October 10, 2024

Gas Adders a Necessary Tool, CAISO Says

By Jason Fordney

FOLSOM, Calif. — CAISO on Tuesday defended its deployment of gas price adders that have been activated frequently since last year in the face of cold weather, wildfires and concerns about pipeline outages.

The ISO implemented use of the adders — or scalars — in Southern California in July 2016 to address potential gas shortages stemming from the closure of the Aliso Canyon storage facility.

CAISO ERCOT gas price adders
CAISO briefed market participants at a February 20 forum in Folsom | © RTO Insider

The scalars are intended to both aid regional generators in their recovery of their start-up costs and shift generation to areas in Northern California not affected by gas shortages. When activated in the real-time market, they boost the commitment proxy gas cost calculation to 175% of the day-ahead gas reference price, while gas prices in the default energy bid calculation are set to 125% of the day-ahead price.

The scalars “may not be the perfect tool, may not be the most sophisticated tool, but it’s the tool we have,” Guillermo Bautista Alderete, the ISO’s director of market analysis and forecasting, said during a Feb. 20 Market Performance and Planning Forum.

Since the scalars were implemented in July 2016, the price level of same-day gas prices in Southern California with the adders exceeded all but a very small portion of natural gas transactions, according to a CAISO staff presentation.

CAISO gas price adders
Alderete (left) and CAISO’s Amber Motley | © RTO Insider

The scalars were deployed July 6-31, Aug. 4-7, Oct. 23-24 and from Dec. 7, 2017 to Jan. 31, 2018 — and again on Tuesday, when SoCal Citygate prices spiked to a four-year high of $25/MWh on cold weather, according to Natural Gas Intelligence.

Staff’s presentation showed that on Dec. 7, the 175% scalar shifted 2,000 MW from Southern California Edison to Pacific Gas and Electric to position the system to rely less on gas demand in Southern California. The ISO had lowered the scalars to zero on Aug. 1, 2017, after the initial summer increase, but in a Feb. 20 market notice it said it “will re-evaluate on an event-by-event basis the need for the gas price scalars adjustments.”

CAISO’s Department of Market Monitoring has recommended the ISO reduce or eliminate the adders, which it says last year caused $5 million in excess bid cost recovery payments to those resources, about $1 million of which came during Southern California wildfires, even though only a small number of market participants are using the scalars.

CAISO’s average 15-minute prices were higher than day-ahead prices in October | CAISO Department of Market Monitoring

There were high next-day gas prices and significant same-day price volatility at the SoCal Citygate delivery point on some days in the fourth quarter, but real-time gas scalars are ineffective at reflecting same-day price volatility, nor do they significantly change the order of unit commitment, the DMM said.

Bautista Alderete said the ISO is undertaking an initiative “to have a more comprehensive policy and permanent solution of how to handle these conditions on the system.”

ERCOT Monitor Touts Co-optimization Benefits

By Tom Kleckner

AUSTIN, Texas — ERCOT stakeholders are once again raising the subject of real-time co-optimization (RTC) after a simulation of a recent market event showed that the ISO might have saved almost $60 million using the process.

ERCOT co-optimization Market Monitor
Garza | © RTO Insider

Beth Garza, director of ERCOT’s Independent Market Monitor, shared her organization’s analysis of the scarcity event with the ISO’s Board of Directors on Tuesday. The grid operator would have saved $58.5 million over eight five-minute intervals had it been using RTC, she said.

RTC is the process of procuring energy and ancillary services simultaneously in the real-time market, with the intent of finding the most cost-effective solution for both requirements every five minutes.

“This was $58 million over 40 minutes, but every hour, there are hundreds of pennies and nickels and dollars that can be picked up,” Garza said.

On Jan. 23, real-time prices hit the energy offer cap of $9,000/MWh during two five-minute intervals. ERCOT blamed the spike on ramping issues because of cold weather and higher-than-expected load during early morning hours, but it also said resource adequacy was not a problem. (See “TAC Asks WMS to Investigate 2 Market Events,” ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 25, 2018.)

Using its own software and a simulation based on the security-constrained economic dispatch (SCED) 60-day report, the Monitor determined RTC would have capped prices at $7,500 during the event.

“Software is the heart of real-time co-optimization,” Garza said. “The magic was we got to move reserves. As we moved those reserves around, we moved away from fast-ramping units to slower-ramping units. By actively making decisions every five minutes, we were able to move reserves over to slightly less rampable capacity, freeing up lots of ramping capacity for five-minute energy.”

Garza made no secret of the Monitor’s advocacy for RTC, saying, “We had reserves. We had a shortage of energy. [With RTC], we could have made better choices about which units were carrying reserves and lowered energy prices.”

“This is an efficiency issue,” said Director Peter Cramton, a University of Maryland economics professor. “What you get with co-optimization is improved pricing and quantities of the resources … making the best use of existing resources in real time. That’s primary to our mission, and I think we should take it seriously.”

