October 5, 2024

CAISO Board Elects New Chair, Vice Chair

The CAISO Board of Governors on Thursday elected a new chair and vice chair from among its members and praised outgoing Chair Ashutosh Bhagwat, who is leaving the board after 12 years of service.

Mary Leslie (LABC) FI.jpgMary Leslie | LABC

The board named Mary Leslie to serve as its chair and Jan Schori as vice chair starting Jan. 1, continuing its practice of rotating leaders annually.

Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed Leslie to the CAISO board in 2019. She is the longtime president of the Los Angeles Business Council, a group that works with businesses, government and nonprofits to shape city policy. She was the deputy mayor of Los Angeles under Mayor Richard Riordan from 1994 to 1995 and a commissioner at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power from 2001 to 2003.

“This is an exciting time to be on the ISO Board of Governors as we transition to a carbon-free power system and enhanced regional coordination throughout the West, and I am honored to have been chosen by my colleagues to serve as the chair,” Leslie said in a statement after the vote.

Schori-Jan-2019-11-07-RTO-Insider-FI-1.jpgJan Schori | © RTO Insider LLC

Newsom appointed Schori to the CAISO board in February 2021 following her tenure as a NERC trustee for 12 years, the maximum allowed. From 1984 to 2008, Schori worked for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, one of the nation’s largest municipal utilities, including as its CEO and general manager, general counsel and staff attorney.

Governor Angelina Galiteva, CAISO’s first female board chair, called the election of Leslie and Schori “yet another historic moment in the history of the board of the California ISO.”

“For the very first time, due to this rotation that we’ve implemented on an annual basis, we have a female chair and a female vice chair, which has never happened before,” Galiteva said.

Newsom next will have to fill the seat left vacant by current CAISO board Chair Bhagwat, whom former Gov. Jerry Brown first appointed in April 2011. Bhagwat, a University of Davis Law School professor, plans to leave the board by the end of February or as soon as Newsom names a successor.

Ashutosh Bhagwat (UC Davis School of Law) Content.jpgAshutosh Bhagwat | UC Davis School of Law

The board plans a formal sendoff for Bhagwat early next year but recognized his service and recent tenure as chair at Thursday’s board meeting.

“Can I be as bold as to take a moment to thank you for your leadership this last year and express our deep sorrow at your family getting to spend more time with you?” Leslie said, prompting laughter. “You will be sorely missed.”

Bhagwat thanked the ISO’s board, management, staff and its stakeholder community.

“It has been a truly fantastic 12-year run, like nothing else I’ve had in my life,” he said. “I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.”

Lacking Low-cost Power Agreement, Wash. Smelter Revival Falters

An effort to reopen Washington’s last standing aluminum plant with a lower carbon footprint faltered last week after the company backing the deal failed to secure a guarantee of low-cost power from the Bonneville Power Administration.

For more than two years, a New York City private equity firm, a labor union, the state government and BPA worked to revive the plant near Ferndale, Wash., and hire back the 700 employees laid off when Alcoa shuttered the smelter in 2020. Gov. Jay Inslee wanted the state to contribute $10 million to the revival; shrinking the resurrected plant’s carbon emissions figured into his push to combat climate change.

The big hurdle was that BPA and the private equity firm that wanted to buy the former Alcoa Intalco Works, Blue Wolf Capital of New York City, could not agree on terms for BPA to provide electricity for the power-hungry plant.

On Thursday, Blue Wolf broke off talks, BPA spokesman Doug Johnson told RTO Insider. The federal power agency is willing to resume discussions if Blue Wolf returns to the table, he said.

Talks broke down over the huge electricity demands of aluminum smelting. When Alcoa owned the plant, it received power at a special industrial rate provided under the 1980 Northwest Power Act. Blue Wolf and a new operating company, Intalco, wanted to buy the facility from Alcoa with the site’s industrial power purchase rate intact, but the 1980 law said the rate could not be transferred.

Consequently, the Blue Wolf-BPA talks focused on market rates, which are subject to fluctuation and could move above or below the industrial rate, Johnson said. Blue Wolf wanted a rate similar to the industrial rate, but a fluctuating market could result in other BPA customers paying more to subsidize Intalco’s power purchases, he said. The bulk of the BPA’s power comes from hydroelectric dams.

Scott Simms, executive director of the Portland, Oregon-based Public Power Council, a coalition of consumer-owned utilities in seven states, including Washington, said Blue Wolf misread BPA’s legal obligations to provide power.

“By Congressional statute, BPA must first and foremost serve the needs of Northwest non-profit public utilities at cost. To the degree BPA has surpluses, it can make excess supplies available to others in the wholesale marketplace,” Simms said in an email. “As our Western power grid becomes tighter on available supplies given heightened demands and new climate mandates, BPA must be certain it can supply public power first, as Congress intended. 

“I believe Blue Wolf either misunderstood or failed to realize this long-standing BPA statutory obligation to public power. It legally wasn’t ever possible for Blue Wolf to step in front of public power’s legitimate and rightful obligation to BPA power for a sweetheart deal,” Simms said. 

Blue Wolf did not reply to a request for comment.

‘Huge Employer’

Supporters had hoped to get the Ferndale plant fully running by mid-2024.

The governor’s office remains optimistic that the project can be salvaged with new equipment that would trim carbon emissions — mainly sulfur dioxide — below previous levels when Alcoa closed the plant in 2020 due to dropping aluminum prices, a scenario that has played out for smelter across the U.S. The high costs of smelting aluminum, especially due to the volume of electricity required, resulted in the number of the nation’s smelters shrinking from 30 in 1985 to six today.

