October 5, 2024

UPDATED: Exelon, Pepco Urge Compromise Deal to Win DC PSC OK for Merger

By Suzanne Herel and Rich Heidorn Jr.

Exelon on Monday offered a split D.C. Public Service Commission a “middle ground proposal” in a bid to salvage its acquisition of Pepco Holdings Inc.

In a joint filing, the companies asked the commission to approve either the original settlement negotiated with Mayor Muriel Bowser or the revised proposal outlined by Commissioner Joanne Doddy Fort and supported by Commissioner Willie Phillips on Feb. 26. Commission Chairwoman Betty Ann Kane opposed the revised settlement after voting 2-1 with Fort to reject Bowser’s deal. (See DC PSC: Will OK Exelon-Pepco Deal for Additional Concessions.)

The companies also offered a third alternative: adopting Fort’s revised settlement, while addressing the mayor’s concerns with shielding residential customers from rate hikes. It would give the PSC discretion to use an additional $20 million — which Bowser’s settlement earmarked for smart grid and environmental programs — for rate relief.

The companies did not offer to increase the $72.8 million customer investment fund (CIF) they are offering D.C. to approve the merger.

The deal began to look doubtful last Tuesday as Bowser, the Office of the People’s Counsel and Attorney General Karl Racine announced their opposition to revised terms set out by Fort. D.C. Water followed with its rejection later in the week. (See Exelon-Pepco Deal in Doubt as Mayor, Consumer Advocate Balk at New Terms.)

Together they represent three of nine settling parties that must agree to the new deal in order for it to be approved without further commission action. At issue for all was the reallocation of $25.6 million from the CIF that would have shielded residential consumers from rate hikes until 2019. The PSC voted 2-1 to defer a decision on how to spend the funds until the next Pepco rate case, signaling that it would distribute the money to nonresidential customers as well.

The commission’s Feb. 26 order had required responses from the settling parties by March 11. Exelon and Pepco asked the PSC to rule on their new proposal no later than April 7.

“The joint applicants believe that the commission can address its concerns with the residential customer base rate credit, as well as the settling parties’ concerns with the terms of the [revised settlement], through additional alternative terms which preserve the function of the residential customer base credit and move $20 million in CIF monies from the newly created [Modernizing the Energy Delivery System for Increased Sustainability] pilot project subaccount to a separate customer base rate credit fund.”

The $20 million fund would be spent following Pepco’s next base rate case as directed by the commission, potentially providing commercial customers rate relief or increasing funding for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program.

“In the event that the commission determines that any or all of the additional $20 million should not be used for these purposes, it could allocate any unused portion of the $20 million to the MEDSIS pilot project subaccount.”

The companies said their proposal “does not prevent the commission from using CIF monies to advance the grid modernization proceedings in [a second docket,] Formal Case No. 1130. Instead, the revised allocation provides the commission with additional discretion over how best to use $20 million of the $72.8 million CIF to advance its competing priorities.

District of Columbia Public Service Commission (DC PSC)
D.C. Councilwoman Mary Cheh (at podium) is joined by other councilmembers and candidates at press conference opposing merger Wednesday.

“It would be tragic if customers lost the $72.8 million CIF and the many other benefits of the merger recognized by the commission and the settling parties because of disputes over how a portion of the CIF should be allocated,” they wrote.

The mayor, OPC and attorney general had no immediate comment on the companies’ revised proposal.

The Power DC coalition immediately asked the PSC to reject it.

“Exelon’s latest filing is another example of the company’s total arrogance and disregard for D.C. residents,” said spokeswoman Anya Schoolman. “The Public Service Commission shouldn’t let Exelon rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. It is time for D.C. to move on.”

Councilwoman Mary Cheh also signaled her opposition. “We expected that Exelon would try a Hail Mary pass, but from my analysis it doesn’t appear to satisfy requirements set forth by the Office of the People’s Counsel in terms of protections for ratepayers,” she said.

Exelon not Giving Up

CEO Christopher Crane said in a Feb. 3 earnings call that the company would abandon the merger and begin buying back the 57.5 million shares it issued for the $6.8 billion deal if D.C. regulators did not approve it by March 4.

But company officials said Thursday they were delaying the deadline as a result of the PSC’s action Feb. 26.

“March 4 was the date after which Exelon and Pepco Holdings would have the right to stop pursuing the merger, if the Public Service Commission had not acted by then,” Exelon said in a statement. “Because the commission issued its order on Feb. 26, the March 4 date is no longer a trigger, and we are free to stop pursuing the merger if either party so chooses.”

Political Posturing?

Guggenheim Securities analyst Shahriar Pourreza said the fate of the merger may depend on whether Bowser and other officials truly want out of the deal or are playing politics.

“The big swing factor is if the mayor, attorney general and Office of [the] People’s Counsel are politically posturing or if they used Friday as an excuse to get out of this deal,” he told RTO Insider. “If it’s the former, it’s probably workable.” But, he said, “the longer they wait, the more the fundamentals of Pepco deteriorate and … the less attractive this transaction is.”