ERCOT staff pointed out that the Public Utility Commission of Texas has an open proceeding (Project No. 47199) investigating the use of RTC to address intermittent renewables and improve incentives for generators. The PUC has held two market reform workshops and gathered input on a wide range of potential improvements. (See ERCOT, Regulators Discuss Need for Pricing Rule Changes.)

PUC Chair DeAnn Walker made it clear that the commission is not ignoring the issue, pointing out that regulators requested a cost-benefit study in October.

“We’re doing this in a thoughtful way,” Walker said. “This is the cost, this is the benefit … we’re asking for true data. We’re asking for these studies to be done, in a thoughtful manner.”

ERCOT has already told the PUC it will cost about $40 million and as many as five years to implement RTC because of the project’s complexity and scope. Staff has said an RTC upgrade would touch as many as 13 ISO systems.

Year in Review

In reviewing 2017 market data with the board, Garza said load-weighted average real-time prices were up almost $4/MWh from 2016’s historic low, to $28.25/MWh. Those are the market’s highest prices since 2014, when the average was $40.64.

“We’re on the low end of prices,” she said, alluding to an average fuel index price of $2.98/MMBtu.

While energy prices have dropped since the ISO’s nodal market went live in 2010, spreads continue to exist among ERCOT’s various zones. Real-time energy prices in the Houston zone averaged around $32/MWh in 2017 but hovered around $25 in the west, with its plentiful and cheap wind energy.

ERCOT’s costliest constraint lies in the Panhandle, accumulating $140 million in congestion costs and preventing further West Texas wind from flowing into the system.

Garza said much of the congestion is related to construction, likening it to fixing the weakest link, and then the next weakest link. She used another analogy that Austinites in the audience know all too well when she compared congestion to highway construction.

“As lanes are added, congestion increases during construction,” Garza said. “It’s not uncommon for capacity to be reduced before you see a big expansion.”

The Panhandle constraint is being addressed by several projects completed or nearing completion: a synchronous condenser that went into service earlier in the week, another condenser due to go online in April and a 345-kV circuit addition expected to be energized by March 1.

At the same time, the $590 million Houston Import Project is scheduled to be completed later this spring to allow more power to be imported from the north. ERCOT staff are also closely watching the Lower Rio Grande Valley, where two dynamic reactive devices are expected to be in service later this year, addressing that region’s continued growth.

Garza said load-weighted costs for ancillary services have dropped from $1.23/MWh in 2015 to 87 cents/MWh last year, because “we’re buying the right amount of services at the right time.”

CAISO Q4 Sees 15-Minute Price Spikes, CRR Shortfalls

By Jason Fordney

CAISO’s fourth quarter was beset by 15-minute market energy shortages and a significant shortfall in congestion revenue rights auction revenues, the ISO’s Market Monitor said Wednesday.

During a conference call to discuss its fourth-quarter market performance report, the Department of Market Monitoring said energy shortages or power balance constraints last quarter consistently pushed 15-minute market prices above day-ahead levels.

“That is not something that we typically see,” DMM Senior Analyst Gabe Murtaugh said. “These are really some interesting results.”

Average 15-minute system prices increased to almost $47/MWh in October — exceeding $750/MWh in almost 1% of intervals — but then fell in November and December. October’s 15-minute price averages were higher than day-ahead and five-minute market prices by about $4/MWh and $9/MWh, respectively.

Day-ahead and real-time prices in the fourth quarter closely tracked the “net load curve,” which represents load minus wind and solar output. High 15-minute prices during October occurred most often between hours ending 18 and 20, when net load was highest.

“Many of these high prices occurred in intervals when the supply of ramping capability bid into the market was fully utilized and the power balance constraint was relaxed,” CAISO said in the report. “Even when the load bias limiter was triggered, prices were often set by bids greater than $900/MWh.”

Load bias describes the last-minute adjustments an operator makes to the load forecast ahead of a market run to account for potential inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the forecast. Constraints in the 15-minute market drove up the ISO’s usage of the practice, a topic of continuing interest for market participants. During the call, the DMM declined to answer a question about whether the load bias usage was appropriate, saying it has raised the issue before and that the ISO is looking into it. (See ‘Load Bias,’ Prices Rise in CAISO Q3.)

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CAISO’s Monitor said ISO’s Q4 congestion revenue rights payouts far exceed what it took in from the CRR auction. | CAISO Department of Market Monitoring

The department also said the ISO experienced $61 million in CRR auction “payment deficiencies” in the fourth quarter and $101 million for 2017. But not all market participants agree with the DMM’s take on the CRR auction, which is the topic of a highly scrutinized reform program by CAISO. (See CAISO Overhauling CRR Auctions.)

In the fourth-quarter report, the department said there was heavy north-to-south congestion in the day-ahead market, primarily because of planned outages in Southern California. The congestion pushed up day-ahead prices in Southern California by about $2/MWh and decreased prices in Northern California by about the same amount, the Monitor said.