The anti-carbon measures proposed for the Ferndale plant include better scrubbing and filtering of the fumes going up smokestacks. They also include switching from electricity generated by fossil fuels to that provided by wind, solar and hydropower.

The Ferndale plant would need roughly $250 million in improvements and overhauls to get back online and 400 MW of electricity to operate. 

In a statement Friday, Inslee’s office said “the governor remains committed to the vision of upgrading and reopening the plant as a secure, domestic source of the green aluminum that is critical for our clean energy transition. He stands ready to work with labor and community partners as they continue to seek a solution.” 

“We are disappointed that negotiations to restart the Intalco aluminum smelter in Washington State, which would provide 700 local high-paying jobs and help secure a domestic supply of low carbon aluminum appear to have failed,” Annie Sartor, aluminum campaign director for Industrious Labs, said in an email. Industrious Labs is a Cincinnati-based think tank focusing on helping industries grow while coping with climate change issues. 

Sartor wanted the Biden administration and Congress to invest in reviving aluminum manufacturing with renewable energy. Aluminum is a key component in building electric vehicles, solar panels and transmission lines.

Meanwhile, the likelihood of 700 resurrected jobs in Ferndale has taken a huge hit.

Luke Ackerson, business manager of the International Association of Machinists Local No. 160, remembers when the plant shut down during the pandemic in 2020. “Some worked there for 30, 40, 50 years, and you would see on their faces ‘What am I gonna do next?’” Ackerson said last month. “Ferndale is a small town, and this is a huge employer.” Ackerson could not be reached for additional comment.

Brian Urban, who worked as a bricklayer at the plant, said of the plant’s closing: “It came as a complete surprise. Some people got angry. Some people got completely depressed. There were some suicides. Some marriages suffered.” Urban and his wife coped, and he continued as a bricklayer for Local 160.

The union had negotiated a contract with Intalco that would have kept the Alcoa-level wages and would give the workers partial ownership of the plant.

Meanwhile, Intalco expected to negotiate a “bridge contract” of a few years to obtain electricity from traditional sources before switching entirely to alternative power sources such as solar and wind, Intalco CEO Mike Tanchuk said in an interview last month. He could not be reached for comment after the BPA talks ended Thursday.  

U.S. industry has an annual aluminum demand of 5 million metric tons (MMT). American smelters produce 1 MMT a year, while another 2 MMT come from Canada. The remainder comes from overseas, including 300,000 metric tons a year from Russia. The Ferndale plant could produce 235,000 metric tons annually, which would make up most of the aluminum imported from Russia, said Joe Quinn, director of the Center for Strategic Industrial Materials, a D.C.-based think tank.

China produces more than 60% of the world’s aluminum, primarily through coal-fired electricity. The world’s leading producer of aluminum using carbon-free, hydro-powered energy is Russia, Quinn said.

NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: Dec. 15, 2022

RENSSELAER, N.Y. — NYISO’s Operating Committee on Thursday approved a winter study, tariff revisions to improve transmission study coordination within the interconnection process, manual updates for “internal controllable” lines (ICLs) and a winter operations study that included new nameplate values for energy storage.

Con Ed Study

The committee approved compliance procedures presented by Consolidated Edison that verified loss-of-gas and minimum oil burn requirements for the winter, which found that there was no change in the results from last year.

Con Ed said it should be able to provide New York City with energy during peak load conditions and meet NYISO reliability requirements using the same expected number of generators as the last winter capability period.

Dan Head, senior engineer at Con Ed, summarized the findings saying, “This year should look like last year.”

Interconnection & Transmission

The OC voted to recommend that the Management Committee and Board of Directors authorize NYISO staff to file proposed tariff revisions that revise base case inclusion rules used in interconnection studies, as well as enhance coordination between transmission project and class year project studies.

The proposals build upon NYISO’s efforts to improve the interconnection process. (See NYISO Investigating Tariff Changes to Improve Interconnection Processes.) The ISO will request an effective date of 60 days from when the proposal is filed with FERC.

‘Internal Controllable’ Lines

Stakeholders voted to approve manual revisions to clarify how ICLs will be evaluated with respect to both existing interface definitions and dispatch assumptions.

The updates, which were approved by both the OC on Thursday and the Business Issues Committee the day before, are part of a raft of revisions to the ICL design that have been proceeding on an accelerated timeline so that they can be adopted for the 2023 Class Year. (See “Deliverability Rules,” NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Nov. 30, 2022.)

Winter Operations Highlights

The committee approved NYISO’s 2022 winter operations report, which reinforced the New York-to-New England interface loop-flow concerns raised by the Market Monitoring Unit. (See related story, NYISO Over-crediting Poorly Performing Units’ Capacity, Monitor Says.)

NYISO also shared an updated total nameplate value of installed intermittent resources in the New York Control Area, which, for the first time, included energy storage resources:

  • storage: 20 MW
  • behind-the-meter solar: 4,184 MW (+61 MW)
  • front-of-the-meter solar: 94 MW (+20 MW)

(See “Intermittent Resources Update,” NY TOs Seek Clarification on ROFR for Upgrades.)

Class Year 2021

Thinh Nguyen, senior manager of interconnection projects, told stakeholders that the second round of Class Year 2021 projects had been posted and that developers must now post their security by Dec. 21.

Assuming all security is posted on time, the next class year will start on Jan. 23, 2023.