The PSC said that if all settling parties agree to its offer, the merger will be approved without further commission action. None of the D.C. officials opposing the PSC settlement has proposed a counteroffer.

The acquisition would give Exelon Pepco’s stable regulated income and the crown as the nation’s largest utility. But Pourreza said the deal has “materially deteriorated” over time. In a research note earlier in the week, he said, “We believe there is increasing likelihood Exelon could walk from the deal.”

Pepco ‘in Distress’?

“You kind of wonder if this even makes sense for Exelon,” he said. “There are plenty of single-state regulated utilities that they can go acquire that are not in as much financial distress as Pepco. This is not a healthy utility as a standalone entity.”

The PSC disagrees.

“There is no evidence in the record that Pepco could not continue to perform, and perform adequately and reliably as required by law, absent the … approval of Pepco’s sale to Exelon,” it said in its order Feb. 26. “Indeed, as the commission found in [its August 2015 order in the case], ‘PHI is financially healthy as a standalone company and would continue to be so if the merger is not consummated.’”

The merger already has the blessing of FERC and regulators in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Virginia. They signed on under a “most favored nation” status, meaning in the end, all will be compensated equivalently — a disincentive for Exelon to sweeten the deal further with the district, Pourreza said.

If the merger doesn’t go through, Pourreza said, other suitors might be deterred from trying to purchase Pepco, given the regulatory hurdles D.C. has presented. “I think that these regulators have jeopardized this utility,” he said.

Dividend in Doubt?

On Monday afternoon, Pepco’s stock closed at $24.22, down 20 cents (0.82%) for the day. Exelon’s shares closed at $33.92, up 56 cents (1.68%).

If the merger doesn’t close, Pepco shares could lose $4 to $5 per share, Pourreza wrote. “Given that [Pepco] has been out of a rate case since 2014 and the delays with this merger, [it] has materially deteriorated as a standalone company, in our view.”

That could push its $1.08/share dividend to a 6% yield.

“It’s even questionable if they can support the dividend,” he said. “It’s pretty mind-boggling, the games that these regulators are playing. The agreement that the commission brought on Friday is very workable. I sort of question whether the commission did this because they knew that the settling parties wouldn’t go for this.”

Pourreza said he was at a loss to speculate what more Exelon could offer to salvage the deal, noting that “in a perfect world,” it should be offering less, not more, for Pepco at this point.

“I thought what the commissioners put out was equitable and now all of a sudden this is coming down to the $27 million issue,” he said. “It doesn’t make any sense to me. I tend to think [Bowser, Racine and OPC Sandra Mattavous-Frye] want out of this deal. … This is very abnormal.”

Cheh said the difference between using the fund to insulate ratepayers temporarily, only to have Exelon recoup the difference after four years, and disbursing the money when there is an actual rate case is not dramatic.

That, she said, leads her to think that Mattavous-Frye — an initial opponent of the merger who reversed course to back the mayor’s settlement — used the PSC’s proposed changes as an excuse to back away from the deal.

“Once Mattavous-Frye was out, the mayor was kind of stuck, I kind of think, because what was she going to say, ‘I think it was a good deal?’” Cheh said.

“What was at issue was a power struggle between the PSC and the mayor and who trusts whom,” Cheh said. “The fact that it may be scuttled over who gets to play with this money seems another surprising turn in all of this.”

One sticking point is that the rate relief would be shared with commercial customers, Cheh said. The U.S. General Services Administration, representing the federal government, the largest electricity consumer in the district, opposed the merger until the PSC offered the concession to broaden rate relief.

The settlement would have protected residential ratepayers through Bowser’s four-year term and potential reelection campaign.

“People have been saying all kinds of things,” Cheh said when asked if that might be a factor in Bowser’s insistence on preserving the rate credit. “Now that my rate increase may come right in the middle of your term — if you were the mayor, that’s something you would take into account.”


FERC OKs Revision to NYISO DR Pricing

By William Opalka

FERC on Tuesday approved changes to NYISO’s scarcity pricing logic that the ISO says will better reflect the real-time value of demand response (ER16-425).

NYISO implemented its current, ex-post scarcity pricing logic in 2013. The new logic allows the ISO to incorporate scarcity pricing into its real-time optimization. (See NYISO Seeks OK for New Scarcity Pricing Rules.)

demand response“NYISO’s proposal increases price transparency by ensuring consistency between resource schedules and pricing outcomes in real-time when NYISO activates [demand response] resources, thereby reducing the potential for uplift costs,” the commission said.

“NYISO’s proposal recognizes that capacity that is available within 30 to 60 minutes can be dispatched to meet load prior to activating [demand response] resources. Thus, NYISO will procure a greater amount of available operating capacity from the market before relying on [demand response] resources and triggering scarcity pricing than under its existing rules,” FERC added.