FERC OKs Settlement on ISO-NE Scarcity Rules

By Michael Kuser

FERC on Tuesday approved an uncontested settlement to raise ISO-NE’s peak energy rent (PER) adjustment, resolving the issues the commission set for hearing in a 2017 order finding that the mechanism had become unjust and unreasonable because of the interaction between it and higher reserve constraint penalty factors (EL16-120, ER17-2153).

Under the settlement, ISO-NE will increase the PER strike price for each hour “by the amounts that actual five-minute reserve shadow prices exceed the pre-December 2014 reserve constraint penalty factors (RCPF) values for 30-minute operating reserves and 10-minute non-spinning reserves ($500/MWh and $850/MWh, respectively).”

The change will be applied from Sept. 30, 2016 — the date of the initiating complaint by the New England Power Generators Association (NEPGA) — through May 31, 2018, the last day of the capacity commitment period for Forward Capacity Auction 8.

ISO-NE FERC PER peak energy rent

The commission’s Feb. 20 order directed ISO-NE to make a compliance filing reflecting the settlement.

NEPGA had asked the commission to apply the revised PER and any resulting refunds to capacity suppliers to an Aug. 11, 2016, scarcity event, but the commission rejected the request in November 2017, saying it would impose “an unforeseen and significant increase in costs” to load. (See Generators’ Rehearing Bid on ISO-NE Scarcity Rules Denied.)

The Feb. 20 order noted the settling parties did not agree on the application of the revised strike price methodology to FCA 9, the capacity commitment period from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019.


The New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) contended that the new methodology should not apply because FCA 9 was held in February 2015 — after the RCPFs were increased, which allowed resources to reflect the change in their supply offers.

NEPGA countered that NESCOE’s position “would deny capacity suppliers the full extent of the relief granted by the commission.”

The commission chose not to resolve the dispute, saying it was “beyond the scope of this proceeding.”

FERC previously agreed to eliminate the PER adjustment effective with the capacity commitment period beginning June 1, 2019 (ER17-2153, EL16-120). ISO-NE said its Pay-for-Performance program and changes to the day-ahead energy market made the adjustment unnecessary beyond that date.

ISO-NE spokesman Matthew Kakley said the PER calculations will revert to the old method for FCA 9. “The existing Tariff language (not the revised settlement language) will apply,” he said.

NEPGA president Dan Dolan said on Thursday, “PER and the appropriate strike price level has been a persistent issue in the New England markets for years. The settlement and this order help provide some certainty and stability as the market transitions to the elimination of the PER concept beginning on June 1, 2019.”



FirstEnergy CEO Predicts Death of FES, Coal, Nuclear

By Rory D. Sweeney

FirstEnergy CEO Charles Jones said Wednesday the company’s floundering FirstEnergy Solutions (FES) merchant generating arm is now under a death watch and that, in his “simple view of the future,” coal and nuclear generation will become extinct without market changes.

Jones told analysts on the company’s earnings call that “unless something is done to change the construct of these administrated markets, which have been administrated in a way to disadvantage coal and nuclear plants” and “unless the states step in to provide support, there will be no coal or nuclear plants left in these markets.”

During the call, Jones revealed the extent to which the company has cut ties with FES and that he expects the subsidiary will not survive the winter. He said FES has been operating independently since early last year and will no longer have access to its parent’s internal bank by the end of March, “and that will be the last tie that we have with that business.” (See FirstEnergy Selling Merchant Fleet Despite NOPR.)

“While I can’t speak for FES, I will be shocked if they go beyond March without some type of a [bankruptcy] filing,” he said.

‘Personally Disappointed’

Jones said it would be up to the subsidiaries that own generation — FES, Allegheny Energy Supply and Monongahela Power — to determine whether they will bid into PJM’s Base Residual Auction in May. He also touched on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and other efforts that could provide support for the company’s ailing nuclear and coal-fired resources.

“I’m personally disappointed that the endeavors haven’t resulted in a meaningful legislative or regulatory support, given the importance of these plants to grid resiliency, reliable and affordable power and the region’s economy,” he said.

The company is also “not planning to make another attempt at Pleasants,” he said, referring to FirstEnergy’s recently abandoned plan to transfer ownership of its 1,300-MW coal-fired plant from Allegheny to Mon Power, where the plant would have received a defined return based on regulatory review. He said Mon Power would meet any supply needs through PJM’s markets while the company determines how to address a capacity shortfall in its most recent integrated resource plan. Another IRP is due in two years, Jones said. (See FirstEnergy Shutting down Unsold Coal Plant.)

FirstEnergy reported a fourth-quarter GAAP loss of $5.62/share based on asset impairments and plant exit costs of $2.4 billion (3.38/share), which included reducing the carrying value of Pleasants, fully impairing nuclear assets and increasing nuclear asset retirement obligations, said Jim Pearson, the company’s new executive vice president of finance. The company also took a non-cash charge of $1.2 billion ($2.68/share) related to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

K. Jon Taylor, the new president of FirstEnergy’s Ohio operations, said the tax law’s elimination of bonus depreciation would add about $400 million to the rate base, but that depreciation was already scaling down to 40% in 2018 and 30% in 2019.

