahl. The Oregon utility is also adding 3,000 MW of renewables and 1,000 MW of storage over the next decade to a system with peak demand of 4,400 MW.

“If anybody thinks they’re bored in our industry right now, come see me,” Bekkedahl said.

Those changes to supply are coming on top of climate-driven demand shifts. PGE saw its all-time peak in June 2021, when temperatures hit 116 degrees Fahrenheit in Portland. PGE’s demand was 10% higher than it ever had been.

“Our previous peak was 4,100 MW,” Bekkedahl said. This summer’s high was 97 F, with a peak load of 4,250 MW. “So everyone that didn’t have air conditioning the year before now has air conditioning in their house.”

Such rapid demand growth makes the historic utility practice of using the previous 15 years as a guide questionable, he added.

CAISO recently broke a 15-year-old demand record as high temperatures led to consumers using 52,061 MW on Sept. 6, said Hani Alarian, the ISO’s executive director of power systems, technology and operations. CAISO avoided rolling blackouts with a text message from the governor’s office urging Californians to conserve.

CAISO, which has seen solar grow to more than 14,000 MW, also has 12,000 MW of rooftop solar, which is only seen by the grid operator when it impacts demand. The ISO also has seen more than 3,000 MW of battery storage added in recent years, which will continue growing, Alarian said.

All that solar has made the hours of 4 to 9 p.m. during high demand days the most difficult to manage, as solar production falls off while demand remains high.

“In three hours we [ramped] almost 18,000 MW; that’s a sustained 100-MW ramp rate [per] minute for three hours,” Alarian said. “That’s a lot of ramp.”

While the demand side is changing because of climate change, distributed generation and electrification, advanced metering technology is keeping pace and is now much more functional than the first round of the technology, which only eliminated meter reading jobs and helped utilities with operations, said Jonathan Staab, manager of product development at Landis+Gyr. The second wave of advanced meters allowed for more engagement with consumers by enabling dynamic pricing and increasing customer visibility into their power usage patterns.

“The third wave in this evolution happens to be the wave that we’re in right now,” Staab said. “This wave, I would argue, is probably the largest technological advancement, and it involves direct and often real-time engagement with consumers.”

While Landis+Gyr provides the meters for that engagement, the firm Sense offers software that can show customers exactly which of their appliances are using power — and even whether something is wrong with one of them, said its vice president of energy services, Colin Gibbs.

Gibbs demonstrated how his company’s app showed his home’s energy uses as his wife, who was across the country, turned on appliances such as the coffee kettle and their clothes washer. The appliances immediately showed up on his app with their total power use. “It’s important to note that this is not a smart coffee kettle; this is not an IOT [internet of things] device; this is just some regular, old electric resistance coffee kettle that we use in the morning,” Gibbs said.

Sense currently has to add a small submeter to customers’ utility meter that costs about $300 and another $150 for an electrician to install it, but eventually that will go away as more utilities roll out advanced smart meters. Sense will offer apps for new smart meters, Gibbs said.