As a result of the new logic, the ISO will:

  • Increase the value of Southeastern New York 30-minute reserves from $25/MW to $500/MW at all times to align the value of reserves with the actual cost of providing them;
  • Increase in the value of the middle pricing point of the regulation service demand curve (shortages of regulation service greater than 25 MW but less than 80 MW) from $400/MW to $525/MW at all times;
  • Reduce the target level for Southeastern New York 30-minute reserves to zero during actual or anticipated severe weather conditions (“storm watch events”); and
  • Increase the New York control area 30-minute reserve demand curve values priced at less than $500/MW to $500/MW, effective in real time during any DR activation.

The changes were supported by the Electric Power Supply Association, the Independent Power Producers of New York and the New York Transmission Owners.

The commission rejected protests by the New York Department of State’s Utility Intervention Unit, saying its concern that NYISO’s filing missed an opportunity to remedy an alleged flaw in its existing scarcity pricing mechanism was beyond the scope of the case.

FERC also rejected the UIU’s argument that the proposal could result in less efficient dispatch of generating resources and higher production costs. “We find that the benefits of increasing price transparency and incorporating scarcity pricing in the real-time market software outweigh such concerns,” the commission said, adding that “additional system changes may be required to further optimize the scarcity pricing mechanism and avoid the potential issues” the UIU raised.

FERC ordered the ISO to submit a compliance filing clarifying tariff provisions differentiating between scarcity events, when it calls on DR, and shortage events, when the market is short of operating, regulation, or transmission reserves.

The changes will become effective once NYISO deploys the required software changes. The ISO expects to complete the work by June 30.

PJM-Type Capacity Auction for MISO Zone 4 Proposed

By Amanda Durish Cook

Dynegy and Exelon proposed last week that MISO Zone 4 procure capacity in three-year forward auctions separate from the rest of the RTO.

The two companies — Illinois’ biggest power producers — offered separate proposals that would adopt elements of PJM’s model beginning in 2017. Both proposals were offered during MISO’s Competitive Retail Solution Task Team meeting Feb. 22.

The companies say that MISO’s Planning Resource Auction, currently held about three months before the beginning of a planning year on June 1, isn’t conducted far enough in advance to create a clear price signal. Both claim their proposals would further reliability and boost investments in new and existing power plants.

Exelon Proposal

“The overarching principal of Exelon’s Southern Illinois solution is to adapt PJM’s Reliability Pricing Model (RPM) to Zone 4, while integrating with the rest of MISO as seamlessly as possible,” Exelon wrote in its proposal. The company said the RPM “has proven to be highly successful at maintaining reliability at a reasonable cost to consumers using competition to determine market revenues.”

The company proposes that Zone 4 acquire capacity three years in advance in one-year commitment periods, as in PJM. The 2020/21 Planning Resource Auction would take place in April 2017.


Exelon’s proposal also requests a switch to a downward-sloping demand curve in Zone 4 and mandatory participation for all loads and internal supply in the zone. Exelon also wants “strong performance incentives” for resources that clear the auction.

FERC in November rejected a MISO proposal to implement a mandatory capacity auction while upholding its use of a vertical demand curve. (See FERC Rebuffs MISO’s Push for Mandatory Capacity Auction.)

Dynegy Proposal

Dynegy, which also called for use of downward-sloping demand curves, proposed holding four competitive auctions during the first quarter of 2017 to procure capacity through mid-2021. The company additionally proposed that by the first quarter of 2018, MISO would hold a three-year forward auction for delivery during the 2021/22 planning year.

Dynegy said the auction would procure 100% of the zone’s planning reserve margin requirement, based on load forecasts independently verified by a third party.

Participation would be mandatory only for load-serving entities and electric distribution companies in local resource zones with retail choice. Dynegy acknowledged its proposal would primarily affect the generators it purchased from Ameren Illinois in 2013.

Monitor Offers Own Proposal

Independent Market Monitor David Patton said a voluntary forward procurement — a single-year “strip” or a multiyear contract — “could be useful if desired by participants.”

But he said the mandatory forward auctions proposed by Exelon and Dynegy would be less efficient than MISO’s “prompt” procurement in facilitating efficient investment and retirement decisions.

In forward markets such as PJM, Patton said, generation owners must determine whether their older plants will continue to operate for an additional four years — three years plus the planning year. “In prompt procurement markets, old units can operate until they suffer equipment failure and can make efficient decisions to mothball or retire based on the auction.”

Forward markets also do not ensure that new resources offer capacity at prices close to the cost of new entry, he said.

Patton acknowledged that higher capacity prices in PJM have caused increasing levels of capacity exports from MISO. But he said that MISO’s design required “only incremental but meaningful” changes to address the challenges in Zone 4.


He would continue a single PRA for the entire footprint but replace the vertical demand curve with a variable reliability target in the competitive retail area. “Capacity product and obligations should be comparable throughout all of MISO,” he said.

Patton also said adding economic import limits to the existing electrical import limits would create a more efficient mix of resources inside and outside of deregulated markets.

MISO Offers Criteria, No Comment

MISO officials withheld comment on Exelon’s and Dynegy’s proposals, saying they want to consider a second round of stakeholder presentations at the next Competitive Retail Solution Task Team meeting March 7. Once the task team evaluates proposals, MISO will submit a recommendation to the newly created Resource Adequacy Subcommittee.