Adjusted earnings were 71 cents/share for the quarter, driven by a 23 cents/share year-over-year increase from the company’s distribution segments. Jones said operating earnings for the company’s transmission and distribution segments increased 14% in 2017, or 25% if the distribution modernization rider (DMR) in Ohio is included. The company is looking for the Public Utility Commission of Ohio to approve a $450 million distribution platform modernization plan to better gird against blackouts and to prepare for “smart grid technologies.”

Wired Future

To pump up its transition to becoming a fully regulated “wires” company, FirstEnergy plans to invest $10 billion in its distribution and transmission infrastructure by 2022, starting with 2018 operating earnings guidance of $2.25 to $2.55 per diluted share, with a long-term growth-rate projection of 6 to 8% through 2021, Jones said. He said that each year between $1 billion to $1.2 billion of that investment will be targeted to transmission. That excludes the DMR in Ohio and is offset by the corporate segment.

Jones was quick to squelch any thoughts that the company is profiteering in its regulated business.

“There should be absolutely no concern in the market about us overearning in Pennsylvania. And if there is any hysteria out there, you all are smart enough to know that there are people that trade off with the hysteria,” he said in response to a question on several rate cases in the state.

The company last month announced the sale of $2.5 billion in equity to investment companies, which included the formation of a “restructuring working group” to advise on any potential restructuring at FES. The group includes three FirstEnergy executives — Pearson, Leila Vespoli and Gary Benz — along with John Wilder of Bluescape Energy Partners and Tony Horton of Energy Future Holdings. The group serves FirstEnergy’s interests, while FES is overseen by its own board of directors. Pearson is also in charge of an internal company redesign known as FE Tomorrow.

Jones also bristled at suggestions that the cash won’t be enough.

“No additional equity through 2021,” he said. “I can’t believe it’s only one month after doing $2.5 billion that we’re already getting that question again, but there will be none.”

Changes at the Top

FirstEnergy also announced several changes to its board of directors and executive suite before the call on Wednesday. Donald Misheff, who has been on the board since 2012, was elected chairman effective May 15 to replace George M. Smart, while Sandra Pianalto became a director. Smart and William T. Cottle, both 72, are retiring in May in accordance with the company’s mandatory retirement-age policy.

From left: William T. Cottle, Donald T. Misheff, Sandra Pianalto, George Smart. Cottle and Smart are retiring from the board in May. Misheff is replacing Smart as chairman of FirstEnergy’s Board of Directors and Pianalto is joining the board. They will be tasked with leading the company through its major restructuring into a fully regulated transmission and distribution company. | FirstEnergy

Within the company:

  • Kevin T. Warvell became vice president, chief financial officer, treasurer and corporate secretary for FES. Previously, he was FES’ vice president of commercial operations, structuring and pricing and corporate secretary.
  • Christine L. Walker became vice president of human resources for FirstEnergy Service subsidiary. Previously, she was the executive director of FirstEnergy’s talent management.
  • Jason J. Lisowski became vice president, controller and chief accounting officer of FirstEnergy. Previously, he was the controller and treasurer for FES.
  • Donald A. Moul became president of FES Generation and chief nuclear officer. Previously, he was president of FirstEnergy Generation.
  • Charles D. Lasky became senior vice president of human resources and chief human resources officer for FirstEnergy Service. Previously, he was the senior vice president of human resources.
  • Steven E. Strah became senior vice president and chief financial officer. Previously, he was a senior vice president and president of FirstEnergy Utilities.
  • Sam Belcher became a senior vice president and president of FirstEnergy Utilities. Previously, he was president and chief nuclear officer for FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.

Pearson was the company’s executive vice president and chief financial officer. Taylor was a vice president, controller and chief accounting officer.

PacifiCorp Picks Wind Expansion Winners

By Jason Fordney

PacifiCorp said Tuesday it selected bids from developers of four wind farms, totaling 1,300 MW and advancing an effort that would expand the company’s wind portfolio by more than 60% if constructed.

The Portland, Ore.-based company is procuring the wind as part of its Energy Vision 2020 plan, which also includes upgrading its existing wind facilities in Wyoming, Washington and Oregon with longer blades and other technology. Energy from three of the new projects would be carried to the company’s system via the proposed 140-mile, 500-kV Aeolus-Bridger/Anticline transmission line, a segment of the company’s 2,000-mile Energy Gateway, a proposed project under development over the last decade.

PacifiCorp wind farms wind portfolio
PacifiCorp hopes for construction to begin on the new wind and transmission facilities in 2019 | Copyright: arinahabich / 123RF Stock Photo

“We are committed to expanding the amount of renewable energy serving our customers, and these new wind projects will help us cost-effectively further that goal,” said Stefan Bird, CEO of the Pacific Power unit that serves customers in Oregon, Washington and California.