Nguyen also said that NYISO will be hosting a Class Year Entry Forum this Wednesday for stakeholders to learn more about the process and procedures related to the class year study. Email to learn more.

Settlement Hearing Ordered for PG&E, SF Distribution Dispute

FERC on Thursday ordered settlement judge procedures for a three-year-old dispute between Pacific Gas & Electric and the city and county of San Francisco over the provision of distribution service. 

At issue was a 2019 complaint the city filed with FERC alleging that PG&E had violated its wholesale distribution tariff (WDT) by refusing to provide lower-voltage secondary service to many sites within the city.

Last week’s order comes nearly a year after the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals remanded the matter back to FERC after overturning the commission’s unanimous 2020 decision rejecting San Francisco’s complaint (EL19-38). (See San Francisco Wins Against PG&E, FERC in DC Circuit.)

In its original filing, the city alleged that PG&E had consistently refused to make new interconnections at secondary voltage unless the total electricity demand was less than 75 kW and instead offered to connect higher-voltage primary service, which requires the installation of transformers and carries higher fixed costs for ratepayers, inhibiting the installation of rooftop solar.

The city argued that the practice violated PG&E’s tariff, which it said requires the utility to offer secondary service when requested and to expand its infrastructure where necessary.

The utility countered that it did not categorically deny secondary service in cases where demand exceeded 75 kW and said its denials in some cases were based on technical, safety and reliability concerns.

FERC denied the complaint in April 2020, ruling that PG&E should decide what level of service is appropriate for customers, and upheld the decision on rehearing later that year in another unanimous vote.

But in a January 2022 opinion, a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit found that FERC failed to scrutinize the safety and reliability risks cited by PG&E. The court also rejected PG&E’s contention that it decides appropriate voltages case by case.

“Evidence before the commission showed that since 2015, many of San Francisco’s new interconnection requests exceeding 75 kW have been denied secondary service by PG&E, and that the proportion of new interconnections above 75 kW receiving primary service has increased since 2015,” the court said. It cited a July 2019 letter written by PG&E to San Francisco saying it was no longer “willing to make additional accommodations” for secondary service.

Faulty Guidepost

In re-examining the record on remand, FERC found that “PG&E’s application of an unofficial and unwritten 75-kW threshold for providing secondary service for San Francisco customers violates the filed rate doctrine, and that the criteria by which PG&E determines service level must be included in its WDT.”

The commission also concluded that FERC’s record contains “insufficient support” to find that the 75-kW threshold is “just and reasonable,” and that the record requires further development to determine when primary service is required under the WDT.

The commission noted that the filed rate doctrine forbids utilities from charging any other rate than the one filed with FERC, adding that the principal “extends to utility practices that affect rates and service.”

“Relatedly, the rule of reason requires public utilities to file for commission approval ‘practices that affect rates and service significantly, that are realistically susceptible of specification, and that are not so generally understood in any contractual arrangement as to render recitation superfluous,’” the commission wrote, citing a 1985 D.C. Circuit opinion.

The commission said it had previously determined that the 75-kW threshold did not need to be included in the WDT because it viewed the threshold as an “initial guidepost for which primary service can be expected,” noting the multiple occasions PG&E had granted secondary service for installations exceeding 75 kW. But the D.C. Circuit ruled that, even as a “guidepost,” the 75-kW threshold was the kind of “numerical threshold” that the “rule of reason” required to be included in the WDT.

“Given the court’s direction on remand, we find that under the rule of reason PG&E must include in the WDT the thresholds and other criteria used to determine whether a customer receives primary, primary plus or secondary service,” the commission said.

The commission also found that the record does not demonstrate that the 75-kW guidepost would itself be just and reasonable for determining which points of interconnection should receive either primary or secondary service.

“For example, while we recognize that the WDT serves a different purpose and applies to different customers than PG&E’s retail tariff, and while that retail tariff is not subject to the commission’s jurisdiction, PG&E has not sufficiently explained why the 3,000-kW threshold it applies in the retail context is not appropriate for determining the type of wholesale distribution service available to a point of delivery under the WDT,” FERC said.

The commission further found that it is unclear that a kilowatt threshold is either necessary or sufficient for determining whether an interconnection should be served with primary or secondary service, rather than “specified reliability, safety or operational criteria,” which could possibly be considered in conjunction with a kilowatt threshold.

“For these reasons, we find that San Francisco has demonstrated that the WDT must include the specific criteria that PG&E uses to determine whether a wholesale distribution service customer is eligible to receive primary, primary plus, or secondary service at a requested point of delivery,” the commission wrote.

FERC said the settlement hearing should examine those issues and explore what San Francisco points of interconnection, if any, that were provided primary service should have been provide secondary service since the time of the original complaint until a revised WDT becomes effective and the appropriate amount of refunds owed to San Francisco as a result.

Hudson Sangree contributed to the reporting in this article.

Texas RE Board of Directors Briefs: Dec. 14, 2022

NERC’s Robb Addresses Long-Term Reliability Assessment

Attending his first in-person meeting of the Texas Reliability Entity’s Board of Directors, NERC CEO Jim Robb was able to give directors, staff and stakeholders an early look at his organization’s annual Long-Term Reliability Assessment a day before it dropped.

“What’s really fascinating right now … is that the CEO of NERC is not supposed to be on the ‘Today’ show,” Robb said. “The fact that mainstream media has had such interest in the reliability assessments that we’ve been publishing … they used to be kind of very goal-oriented engineering studies, but starting around 2018, we started to see chinks in the armor of the industry from a reliability and resource adequacy perspective.