“We appreciate the dialogue and participation from stakeholders to collaboratively develop a solution,” MISO spokesperson Andy Schonert said. “We continue to study both Exelon and Dynegy’s proposals and look forward to more feedback from stakeholders on this topic.”

MISO released criteria that capacity proposals must meet for consideration, including acknowledgement that nearly all states in the RTO’s footprint are rate-regulated. Any new structure would be required to improve MISO’s ability to ensure sufficient resources, optimize economic use of existing and potential resources and maintain the benefits of MISO membership.

FERC Actions

Meanwhile, FERC continues to mull a number of MISO capacity issues.

On Feb. 25, the commission said it is considering a joint rehearing request by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Illinois Industrial Energy Consumers, who are seeking clarification on whether “going-forward costs” used to calculate facility-specific reference levels should include sunk costs (EL 17-50, et al.).

The commission also is considering MISO’s Jan. 29 rehearing request regarding its capacity import limit calculation. (See MISO Seeks Adjustments on Capacity Import Limits.)

Constitution Again Seeks Tree-Felling Permission in NY

By William Opalka

With its window for limited tree felling closing in four weeks, Constitution Pipeline is again asking FERC for permission to allow the operation in New York (CP13-499).

The developer wrote the commission on Thursday, citing a federal court’s dismissal of an injunction sought by environmentalists seeking to halt cutting in Pennsylvania.

constitution pipeline
Crew installing silt fence (Source: Cardno)

Constitution argues this means the director of the Office of Energy Projects should allow it to conduct similar operations along the entire 124-mile route from the shale gas fields of northeast Pennsylvania to Schoharie County, N.Y. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals denied the environmentalists’ motion on Feb. 24 (16-345).

Constitution has to cut trees between Nov. 1 and March 31 to comply with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommendations to mitigate impacts on migratory birds and the northern long-eared bat.

“Issues pertinent to this request were before the court and the court’s order provides additional support and the proper timing for the director to act on Constitution’s request … [with] the March 31 deadline established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fast approaching,” the letter states.

Constitution asked FERC to grant it a Notice to Proceed by March 2. FERC granted an NTP for Pennsylvania only on Jan. 29.

The developer said it would use chainsaws to cut trees at or above ground level and would not disturb soils or root systems. It said it would leave the felled trees in place until other construction started. But the operation has been challenged by environmentalists and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who contend that Constitution must first have clean water permits from the state Department of Environmental Conservation. (See New York AG: No Tree Cutting for Pipeline Without Water Quality Permits.)

Constitution said it had completed 70% of its planned cutting in Pennsylvania.

The project is a joint venture of Williams, Cabot Oil & Gas, Piedmont Natural Gas and WGL Holdings.

MISO Informational Forum Briefs

MISO officials presented a review of load and prices during an informational forum Feb. 23. Some highlights:

  • Real-time LMPs averaged $22.14/MWh for the month, a 21% decrease from a year earlier, while the day-ahead average fell 20% to $22.79/MWh. But rising natural gas costs helped boost power prices compared with December, with month-on-month real-time and day-ahead averages increasing 7% and 9%, respectively.


  • January marked the end of an 11-month decline in natural gas prices, as the Chicago Citygate rebounded 17% to average $2.33/MMBtu for the month, while Henry Hub jumped nearly 20% to $2.30/MMBtu. Still, Chicago Citygate prices remained far below the January 2015 average of $3.09/MMBtu.
  • MISO’s January load averaged 78.5 GW, up 8.2% from December but down 3% from the average for the same month a year ago, the grid operator reported. Load peaked at 98.2 GW on Jan. 19, compared with last January’s 106.5 GW peak and far short of the winter record of 109.3 GW set in January 2014. Day-ahead physical energy last month totaled 56.6 TWh, while real-time load hit 58.4 TWh, a drop from the 60.3 TWh in January 2015.
  • MISO wind output also hit an all-time peak of 12.7 GW on Jan. 27, exceeding the previous high of 12.6 GW set on Nov. 19. That figure, however, was quickly surpassed by a new record of 13.1 GW on Feb. 18.

MISO Develops New Metric to Monitor Queue Delays

MISO will measure progress in its generation queue using a new metric: study cycle scheduling, a process that makes existing interconnection agreements and facilities studies the basis for subsequent studies.

Using the metric, the RTO will flag the interconnection queue with “concern” or “review” status if generation interconnection studies can’t be completed on time. Jeff Bladen, executive director of market services, said MISO is currently experiencing delays in the queue because of an influx of restudies related to withdrawing interconnection projects.


“This new metric is allowing us to see more of the delays, but it’s also demonstrative of why reforming the queue process was so important,” Bladen said.

MISO is awaiting FERC approval of the proposed queue changes it filed Dec. 31. If approved, MISO will work to complete existing generation interconnect agreements and existing studies by May 20. (See MISO Unveils Queue Reform Transition as Wind Advocates Seek Delay.) MISO says the proposal will “reduce the delays and provide more certainty to timelines.”