The winning bids resulted from a request for proposals issued last September. (See PacifiCorp Seeks 1,270 MW of New Wind.) The company estimates the projects will cost an estimated $1.5 billion, much less than when the wind and transmission plan was originally announced last April and lower than the cost of market purchases.

The proposed wind projects, all located in Wyoming, are:

  • A 400-MW project in Converse County to be built by NextEra Energy, which would split ownership and operation with PacifiCorp;
  • A 161-MW project in Uinta County to be built by Invenergy and owned and operated by PacifiCorp;
  • A 500-MW project in Carbon and Albany counties to be built, owned and operated by PacifiCorp; and
  • A 250-MW project in Carbon County to be built, owned and operated by PacifiCorp.

The new wind and transmission projects still require state approval, acquisition of rights of way and other permits, with construction targeted for next year. The company last year announced it would be procuring more wind energy when it issued its 2017 integrated resource plan. (See PacifiCorp IRP Sees More Renewables, Less Coal.)

Avangrid Posts Q4 Loss, Sharpens Focus

By Michael Kuser

DER PJM Avangrid wholesale market

Avangrid lost $77 million in the fourth quarter after taking a one-time charge related to the sale of its gas storage and trading units, the company said Tuesday.

But the company is sharpening its focus on its core businesses, with 12 GW of renewable projects in the pipeline, healthy growth in transmission and a nearly $9 billion utility rate base in the Northeast.

Fourth-quarter earnings plunged from $207 million a year earlier, while 2017 net income was down 40% to $381 million, in large part because of the charge.

CEO James P. Torgerson told analysts during an earnings call that the company achieved consistent results last year, despite poor wind production and the impact of an unplanned transmission outage that affected its new 298-MW El Cabo wind farm in New Mexico.

“We’re the third-largest wind operator in the United States, and we have 90% emission-free capacity,” Torgerson said. “And we look to be carbon neutral by 2035.”

Transmission Opportunity

Avangrid’s earnings came less than a week after its Central Maine Power subsidiary learned it’s next in line for winning Massachusetts’ 9.45-TWh clean energy solicitation if New Hampshire regulators do not approve the Northern Pass transmission line by March 27. (See Mass. Picks Avangrid Project as Northern Pass Backup.)

Avangrid transmission earnings q4
Avangrid transmission lines | UWUA

The state initially awarded the contract to Eversource Energy and Hydro-Quebec’s Northern Pass on Jan. 25, only to see the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) unanimously reject the 1,090-MW transmission project a week later. Eversource has appealed the decision.

“People can make their own judgment as to what’s going to happen in New Hampshire but [should] keep in mind that they ruled 7-0 not to approve the project previously,” Torgerson said.

The company expects its rate base to increase by two-thirds from 2016 levels to $14.5 billion in 2022.

“So 85% of our rate base is secured by multiyear rate agreements and FERC formula rates,” Torgerson said. “And the rate base increases with investments. We don’t have bonus depreciation, and remeasurement of the deferred tax assets also boosts the rate base.”

The recent corporate tax cuts created some benefits for the company, but Avangrid intends to work with state regulators in New York and New England to ensure utility customers benefit fully, Torgerson said.

‘Smarter’ and ‘Cleaner’

Torgerson also highlighted the company’s work to install advanced metering infrastructure (AIM) and electric vehicle charging stations, and develop smart grid technology and programs to benefit its customers in the Northeast and Pacific Northwest.

Avangrid will invest about $14.4 billion in “smarter” and “cleaner” energy from 2017 to 2022, Torgerson said. Repair and replacement of traditional electric and gas distribution infrastructure and transmission repair and replacement will account for 64% of the investment, with Avangrid Renewables providing the remainder.

The company is investing about $285 million in upgrading transmission lines in Maine and $680 million in AIM and a distributed system integrity program in New York.

Not included in the company’s formal outlook, but mentioned in the call, was Avangrid’s proposed Connect NY project, a 1,000-MW underground DC line from Utica, through the congested Central East interface, to New York City, which the company said will support the retirement of the Indian Point nuclear plant and is well-positioned for regulatory approval.

The company is also a 20% partner with other utility owners in NY Transco, which plans to build an AC line from upstate New York to the load areas around New York City. The company’s Networks division is also poised to develop transmission options in the Massachusetts offshore wind solicitation. (See Mass. Receives Three OSW Proposals, Including Storage, Tx.)

“Offshore wind is going to be huge for everybody, but particularly for us with our partnership with [Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners] and our ownership of a lease off Kitty Hawk, N.C.,” Torgerson said.

Avangrid Networks plans to expand beyond the Northeast and into other RTOs across the country. This year it is identifying opportunities to invest about $3 billion per year on requests for proposals, particularly in CAISO, MISO and PJM.