“Every year when we do the long-term assessment, we see the colored areas of the map that are the wrong color growing. [The latest assessment] continues the trends that we’ve seen. More and more areas of the country are at a greater risk of not being able to serve customers.”

NERC’s annual report assesses North American resource adequacy and identifies trends, emerging issues and potential risks for the next 10 years. This year’s report found most of the continent in either high-risk situations, where energy shortfalls could occur at normal peak conditions in one or more years, or elevated situations, where severe heat or cold could lead to shortfalls. (See NERC Warns of Ongoing Extreme Weather Risks.)

Robb said his resource adequacy concerns are driven by the industry’s transition to renewable resources. He said interconnection queues are overflowing with wind and solar projects and account for more than 1 TW of energy than is already on the ground.

“A lot of this stuff will never get built, so it just goes to show that there is a lot of capital and capital interest in investing in this new form of generation,” he said. “I think the transition is going to continue, and we need to get in front of it and really understand what that means.”

Given that the new technologies are different from what the industry is used to, Robb said it needs to change its mindset from capacity to focusing on energy and the ability to deliver it around the clock. He said changing weather patterns are becoming more extreme and frequent, creating more stresses on the system.

“What’s really sobering about the situation we’re in right now is that for the first time in a long time, our Long-Term Reliability Assessment is showing aggregate load that’s being driven after a number of years of reductions due to energy efficiency and attention to reducing peak capacity needs,” Robb said, warning that electrification could result in a five-fold increase in electricity demand.

“One of the things that we’re seeing in our reliability assessments is large areas of the country are moving in the wrong direction,” he said.

Robb suggested that pricing and retaining capacity not needed for everyday usage, building multistate transmission to “harvest” renewable resources and rebuilding the supply chain would address the situation.

“We’ve got to crack the code on transmission development, and it’s not a financing issue. The issue is getting sited,” he said. “So, there’s a lot of work to be done, to figure this all out.”

Texas RE’s 2023 Goals Set

Texas RE COO Joseph Younger said the organization is supporting the ERO Enterprise’s long-term strategy across five focus areas:

  • expanding risk-based focus in standards, compliance monitoring and enforcement programs;
  • assessing and accelerating steps to mitigate known and emerging risks to reliability and security;
  • building a strong Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC)-based security capability;
  • strengthening engagement across North America’s reliability and security ecosystem; and
  • capturing effectiveness, efficiency and continuous improvement opportunities.

“Our staff has really looked at ways to improve all facets of the organization,” Younger said. “We’re continuing to support the ERO and our industry stakeholders as we look to leverage those tools and enhance our processes and our security.”

Younger promised more information on NERC’s biannual GridEx exercise as its Nov. 14-15 dates approach. The event, GridEx VII, is the largest grid security exercise in North America. It provides a forum for E-ISAC member and partner organizations to practice their response and recovery from coordinated cyber and physical security threats and incidents.

NERC, Texas RE to Discuss Odessa Disturbance

Appearing earlier before the Member Representatives Committee, Younger said that NERC and the regional entity will both hold webinars on what has become known as the “Odessa Disturbance,” an inverter-based resource disruption in West Texas this summer.

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Joseph Younger, Texas RE

| © RTO Insider LLC

The two organizations worked together on an event analysis that they released Dec. 8. The report documents the June 4 event near Odessa and differentiates it from a similar event in the same location the previous year. ERCOT lost 2,555 MW of solar PV and synchronous generation during the event.

NERC and Texas RE called for “immediate industry action” to ensure that IBRs do not pose a threat to grid reliability. (See NERC Repeats IBR Warnings After Second Odessa Event.)

NERC will hold an industry webinar Jan. 4 to review the report’s findings and recommended actions, and answer questions. Texas RE will discuss the event during a Talk with Texas RE session on Jan. 24.

In its only voting item, the MRC approved a 15-day ballot period for staff’s proposed regional standards development process (RSDP). A standard drafted team has completed a red-lined version of revisions that lay out how Texas RE can obtain regional variances to NERC Reliability Standards.

If the ballot passes, the MRC will send it on to the Texas RE’s board. Assuming its approval, the entity will send the standards authorization request to NERC for a 45-day public posting and its eventual adoption.

Members Re-elect 2 Directors

During the Texas RE’s annual meeting, sandwiched between the board and MRC meetings, members re-elected Directors Crystal Ashby and Jeffrey Corbett to three-year terms.

Ashby was also selected by the board’s Nominating Committee to serve as vice chair next year. Board Chair Milton Lee was re-elected.

SPP Adds Arkansas PSC Commissioner O’Guinn to Leadership

SPP said Tuesday that it has hired Arkansas Public Service Commissioner Kimberly O’Guinn as its director of state regulatory policy. Beginning next year, she will be responsible for the grid operator’s state regulatory policy efforts and support its work on related RTO policy matters.

An environmental engineer with more than two decades of utility regulatory experience, O’Guinn was nominated to the PSC in 2016. She has presided over SPP’s Regional State Committee and is currently a member of the Organization of MISO States.

“I am very excited to be a part of the SPP team,” O’Guinn said in a press release. “My career has been dedicated to regulatory issues, which provided me an opportunity to work with SPP and its stakeholders during my tenure at the PSC.”

O’Guinn has also served in leadership roles with the Entergy Regional State Committee, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, the Electric Power Research Institute’s Advisory Council, the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas, the American Association of Blacks in Energy, and Arkansas Women in Power. She holds a bachelor’s of in environmental engineering from the University of Oklahoma.