“The reforms that we filed are to help resolve issues that are much more transparent with the metric,” Bladen said. He said that MISO was aware of the delay issues “at some level,” but the new metric made the issues much clearer.

—  Amanda Durish Cook

FERC Rejects SPP’s Proposed 80% ARR Allocation

By Tom Kleckner

FERC has accepted SPP’s proposal to address an underfunding problem in the RTO’s transmission congestion rights (TCR) market by reducing the number of auction revenue rights available in the annual allocation process (ER16-13).

The commission’s Feb. 19 order sets the amount of transmission system capability to be offered during the annual ARR allocation process at 60% for the fall, winter and spring seasons (October-May), as recommended by the RTO’s Market Monitoring Unit. SPP had proposed an 80% allocation during those months.

TCR market participants can convert firm transmission service reservations into a credit against daily congestion costs, either through a TCR or through payments received for the ARR.

‘Necessary Step’

FERC found adjusting the ARR allocation rules “are a necessary step” to correct the TCR underfunding.

“We view adjusting the system capability assumptions used to determine feasibility in the annual ARR allocation process as an important step toward reducing the potential for underfunding TCRs, thereby creating a more efficient TCR market,” the commission wrote.

sppThe Monitor told FERC that the first full year of the Integrated Marketplace’s TCR operations produced a “high degree of disparity” between TCR payments and revenues, net of TCR uplift and TCR auction charges. It contended “this indicates that TCR auction prices did not accurately reflect the realized value of TCRs.”

The Monitor listed three contributing factors: “(1) the awarding of ARRs and TCRs beyond the physical limits of the transmission system, (2) the delayed reporting of planned transmission outages, and (3) the excessive valuing of self-converted TCR bids in auctions.”

TCR funding was 82% for its first full year, and the ARR funding level was 113%, the Monitor said. It shared data with FERC “demonstrating that, in every month, day-ahead congestion revenues fell short of TCR payments, while auction revenues exceeded ARR payments.”

FERC said using the 60% assumption during the October-May period will “better reduce the need to expand transmission constraint limits during the monthly processes, which contributes to the TCR underfunding problem.” Awarding fewer infeasible ARRs during the annual allocation process, the commission said, will mean SPP “will not have to expand transmission constraint limits as frequently.”

“As noted by the Market Monitor, expanding limits can lead to situations where TCR market flows exceed day-ahead market flows for certain transmission paths, resulting in TCR underfunding,” FERC wrote.

ARR Over-Allocation

SPP submitted its Tariff revisions to FERC in October, saying its market’s TCRs were underfunded because of an over-allocation of ARRs. The RTO told the commission “disparate system capability percentages used between the ARR and TCR processes” were largely responsible, resulting in awarding infeasible ARRs, and proposed more closely aligning the system capability percentages used between the annual ARR allocation and TCR auction processes.

The Integrated Marketplace, which became binding in March 2014, was originally designed to allocate ARRs in a single, annual process, with 100% transmission system capability assumed year-round when determining the feasibility of ARRs for the annual allocation.

SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions set ARR allocations at 100% for June, 90% for July-September and 80% for the remaining months.

The Monitor told FERC it did not support the proposed use of an 80% ARR allocation, saying it did not match the 60% system capability number used in the TCR auction process. It said the mismatch would result in potential TCR underfunding and noted the 80% allocation was “contrary to an earlier proposal, presented by SPP staff.”

The proposal was changed from 60% to 80% at the Markets and Operations Policy Committee level of the stakeholder process, the Monitor said, and it could not support the revised proposal because it “was not supported with analysis.”

SPP acknowledged that the proposed 80% figure “was the result of a compromise to achieve a more gradual approach to addressing the problem of TCR underfunding.”

FERC concluded that SPP had failed to “provide analysis or evidence to support the … assumption proposed for use during the October through May period.”

PJM Markets Reliability and Members Committees Briefs

Ramp Rate Approach Would Excuse Nonperformance Penalties

WILMINGTON, Del. — PJM presented a first read of a proposed performance assessment hour ramp rate, which would inform when a generator is vulnerable to nonperformance penalties under the new Capacity Performance model. The approach is a short-term solution that PJM hopes to have in place before the delivery year starts June 1.

Under the proposal, units would be excused from penalties if they are following PJM dispatch that includes the ramp rate.

“The goal is having generators following our dispatch and not causing harm under stress conditions,” PJM’s Rebecca Stadelmeyer said.

PJM doesn’t want generators to disregard its dispatch orders and self-schedule more capacity to avoid penalties when they believe they are approaching a performance assessment hour.

Market Monitor Joe Bowring opposed the proposal. “This explicitly weakens the ‘no excuses’ policy,” he said. “It also hasn’t been demonstrated that the self-scheduling issue is widespread.”

Relying on historical data on ramp does not provide the appropriate incentives to perform during performance assessment hours, Bowring said.