Advocate Group Questions PJM Campaign Contributions

By Rory D. Sweeney

Consumer advocate Public Citizen has filed a complaint with FERC, accusing PJM of violating the Federal Power Act by making political contributions with membership funds (EL18-61).

Campaign contributions federal power act
Tyson Slocum, Director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program, believes PJM violated federal rules by using membership funds to contribute to political action committees. | © RTO Insider

Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen’s energy program, said PJM has made at least $456,500 in campaign contributions to the Democratic Governors Association and the Republican Governors Association since 2007 and hasn’t disclosed the contributions to either FERC or its stakeholders.

Susan Buehler, a PJM spokesperson, said the contributions were meant to allow staff access to energy-related policy summits and “were not intended to support any political campaign.”

“PJM has acted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations,” she said in an emailed statement. “PJM’s external affairs and communications costs, including these memberships, are collected through PJM’s filed stated rates consistent with FERC’s order authorizing these costs to be collected from ISO-RTO members. PJM operates as a profit-neutral organization for which educating and informing are essential to our FERC-defined functions.”

Slocum said that’s the problem.

“That’s a violation of the Federal Power Act’s just and reasonable standard,” he said. “Given PJM’s admission that they funded these contributions with filed rate money makes this much more complicated for PJM. … They can talk about, ‘Oh, it wasn’t our intent.’ … When you give [PACs] money, you are enabling the financing of partisan election campaigns. … That is totally inconsistent with just and reasonable rates, and I think that we now have a very good case that they’re in violation.”

Campaign contributions federal power act
Public Citizen identified $456,500 in campaign contributions made by PJM to the Democratic and Republican governors associations since 2007. | Public Citizen

Slocum said the contributions came to light during a broader investigation of corporations using political action committees (PACs) to make otherwise unlawful campaign contributions.

“You simply launder the money through the Democratic or Republican association, who then gives it to the candidate. It’s money laundering in the political sense,” he said.

Slocum said he does not suspect PJM of attempting to funnel the money to any particular candidate but is concerned that it is not disclosed.

“PJM has not disclosed that level of detail to FERC or its stakeholders. This is not a FERC-approved transaction. [PJM is] saying they think it’s consistent with FERC’s order, but FERC is not aware that PJM has been using revenues from its filed rate to make contributions to a 527 [PAC],” he said.

Tax Adjustments Dampen NiSource 2017 Earnings

By Amanda Durish Cook

NiSource lost $52.4 million during the fourth quarter due to one-time charges related to the federal tax cuts passed late last year, the company said Tuesday.

DER NIPSCO NiSource earnings

But during a Feb. 20 earnings call, CEO Joe Hamrock focused on adjusted earnings, noting the company would have made $110.3 million ($0.33/share) in the fourth quarter absent the charges — beating analyst estimates by a penny. The Merrillville, Ind.-based company earned $88.8 million ($0.28/share) during the fourth quarter of 2016.

Hamrock said that “2017 was a year of solid execution,” aided by record utility infrastructure and a growing customer base helped by an upswing in the housing market. NiSource added 28,000 new customers in 2017.

“We’re well positioned for continued growth,” Hamrock told investors.

NiSource earned $128.6 million ($0.39/share) for the year, compared with $328.1 million ($1.02/share) in 2016. Still, the company’s 5% increase in operating income to $901.6 million was accompanied by a 72% jump in income taxes — to $314.5 million — based on “certain balance sheet adjustments and other items as a result of federal tax reform legislation,” the company said.

Chief Financial Officer Donald Brown said NiSource’s continuing commitment to utility investment will be boosted by last year’s federal tax law change despite the non-recurring write-down. Hamrock said the company continues to work with stakeholders and regulators in the seven states it serves on how to best pass the benefits of tax reform on to customers.

“This effort should play out over the next six months or so,” Hamrock said.

During 2017, the company refinanced almost $1 billion of its long-term debts at more favorable rates, which is expected to result in “significant interest savings and positively impact its earnings,” according to the company.

NiSource also invested $1.7 billion in infrastructure last year, the company’s largest-ever single-year investment, Hamrock said. The investment involved replacing 377 miles of gas pipeline, replacing 1,300 electric poles, and placing 68 miles of underground electric cable.

The company’s future financials will be helped further by a recent settlement over the cleanup of several coal ash ponds at two of its Northern Indiana Public Service Co. coal plants. The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in December approved a settlement allowing the utility to recover 80% of federally mandated costs to clean up the ponds through surcharges in customer bills (44872). The $193 million bundle of projects ― at Michigan City Unit 12 in Michigan City, Ind., and at R.M. Schahfer Units 14 and 15 in Wheatfield, Ind. — is expected to bring NIPSCO in compliance with EPA’s Coal Combustion Residuals rule. The other 20% of project cost recovery will be deferred until NIPSCO’s next rate case before the IURC.

DER NIPSCO NiSource earnings
Michigan City generating station | NIPSCO

Hamrock said NiSource expects to complete the environmental mitigation project by the end of this year.