Paul Suskie, SPP’s general counsel and executive vice president of regulatory policy, said he is “thrilled” to welcome O’Guinn.

“As a former president of the [RSC], Kim is very familiar with SPP, and her experience as a nationally respected commissioner is a great asset to the organization,” he said.

O’Guinn previously served as the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality’s director of communications and as permit engineer at the department’s Office of Air.

NY Solar Developers Look to Soar on Policy, Funding `Tailwinds’

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York’s solar industry last week celebrated with state officials a mixture of favorable policies and new funding that are set to boost the industry in 2023 and beyond.

The New York Solar Energy Industries Association’s 2022 Solar Summit drew more than 500 people to the state capital, where speakers praised the state for a nation-leading energy transition plan but also bemoaned that it is one of the slowest and most expensive places to push forward generation projects.

New York surpassed 4 GW of installed solar capacity this summer and says it is on track for 6 GW by 2025 and 10 GW — or even more — by 2030.

Ben Healey of PosiGen Solar captured the mood of the gathering, saying “The tailwinds far outweigh the headwinds.”

Confluence Of Factors

Opening the  summit Tuesday, NYSEIA Board President David Schieren said his group is pursuing a calling as well as business.

“Yes, it’s a profession; we’re making a living and maybe a little profit. But also we believe solar is one of the most important things we can do for society and our future,” he said. “We just have to stop burning fossil fuels.”

Doreen Harris David Schieren 2022-12-13 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgNYSERDA CEO Doreen Harris and David Schieren, CEO of EmPower Solar | © RTO Insider LLC

Doreen Harris, CEO of the New York Energy Research and Development Authority, said the state is “the No. 1 community solar market in the nation and the second-largest distributed PV market as well.”

“We have helped create more than 13,000 jobs in the solar industry,” she said. “We reduced the cost of solar by 70%. We in New York have provided over $1.4 billion in incentives, leveraging almost $7 billion in private investment by each of you, and have ensured at least 1,600 megawatts of solar are benefiting low- and moderate-income communities and households.”

Basil Seggos, commissioner of the state Department of Environmental Conservation, noted the confluence of factors in the renewable energy space on the brink of 2023 in New York: State leadership committed to change; federal funding to help make it happen; and popular support demonstrated by landslide voter approval of an environmental bond act last month.

While acknowledging challenges such as supply chain and labor shortages, he said: “I’m extraordinarily optimistic — I’m optimistic every day.”

Harris and Seggos co-chair the state’s Climate Action Council, which on Monday released the Scoping Plan of the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which requires the state to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2030 and to achieve 100% emission-free electricity by 2040. (See related story, New York Climate Scoping Plan OK’d.)

Basil Seggos 2022-12-13 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgNew York DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos | © RTO Insider LLC

“A plan is just a plan,” Seggos said. “Then it really shifts to us to begin implementing it; 2023 is going to be an extraordinary year.”

Others said they expect a domestic solar manufacturing sector to arise with the support offered by the Inflation Reduction Act and other recent federal legislation.

“The U.S. has really lacked a cohesive industrial policy for a long time, and what the IRA does is it starts building that foundation,” said Lindsay Cherry of Qcells. “The policy certainty that we have now is just unprecedented. I’m beyond excited for what’s to come.”

Dan Fadden of Greentech Renewables said setting up a U.S. manufacturing operation is a “holistic” challenge but “we’re going to make the numbers work. This has a lot of momentum. I think it’s a highly likely outcome that a lot of our supply chain will be domesticated probably over the next 10 years.”

Ahmar Zaman of New Energy Equity said: “Finally we have a 10-year ramp from the federal government’s perspective in terms of incentives.”


Others spoke of the challenges facing solar, among them interconnection delays, rising interest rates and New York’s home rule. (See related story, Solar Industry Challenged by N.Y. Home Rule.)

Tom Vaccaro, National Grid’s director of transmission for renewables, said utilities are using essentially the same planning process as they have for a century and need to adapt rapidly to distributed and intermittent power sources. “We, as planners and utilities, need to do more work with all of you,” he said.

Dave Gahl of the Solar and Storage Industries Institute said transmission delays exist everywhere, with interconnection wait times nationwide doubling in the last decade and a long backlog of solar, wind and storage projects awaiting access to the grid. “Interconnection is having a national moment,” he said.

Zaman noted that the solar industry’s decade of strong growth came amid historically low interest rates. Rising interest rates were his biggest worry at the start of 2022, but the IRA helped assuage that.

The View from the Field

Downstairs from the policy discussions, some of the people who work in the solar power industry sat at trade show tables, promoting their goods and services. Several told NetZero Insider that business is strong and they expect it to get better, despite labor and supply chain constraints.

Project managers Olya Prevo-White and Chris Koenig of C.T. Male Associates said the design firm is doing a steady solar consulting business, handling permitting, site planning and other work for developers.

The firm began to actively seek solar work around 2010.

“There’s certainly a change, even between last year,” Preto-White said. “Maybe not in the amount of work we’ve done but in the confidence in the industry. Everybody seems to be excited for the growth.”

They have been quite busy for the last few years, Koenig said. They can take on additional work but some of the individual teams may be backlogged at any given time.

Jim Brown was promoting a new home energy storage product that LG Electronics Energy Storage Systems debuted in the U.S. market in September: the Home 8 ESS, a modular two-box system that contains a lithium-ion battery, inverter and power management system and can be monitored via smartphone app.