Committee Chairman Mike Kormos assured him that the approach is temporary.

“We want to incent generators to be dispatchable. In order for us to maintain system control, some need to be loaded during the [performance assessment] hour itself, and we want to makes sure they don’t get penalized,” Kormos said. “How big of an issue it is, we don’t know, but I don’t want to find out on the hottest day in the summer.”

How Should Regulation Resources fit into the Capacity Market?

Greg Vaudreuil, co-founder of Mosaic Power, presented a problem statement to include regulation-only resources in the Capacity Performance market.

Vaudreuil said that resources such as batteries, flywheels and certain demand resources are at a competitive disadvantage because they can’t recover their capital and fixed operating costs the same way energy providers can.

“The market for [Capacity Performance] would benefit from fully accounting for and compensating all capacity-providing resources, and warrants PJM stakeholder consideration on the most effective means to incorporate the value emerging regulation-only resources [provide],” the problem statement said.

Manual 18 Revisions Endorsed

Members approved updates to Manual 18: PJM Capacity Market to conform with FERC’s order (ER16-333).

They address the circumstances under which a fixed resource requirement (FRR) entity must meet the percentage internal resource requirement, provisions for early termination of the FRR alternative and the election date for new FRR entities. (See IMEA Reaps Limited Relief from Capacity Rule Change.)

GDEC Definitions, Clarifications Approved

The MRC unanimously approved a handful of definitions and clarifications proposed by the Governing Document Enhancement and Clarification Subcommittee.

A clarification for the term “capacity import limit,” which members asked to vote on separately, also was approved, but with 18 “no” votes. That language was clarified to “meet its intent concerning the length of transmission service necessary to meet the capacity import limit (CIL) exception criteria regarding transmission service,” according to the presentation.

The committee deferred voting on clarifications to the term “pumped storage hydropower.” Those proposed revisions “address sell offer options for pumped storage hydropower units and self-scheduling and pool-scheduling of hydropower units.”

First Reads

The MRC also heard first reads on proposed revisions to:

Members Committee

Tariff Changes Exempting Low-Voltage Reliability Projects OK’d

The Members Committee approved Tariff revisions exempting some reliability projects below the 200-kV threshold from the proposal window process. (See “Low-Voltage Projects to be Exempted from Competitive Window Process,” MRC & Members Committee Briefs.)


— Suzanne Herel

State Briefs

NIPSCO Settles for Lower Dollar Amount in Fixed Rate Hike Agreement

nipscoNorthern Indiana Public Service Co. and the Office of Utility Consumer Counselor reached a settlement on a 5.4% rate increase, less than half the 11% boost that the utility sought in its initial filing.

The settlement would set the monthly fixed rate charge at $14, up from the current $11. NIPSCO initially sought a $20 monthly residential charge.

The rate increase, which requires approval of the Utility Regulatory Commission, would go into effect in the middle of the year.

More: Inside Indiana Business

Governor Vows to Continue Clean Power Plan Inaction


Gov. Mike Pence said the state will not devise an emissions-reduction strategy to comply with the Clean Power Plan, even if the federal carbon emissions regulations survive a legal challenge.

“For me, it won’t be a ‘pencil’s down’ order. We’ve never picked a pencil up,” Pence said. The governor has referred to the federal rule as the “Costly Power Plan” and said that compliance will increase rates for customers.

If the Clean Power Plan remains intact after court review and the state does not create a compliance plan, it would be forced to default to a federally imposed plan. “I think a wise leader of the state of Indiana would start to work on that transition and not play politics with it,” said Jodi Perras of the Sierra Club.

More: Indy Star


State Cancels $20M Contract for Capitol Energy Center


Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration canceled a $16 million contract to build a utility center to replace the power plant in the marked-for-demolition Docking State Office Building after coming under intense bipartisan objections from lawmakers, who said the project was designed to skirt the Legislature’s oversight.

The energy center was to cost about $16 million, and financing would have pushed the total to $20 million. The state government may be responsible for penalties for severing the contract with McCarthy Building Companies.

More: The Topeka Capital-Journal


Chamber of Commerce Endorses Lawsuit Against CPP

The state Chamber of Commerce has filed an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit challenging the Clean Power Plan.

“We’re very concerned with protecting our low-cost energy advantage in Kentucky, being able to continue to run our power plants and utilize our natural resources such as coal to generate power,” said Chamber of Commerce public affairs director Kate Shanks. She said that the state’s economy is “electricity intensive” and depends upon low-cost electricity.

The chamber is joining more than 160 business organizations that are supporting the lawsuit by 29 states challenging EPA’s plan to reduce carbon emissions. The U.S. Supreme Court temporarily blocked implementation of the EPA rule on Feb. 9.

More: WKMS


Regulators Reject Cleco’s $5B Sale to Investors

ClecoSourceWikiBy a 3-2 vote, state regulators rejected a $4.9 billion bid by international investors to buy Cleco, effectively killing the utility’s sale.

The Public Service Commission majority said the sale to a consortium of investors led by Australian company Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets would have increased costs for Cleco’s 286,000 customers.