He also said the company is still on track to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 50% from 2005 levels by 2025. NiSource last year announced plans to retire half its coal generation by 2023, shuttering more than 1.2 GW in coal between its Bailly and Schahfer plants. (See Big Spending, Shrinking Coal Fleet in NiSource’s Future.) NIPSCO officials have said new EPA rules on coal ash contributed to the company’s decision to partially close Schahfer.

Overheard at NARUC Winter Policy Meetings

By Rory D. Sweeney

WASHINGTON — Resilience, pipelines and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act topped the discussions at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ winter meetings last week, which were attended by hundreds of state regulators, utility officials and other industry stakeholders. Here are some of the highlights:

‘Beacon of Stability’

All five FERC commissioners spoke about grid resilience and how RTOs and ISOs should plan to address it.

Commissioner Neil Chatterjee said he hoped FERC’s response to the Department of Energy’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking assuaged some fears about the commission’s impartiality.

Chatterjee | © RTO Insider

“I’m increasingly gaining appreciation for the role the commission plays … to be a beacon of stability in an otherwise volatile regulatory and legislative landscape,” he said during a panel for NARUC’s Committee on Gas. “I understand why people were concerned. You have four new commissioners coming in, and here’s [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell’s coal guy. People were concerned that the right decision would get made. I hope now that, in the aftermath, … that people … around the country will have confidence that we’re going to continue going forward in a fuel-neutral, nonpolitical, reasonable way.”

He acknowledged his sympathy for efforts to save coal, given his Kentucky origins.

“The significance of coal-fired generation and the mines, the role they play in the economy, it goes beyond energy and reliability. It really is part of the lifeblood of some communities. … When the plants close, the mines close, the jobs go away, people are left, their only asset is their homes and oftentimes those homes, they have no value because of the lack of economic opportunity, so it’s really, really difficult. Of course, I was sympathetic to the plight of the people in my home part of the country.”

McIntyre | © RTO Insider

FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre defended the NOPR as “widely misunderstood by many in the industry” but also acknowledged it had not been a priority for the commission.

“Some of the items we work are actually of our choosing. Others are foisted upon us,” he said.

McIntyre acknowledged that state and federal policy “do overlap in some ways” and assured attendees that the commission takes its rulemaking responsibilities “very seriously.”

“That makes it hard. One cannot simply say, ‘OK, that sounds close enough for us,’” he said. “This country has benefited enormously from robust, competitive markets, so one has to be very careful taking any steps that could have the result of, or even be perceived as, casting aside recognition of those important market benefits.”

LaFleur | © RTO Insider

Commissioner Robert Powelson told attendees at a Committee on Water panel that he expects any proposal from an RTO to have state support. He said “unequivocally” that any proposal “will not garner any support if I don’t hear from the … member states … on the proposal.”

Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur said, “Of course the views of the states are very important,” adding that states can change grid operators if they prefer.

Glick | © RTO Insider

“We don’t assign you,” she said. “In some regions, the states are not unanimous on one solution, and it does allow the FERC to figure out what’s just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory using our own judgment.”

Commissioner Richard Glick stressed the importance of FERC developing a proposal that actually addresses resilience issues.

“It seems to me … that some RTOs are suggesting things that don’t necessarily [relate] to resilience,” he said.

‘Fresh Look’ at Pipeline Policies

The low cost and abundancy of natural gas also had regulators focused on pipeline infrastructure. Several FERC commissioners discussed McIntyre’s plan to review the commission’s 1999 policy statement on pipeline approval.

“It has been policy at the FERC not only since 1999, but prior to that, to ensure that no pipeline proposal is approved where there is not a demonstrated need for the project. What has evolved … is the standard for determining how that is measured and should it continue to evolve,” McIntyre said. “It’s time for us to dust that off and have a fresh look at it and see what changes, if any, are appropriate to that.”

He said FERC should take into account many variables, including environmental concerns and whether the commission should weigh how many contracts with a pipeline have been signed by affiliates of the applicant.

“They’re still independent market participants, but is that enough?” he said. “Should the regulator look at the stance in that sort of situation and say, ‘That doesn’t seem like a valid arms-length measure of pipeline need.’”

Glick said, “The commission’s kind of veered away from … its approach that it had taken in the past toward considering whether there’s a need for a pipeline.” He said it “seems to be backwards” that the commission has to provide the certificates necessary to access private land to do surveys necessary to determine where pipelines should go.

Chatterjee said he’s “strongly supportive” of reviewing the policy, is concerned about landowner issues and understands the “complex tension that exists.”

PURPA FERC natural gas pipelines PJM Insider
McKay | © RTO Insider

Bruce McKay, a senior energy policy director at Dominion Energy who spoke during a panel on pipeline infrastructure, said, “Increasingly, energy policy is being made on a project-by-project basis. The keep-it-in-the-ground movement … the strategy seems to have shifted to go after pipelines and transportation of energy as a way to change energy policy, as opposed to getting likeminded people elected or persuading those elected into office or in policymaking roles to change policy.”