It’s a business-to-business sales model, Brown said, and solar installers can pitch it to their customers in a variety of ways: promoting green energy by storing power from home solar panels; not drawing from the grid when rates are high; and having a backup power source during a blackout.

With only 14.4 kWh of usable capacity, the Home 8 will not replace the grid. But it will keep a home running for several hours or even a couple of days, depending on how much current the homeowner draws, Brown said.

Brown likens it to an insurance policy.

“Residential energy storage is energy insurance,” he said. “There’s always a green element to it [but] it’s not necessarily part of the pitch.”

With LG having a significant presence in the electric vehicle market and with its appliances already present in many American homes, the company has the name recognition to capitalize on the growth in New York’s solar market, Brown said.

Devyn Smith of Schuler-Haas Electric Corp. said the Rochester-based firm runs into supply chain shortages at times.

“Material is brutal,” he said. “It’s gotten better as we moved farther away from COVID, but it’s still a major issue, especially the medium-voltage parts.”

Some key solar components are slow to arrive as well, but that is an issue for the energy performance contractor to deal with, not the electrical contractor.

Labor also is tight, Smith said, but the company works within its limits. “There’s a million projects going on in the state, so if we could find more guys we could do more work. We just book the work for the guys that we have and don’t overextend ourselves. For the industry as a whole, yes, it’s a problem. For us, specifically, it’s not.”

Convalt Energy business development manager Daniel Bryan and Chief Revenue Officer Robert Saffer were promoting the company and the photovoltaic factory it is developing near Watertown in northern New York. They expect it to begin production in late 2023. At full output, it will employ more than 300 people and annually produce residential and commercial panels with a combined 1.2 GW capacity. The company currently contracts for manufacture in Asia.

Saffer said the factory was on the drawing board before the IRA was signed into law, and there was no guarantee its domestic manufacturing incentives would come to pass.

“It was the cherry on top of the cake,” he said. “I don’t think we’d have 550 people here without the IRA.”

FERC Orders Two Ohio Utilities Ineligible for RTO Adder

FERC rescinded RTO participation incentives for two American Electric Power (NASDAQ:AEP) affiliates last week on the grounds that Ohio law compels transmission owners to participate in an RTO (EL22-34).

The Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC) argued in a Feb. 24, 2022, protest that AEP’s Ohio Power Co. and AEP Ohio Transmission Co., both PJM members, should not be permitted to continue charging a 50 basis point adder to their authorized return on equity (ROE). The commission agreed with the OCC that past commission orders have established a “voluntariness” requirement — that the adders are an incentive to join and remain members of transmission organizations and not applicable where state law requires participation.

However, the commission rejected the OCC’s challenge of RTO adders for FirstEnergy’s (NYSE:FE) American Transmission Systems, Inc. (ATSI) and Duke Energy Ohio (NYSE:DUK).

In its Dec. 15 order, the commission found that since both ATSI and Duke Energy Ohio reached their rates through integrated settlement packages — rather than having adders directly authorized by the commission — it would require evidence that the companies’ overall ROE is unjust and unreasonable for it to consider ordering changes.

“We do not know the precise trade-offs and concessions made by parties to those proceedings during the settlement process and the terms to which and conditions to which those parties would have agreed with respect to Ohio transmission assets had the commission policy on RTO adders been different. As such, we do not find it would be appropriate to change unilaterally a single aspect of such a comprehensive settlement,” the commission said.

Since Ohio law states that “no entity shall own or control transmission facilities … unless that entity is a member of, and transfers control of those facilities to, one or more qualifying transmission entities,” the OCC argued that the adders do not comport with subsequent court decisions and commission orders establishing that the purpose of the adder is to incentivize a voluntary action.

“In other words, the transmission owners are making consumers pay them higher profits to comply with Ohio law,” the OCC protest states.

The two AEP utilities unsuccessfully argued that since its affiliates set a single transmission rate uniformly across several states, the removal of the adder in one state would effectively “privilege one state’s mandate over another states’ decision to leave RTO membership up to the utility.” The company also claimed that an Ohio-only remedy would be impractical as it would require AEP to disaggregate its transmission operations for each state, eliminating efficiencies that benefit customers.

The precedent for the voluntariness requirement was established with the commission’s Order 679, which established the adders to comport with Federal Power Act Section 219, which requires that incentives be given to utilities that join transmission organizations.

In 2018, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that PG&E is entitled to an adder as its participation in CAISO is voluntary, finding that “the voluntariness of a utility’s membership in a transmission organization is logically relevant to whether it is eligible for an adder.” (See PG&E Deserves $30M ISO Adder, FERC Says.)

The protest also points to FERC’s 2021 order that Dayton Power and Light Co. (NYSE:AES) is ineligible for an adder under Ohio law (ER20-1068).

The OCC estimated the cost of the adder at more than $26 million across the four utilities, which it told FERC is likely conservative as it only takes into account over-earnings on projects in PJM’s Regional Transmission Expansion Plan. The commission granted the protest’s request that refunds be issued to customers of Ohio Power and AEP Ohio for the amount they were charged going back to the Feb. 24 filing date.

Danly Dissents

Commissioner James Danly dissented with the commission’s finding that the AEP utilities no longer receive the RTO adder.

He argued that the FPA does not limit the incentives to those who join and remain members of an RTO voluntarily and that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals only interpreted FERC’s Order 679, not the underlying federal law. The ruling does not address whether the commission exceeded the FPA by limiting the incentive to voluntary participants, Danly added.