The buyers can appeal the decision to state court.

More: The Advocate


Hearings Set for $200M in BGE Rate Increases

The Public Service Commission has scheduled five public hearings in March to hear testimony on Baltimore Gas and Electric’s request for increases of $120.9 million in electric distribution rates and $79.5 million in gas distribution charges.

BGE filed the request in November, which would raise rates about $15 a month for customers who use both services. The new revenue would recover the cost of installing more than 1 million smart meters.

Hearings are scheduled for Annapolis, Towson, Ellicott City, Bel Air and Baltimore. The public also can file comments electronically.


PSC Accepting Proposals for Offshore Wind Projects

The Public Service Commission has opened a 180-day application period for offshore wind projects after receiving an initial application.

Under the state’s Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013, a project must be sited on the outer continental shelf, 10 to 30 miles off the coast in a designated leasing area.



Consumers Energy Pledges to Increase Actual Meter Read Rates

Consumers EnergyConsumers Energy, under fire for estimating too many of its customers’ bills, said it will make an effort to improve meter reading operations. The assurance was included in a report to the Public Service Commission.

The utility said it only had 85.5% actual readings in 2015, down from a record 93.7% in 2011. It blamed the decline on cold temperatures, unleashed dogs and the departure of more than half the company’s 310 meter readers in 2015. “This performance is not what our customers expect and deserve, and we will make it right,” the company stated. It promised to immediately obtain actual readings from customers with more than 11 months of estimated bills.

The PSC opened its investigation last month after it received more than 300 complaints from Consumers ratepayers who objected to paying inaccurately estimated bills.

More: MLive


Chippewa Tribe to go 100% Solar in 5 Years

REdLakeNationSourceRedLakeThe Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians signed an agreement with Winkelman Building Corp. and Innovative Power Systems for a 15-MW solar system that it says will generate enough electricity to power all of the tribe’s government buildings, its three tribal casinos and the tribal college.

The tribe’s ultimate goal is to generate enough solar power in five years to supply every home on Red Lake, said Chairman Darrell G. Seki Sr. “We’ll provide our own energy for our people, not from the power plants that pollute our lakes,” he said.

The Red Lake Indian Reservation covers about 1,259 square miles and has about 5,160 residents.

More: Indian Country Today


Group Halts Talks with Clean Line Energy

RTO-Clean-LineTalks between Clean Line Energy and the Hannibal Board of Public Works to provide the Mississippi River city with cheap electricity in exchange for supporting the company’s high-voltage power line are being put on hold.

During its Feb. 16 board meeting, board General Manager Bob Stevenson announced that discussions were being tabled with Clean Line, which has proposed a high-voltage DC transmission line to deliver wind energy from western Kansas into Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. Clean Line has been trying to win the city of Hannibal’s support with promises of electricity for as little as 2 cents/kWh.

Ralls County Presiding Commissioner Wiley Hibbard, who said that most of his constituents strongly oppose the project, applauded the board for putting on the brakes on talks.

More: Hannibal Courier-Post


Colstrip Shutdown Would Cost $14M in Annual State Taxes

The Department of Revenue says the state would lose $14 million a year in tax receipts if two of the Colstrip Generating Station’s four units close down.

The shuttering of Colstrip’s two oldest units seems more likely as the units’ out-of-state owners are facing increasing pressure to reduce their reliance on coal-powered generation.

The Colstrip complex produces 2,094 MW and emits 13.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, according to EPA. It also pays 80% of the taxes in Rosebud County, population 9,329.

More: Billings Gazette


Battery Company Gets $2M Loan from Green Fund

EosEnergyStorageSourceEosThe Board of Public Utilities and the Economic Development Authority have approved a low-interest $2 million loan for Eos Energy Storage, which specializes in making low-cost DC battery systems for electric utilities.

The loan was provided through the Edison Innovation Green Growth Fund, which aims to help companies advance energy-efficient technologies that can compete with traditional electricity generation.


BPU Denies Tx Company Public Utility Status

The Board of Public Utilities last week denied a request by Jersey Central Power & Light and Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission for the transmission company to be considered a public utility.

The request is part of an effort by FirstEnergy to spin off its utility-owned transmission assets into a new subsidiary. (See FERC OKs FirstEnergy’s Tx Spin-off; NJ, Pa. Approval Still Needed.) Six other actions requested by the petitioners are pending before the board.

The board ruled that utility status requires an “electricity distribution system, plant or equipment.”



Brooklyn Possible Staging Area for Offshore Wind

DeepwaterWindSourceDeepwaterDeepwater Wind is considering a Brooklyn waterfront site as a staging ground for a potential offshore wind project off Long Island.

New York City issued a request for proposals to use the mostly vacant 72-acre South Brooklyn Marine Terminal site as an industrial maritime facility. Bids are due March 4.

Deepwater has approached two local companies to explore possible partnerships in connection to the project. The company began construction in July on a 30-MW wind farm in Rhode Island waters, the first in the country. It has also announced plans for projects near Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and along the New Jersey shore.

