Legislators see long-term, full-value tax credits as one tool among many that are needed to expand renewables at the requisite pace and scale.
Paul Browning, CEO of Mitsubishi Power Americas, predicts that green hydrogen will be cheaper than blue hydrogen within this decade,
Clean energy advocates and developers urged New York regulators to reject utilities’ proposals to incorporate new net-metering charges in their tariffs.
Renewable energy investors and developers plan to increase their spending in 2021, with energy storage and utility-scale solar attracting the most attention.
DOE's National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries draws broad support from industry, but U.S.-China trade war and tariffs remain a near-term obstacle.
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources is still working out eligibility and long-term procurement details for its Clean Peak Energy Standard.
The MISO Market Subcommittee meeting ran the gamut of storage participation, discovery of a longstanding energy pricing error and FTR underfunding.
MISO has debuted a compliance plan with stakeholders on how it will bring distributed resource aggregations into its markets pursuant to FERC Order 2222.
Zeroing out transportation emissions by 2050 will require getting 218 million EVs on the road worldwide by 2030. Business as usual won't work, BNEF says.
Interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones has a 100-day strategic plan to restore confidence in the grid operator’s ability to operate reliably after February's storm.