“The Federal Power Act does not limit incentives to only those utilities that ‘voluntarily’ join a transmission organization. The commission improperly added this non-statutory requirement in Order No. 679. We had no authority to do so then or now,” Danly wrote.

Christie Concurs

Commissioner Mark Christie issued a concurrence in which he noted that a majority of commissioners voted in April 2021 to limit the RTO adder to three years after a utility joins a transmission organization.

“Over a year and a half later, we have yet to take a final vote to implement that limit. As long as we do not, consumers will continue to pay these adders at a time when consumers are already facing rapidly rising monthly power bills,” he said.

New York Climate Scoping Plan OK’d

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York’s Climate Action Council approved its Scoping Plan for meeting the state’s decarbonization goals Monday, saying the plan will save the state more than $100 billion and create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

But three members of the 22-member council opposed the plan, citing concerns over cost, electric reliability and feasibility.

The scoping plan was mandated by the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which calls for a 40% cut in economywide greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2030 and an 85% cut by 2050. The 445-page plan is the result of more than two years of work by seven sector-specific advisory panels and the Just Transition Working Group and was informed by 11 public hearings and more than 35,000 written comments.

‘Diverse and Divergent’ 

Net present value of benefits and costs (New York Climate Action Council) Content.jpgNet present value of benefits and costs of three scenarios relative to business-as-usual reference case | New York Climate Action Council

Council members who supported the plan said that acting on climate change would ultimately be cheaper than inaction.

Paul Shepson, dean of the College of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University, said the document is the product of compromise between “diverse and sometimes divergent interests” but is “nonetheless a great statement of New York’s commitment to achieve climate stabilization.”

RuthAnne Visnauskas, CEO of New York State Homes and Community Renewal, said the “process has been exhaustive; it has been comprehensive, thoughtful and inclusive.”

Raya Salter, executive director of the Energy Justice Law & Policy Center, said “true credit belongs with the thousands of protesters who demanded that this be the people’s plan.” She added that more work needs to be done and future advocates should remember to “keep a true north to climate justice.”

Anne Reynolds, executive director for the Alliance of Clean Energy New York, sought to address the “naysayers” in the room, saying that she believed the plan addressed all the concerns raised.

Cost Concerns

Voting against the plan were Dennis Elsenbeck, head of energy and sustainability at law firm Phillips Lytle; Gavin Donohue, CEO of the Independent Power Producers of New York (IPPNY); and Donna L. DeCarolis, president of National Fuel Gas Distribution.

Elsenbeck said the plan “fundamentally missed the economics of sustainability” and was not ensuring that “state investments drive substantial return on [New York’s] economy and environment.”

Donohue said a scoping plan should identify the most cost-effective and technologically feasible path to meeting the state’s climate goals. “This document does not do that. The ramifications of this plan do not just impact the energy sector, they will affect the entire New York State economy. Reliability is paramount and is not adequately addressed,” he said.

Greenhouse gas emissions (New York Climate Action Council) Content.jpgNew York greenhouse gas emissions by sector | New York Climate Action Council


“We may achieve our 2030 goals if absolutely everything goes as anticipated by the plan,” he added. “Getting from 2030 to 2040 is going to need magic since the pathway and timetable for identifying and developing zero-emission dispatchable resources so that they are operating by 2040, is missing.”

DeCarolis said that the “plan fails to use the existing natural gas system for decarbonization,” and that consumers, particularly those in Northern and Western New York, should be given the option to use existing infrastructure to avoid higher costs.

She said the plan is based on an “undue reliance on electrification” and that, without a quantitative analysis of the economic impacts stemming from forcing consumers to electrify, the CAC cannot say for certain whether “consumers will pay more for a less reliable system.”

Donohue also pointed to consumer impacts from the plan, saying that consumers should not be “fooled because we don’t know what the costs will be,” pointing out that the CAC has not conducted a comprehensive cost or price study.

Both DeCarolis and Donohue also cited concerns about regulation.

Donohue said that there is immense “uncertainty” about how the state will be able to permit all the generation and transmission projects needed. Without “regulating our energy properly,” New York will not be able to stay competitive with other states, he said.

DeCarolis told members that the plan “relies too heavily on energy sources prone to energy disruptions.”

Protecting Disadvantaged Communities, Creating Jobs

The council said plan “prioritizes disadvantaged communities and the creation of good, family-sustaining, union jobs accessible to all New Yorkers.”

The council said it examined several pathways to reducing GHG emissions “governed by foundational principles of ensuring reliability [and] cost-effectiveness.”

The council concluded that:

  • Achieving deep decarbonization is feasible by 2050 but will require action in all sectors. “Every sector will see significant transformation over the next decade and beyond, which will require critical investments in New York’s economy.”
  • Energy efficiency and end-use electrification are essential. About 1 to 2 million efficient homes must be electrified with heat pumps by 2030 and 3 million zero-emission vehicles (predominantly battery electric) will be needed by 2030.
  • The cost of inaction exceeds the cost of action by more than $115 billion. GHG emission-reduction strategies will improve air quality, increase “active transportation,” and energy efficiency investments for low- and moderate-income homes. Reducing emissions also avoids the economic impacts of societal damages from climate change.
  • New jobs from Climate Act investments will outnumber displaced jobs by a ratio of 10 to 1 in 2030, with up to 211,000 jobs expected to be created by 2030 and 318,000 by 2040.
  • Net direct costs are estimated to be up to 0.6% of New York’s economy in 2030 and 1.3% in 2050. The federal Inflation Reduction Act is expected to reduce the costs of decarbonization.