More: Bloomberg


State Wants $100K for Review of Dakota Access

DakotaAccessEnergyTransferSourceEnergyTransferThe state Emergency Commission voted to bill Energy Transfer Partners $100,000 to pay for an independent review of the company’s proposed Dakota Access oil pipeline. The $3.8-billion, 1,130-mile pipeline would carry crude oil from the state to Illinois.

The Public Service Commission approved the construction permit for the pipeline last month but said it now needs the company to pay for the review, the most expensive independent review the PSC has commissioned since reviews began in 2008. PSC Chairwoman Julie Fedorchak said the requirement was to “hold the company responsible for high standards.”

Regulators in South Dakota and Illinois have approved the project, which still needs approval by Iowa regulators and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

More: The Associated Press


Bill to Define Avoided Costs to Clarify Return on Solar

Although the state has no net-metering law in place, a bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives that would help set definitions of “avoided cost,” or the amount a utility would have to pay a solar owner for power generated and fed back into the grid.

“South Dakota is one of the few states that has gone with just the avoided cost, the bare minimum as far as reimbursing generating customers,” according to Don Kelley, chairman of the board of directors of Dakota Rural Action, which is advocating for a uniform avoided-cost rate.

The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Paula Hawks, said she wants to set a consistent rate and policy “so people know they’re getting the same rate whether they’re in the Black Hills or in eastern South Dakota.”

More: Midwest Energy News


Regulators OK Southern Co.’s Acquisition of AGL Resources

SouthernSourceSouthernThe State Corporation Commission unanimously voted to approve Southern Co.’s $12 billion acquisition of gas utility AGL Resources, which would create the second-largest utility in the U.S. with 9 million customers.

Southern would also acquire AGL’s share of the proposed $5 billion, 550-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline. AGL was one of the owners — along with Duke Energy, Dominion Resources and Piedmont Natural Gas. Since the project was revealed, Duke Energy announced plans to acquire Piedmont for $4.9 billion.

Southern says it expects to complete the acquisition by the middle of this year. When completed, Southern will have 11 regulated electric and natural gas companies with 200,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines, more than 80,000 miles of natural gas pipelines and 46,000 MW of generation.

More: Southern Co.


Bill Would Allow Gas Surveyors on Private Land Without Permission

The state Senate will consider a bill allowing surveyors for natural gas pipelines to enter private land without the permission of landowners. Under the new provision, surveyors would be able to go on private property if they first send a letter to property owners notifying them of their plans.

The bill is a response to a Monroe County judge’s ruling denying Mountain Valley Pipeline’s request to survey the properties of three uncooperative families. Pipeline issues currently are atop the state’s agenda, with seven pipeline projects underway. The state has experienced intense gas development of the Marcellus and Utica Shale formations.

This is the latest of several bills aimed at supporting pipeline development. One makes it harder for landowners to sue because of pollution; another allows pad construction before permits are granted; and a third allows companies to drill on co-owned land without permission from all owners.

More: Charleston Gazette-Mail


Challenge to PSC Ruling on Tx Line Allowed to Go Forward

A LaCrosse County Circuit Court judge is allowing a town’s challenge of a transmission line to move forward. Holland is challenging the Public Service Commission’s approval of the Badger-Coulee line, proposed by Xcel Energy and American Transmission Co.

The 345-kV line is part of a larger project, the CapX2020, which would run across Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Xcel and ATC say that the line is necessary for system reliability. The town says there is no clear need for the line and objects to the route.

More: LaCrosse Tribune

Fukushima Daiichi Five Years Later: A Progress Report

WASHINGTON — The Nuclear Energy Institute held a conference at the National Press Club Wednesday to discuss the progress made in cleaning up and dismantling the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, caused a meltdown at the plant, forcing thousands of people to abandon their homes.

While speakers primarily focused on safety improvements made in both the U.S. and Japan as a result of the disaster, others spoke about the effect it had on the workers and residents in the area, as well as the culture and communication at Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), which operates the plant.

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Enable Midstream Spinoff Dings CenterPoint Earnings

Houston-based CenterPoint Energy (CNP) on Friday reported a net loss of $509 million ($-1.18/share) for the fourth quarter of 2015. The loss included a $984 million impairment charge for its Enable Midstream Partners spinoff, a joint venture with OGE Energy and private-equity firm ArcLight Capital Partners.

CenterPoint EnergyThe transmission and consumer natural gas company reported a net loss of $692 million ($-1.61/share) for the year. It said net income would have been $465 million ($1.08/share) without impairment charges of $1.846 billion, compared to $611 million ($1.42/share) in net income in 2014.

CenterPoint CEO Scott Prochazka told analysts Feb. 26 he expects 2016 earnings in the range of $1.12 to $1.20/ share.

“We expect continued strong financial performance from utility operations in 2016, which is incorporated in our guidance,” he said in a statement.

Shares of CenterPoint stock finished down 61 cents Friday, or 3.19%, closing at $18.53.

— Tom Kleckner