Chair Comments

NYSERDA President Doreen Harris and Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos took questions from reporters after the council meeting concluded.

“The burden now shifts to the agencies, chiefly the DEC, to chart a path forward,” Seggos said, citing the agency’s finalization last week of regulations on handling of air pollution control permit applications and incorporating climate change considerations in all activities.

“What we’ve learned as a council is that there are higher degrees of uncertainty with respect to how we reach our goals,” Harris said. The reason the council will periodically reconvene is because the “truth is that 2050 will be very different than what any one of us can predict, so it is important to keep long term objectives in mind.”

Other Reaction

Advanced Energy Economy applauded the plan.

“New York now has a plan for removing most carbon emissions from the state’s economy, an ambitious and laudable goal that will increase clean energy use, put more New Yorkers to work, and support local economies,” said Angela Kent, policy principal at AEE. “With a decarbonization plan in hand, Gov. [Kathy] Hochul and state leaders should act swiftly to implement the plan’s recommendations, especially in order to make it easier for clean energy projects to connect to the grid, and create new financial incentives for communities to switch to clean energy.”

Anbaric praised the council for supporting transmission upgrades. “With 9 GW of offshore wind power coming online by 2035 — and a recommendation for up to 19 GW of new offshore wind — New York urgently needs a shared and open-access transmission system to ensure offshore wind power is delivered efficiently, affordably and reliably to the highest demand centers,” Mid-Atlantic President at Anbaric Janice Fuller said.

Synchronized Reserve Pricing Falls in PJM Markets After Overhaul

Synchronized reserves have seen a drop in prices since PJM implemented market overhauls at the start of October, the RTO says.

According to a presentation given during the Market Implementation Committee’s meeting Dec. 7, the average clearing price in both the day-ahead and real-time markets was less than $2/MWh for the first two months of the new market rules. In October, the day-ahead prices were $0 for over 95% of the hours, while in November that lowered to 87%.

The presentation said the “significantly reduced” prices are believed to be caused by the lowering of the offer cap from $7.50/MWh to 2 cents, and by the must-offer requirement expanding the pool of resources providing synchronized reserve services. In the real-time market, prices were at or below 2 cents for about 72% of the hours in September, prior to the changes being implemented, while that share climbed to 96% in October.

The changes, approved by FERC in May 2020, aligned the day-ahead and real-time market products with the aim of eliminating the practice of PJM having to go out-of-market to procure reserves. Both the commission and PJM indicated then that they believed the changes would lead to increased pricing. (See FERC Approves PJM Reserve Market Overhaul.)

The commission partially reversed its previous order in January, saying that changes it had made to PJM’s operating reserve demand curve (ORDC) were a mistake. The downward sloping ORDC approved by FERC in 2020 would have allowed LMPs to exceed $12,050 during extreme shortages. (See FERC Reverses Itself on PJM Reserve Market Changes.)

Dana Guernsey, co-founder of distributed energy resource provider Voltus, said the price fall appears to have caught most by surprise. While she said two months of data are still not enough to be sure of the impact, if the lowered prices persist, they may not provide the appropriate incentives for some resources to continue to provide reserves.

“PJM set out to reform their market to accurately reflect the reliability value of reserves, but the prices we’re seeing do not actually create efficient market signals … at a time when reserves are more and more important,” she said.

She noted that a 2018 price formation paper published by PJM explained the stated focus of the changes was to enhance the reserve markets “by more directly aligning the reliability value of reserves with the clearing price for them and strengthening incentives for performance when reserves are deployed.”

Ken Schisler, CPower Energy senior vice president of regulatory affairs, agreed that the scale of the price fall was more significant than expected.

“The drop in pricing is deeper than many at PJM and in the industry anticipated. We are keeping an eye on pricing, and in the meantime we are evolving our portfolio and market participation based upon the price signals the market is sending us,” he said.

Throughout the discussion of how the changes were expected to function once live in the markets, it was imagined that they would likely lead to prices increasing. Guernsey hypothesized that FERC revisiting its 2020 order and removing the ORDC provisions, but leaving the rest of PJM’s proposal, may have distorted the intent and functionality of the changes.

“Maybe the original price formation proposal got edited so many times along the way that now we’re seeing unintended consequences,” Guernsey said. “It seems like the original goals not only were not accomplished, but we might even be seeing the opposite effect take hold.”

She suggested that PJM consider increasing the offer cap above the newly adopted 2-cent maximum.

“The offer cap is meant to reflect the expected value of the penalty for failing to provide synchronized reserves. I don’t understand how a 2-cent penalty is a healthy market signal if the goal is reliable reserve resources,” she said.

Joe Bowring 2022-10-18 (RTO Insider LLC) FI.jpgMonitoring Analytics President Joe Bowring | © RTO Insider LLC

Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring said that, based on the data to date, the market prices appear to be the result of market fundamentals; supply increased significantly and prices decreased. Bowring said he does not believe the price decline will have an overall significant impact on demand response providers, as more than 95% of their revenues are derived from the capacity market.

Increasing prices is not the goal of the market design, and higher prices are not by definition more efficient, Bowring said; prices should reflect the actual supply and demand of reserves.

He said that there is no evidence that the price decrease was a result of removing the $7.50 adder and also argued that the previous adder was not accurate.

“The $7.50 was always an incorrect number. There was never a logical basis for the markup. It wasn’t based on costs,” he said.