He said that, like highways, the overall capacity of the nation’s pipeline system doesn’t address local constrictions.

“If you can’t get it where you need it when you need it, it becomes a real problem,” he said.

Kimberly | © RTO Insider

Kimberly Harris, CEO of Puget Sound Energy and chair of the American Gas Association’s board of directors, noted that the U.S. used 147.1 Bcf of gas on Jan. 1.

“We actually set the all-time record for the output of the natural gas system,” she said.

Two-Way Street on PURPA

The commissioners are also interested in reviewing how FERC handles PURPA.

“The question is whether there are steps at the FERC level that will improve the overall playing field of PURPA today,” McIntyre said. “The answer is probably ‘yes.’”

He indicated several issues to examine, including the project size necessary to be a qualified facility. He said calculation of the avoided-cost rate used for PURPA contracts “is still a very old-fashioned process, determined administratively state by state.”

A panel of the Committee on Electricity addressed PURPA issues, arguing that both sides of the issue take advantage of the law for their needs. Advocates for QFs said utilities fight accepting QF energy in favor of their own generation projects, while utilities said QF developers skirt rules to get their projects automatically approved, such as breaking them into smaller-sized units that are automatically accepted.

“The gaming of regulations goes both ways, and you expect that,” said Steve Thomas, an energy contract manager for paper company Domtar.

PURPA opponents contended the law requires utilities to pay for and accept energy production from QFs even if the utility doesn’t need the energy, which can create reliability and operational issues. Proponents say the rule helps QFs crack into markets and that utilities have the tools necessary to avoid paying for energy they don’t need.

“The problem is that utilities don’t want to ever stop buying,” said Todd Glass, an attorney representing solar developers. “They want their own generation. They want to continue building. They want to continue buying. They just don’t want to buy from QFs. … What you need to do is hold the utilities to the task of doing avoided cost. If you’re going to eliminate the ability for QFs to sell to them, you need to eliminate their own ability to self-build and buy for themselves too. You shouldn’t have it both ways: that the utility can get rid of the QFs and then just self-deal.”

NARUC PURPA Kevin McIntyre Neil Chatterjee
Bowman | © RTO Insider

Kendal Bowman, Duke Energy’s senior vice president of regulatory affairs and policy, said utilities can avoid taking on QF capacity by reducing their avoided-cost rates to zero — but they are still required to buy the energy as it’s produced.

“That is 70% of that avoided-cost payment,” she said. “Roughly 30% is capacity. The other 70% is energy.”

NARUC PURPA Kevin McIntyre Neil Chatterjee
Kavulla | © RTO Insider

Montana Public Service Commission Vice Chairman Travis Kavulla said FERC has interpreted PURPA as requiring states to forecast utilities’ avoided-cost rates to set long-term QF contracts.

“This type of administrative pricing essentially requires states to guess at future market prices, allowing QFs to lock in rates that substantially overstate the actual avoided cost as it’s revealed in real time,” he said. “It’s not altogether clear whether a more competitive approach, if states were to embark on it, is legal and comports with FERC’s implementing regulations of PURPA. … It’s ironic that, in the context of a trendy, happening industry like renewables, we’re stuck debating whether or not they should rely on such an arcane crutch like PURPA.”

Glass said PURPA hasn’t solved the problems of getting small energy projects into large utilities.

“Where there is monopoly ownership of generation, transmission and distribution, the problems remain the same,” he said. “Yes, it’s an improvement, but [QF resources accounting for] 9% [of generation] is all we’ve gained in the last 40 years [since PURPA was enacted]. The rest of it is coal, gas, nuclear and the same hydro that existed in 1978. So, yes, we’ve made improvements, but have we achieved a diverse portfolio yet? I don’t think so. We have made strides, don’t get me wrong, in diversifying, but we’re not there yet.”

NARUC PURPA Kevin McIntyre Neil Chatterjee
Thomas | © RTO Insider

Thomas saw it both ways. He agreed that cogeneration facilities need the long-term assurance of contracts like PURPA to get approval to make the capital expenditures necessary to build the facilities. But he also supported not paying for more capacity than necessary.

“Certainly any gaming — somebody who can force a utility that doesn’t need to buy capacity or energy to buy capacity and energy — is not good,” he said. “But we do also support the idea that if I want to bring capacity and energy to your system, that it be fair in price.”

He credited PURPA for enabling combined heat and power and waste heat recovery facilities to exist.

“We self-fund our generators. We pay for them out of efficiencies for taking something that was going to go unused and turning it into electricity. I honestly don’t know that that ability would have been there without PURPA to try to, for lack of a better word, force utilities to look at allowing these extra generators,” he said. “It’s hard … to make the case at a new facility to put in the extreme capital cost for generation if we don’t know what the market’s going to be or if the market’s going to be pulled away from us. And PURPA, even if it’s not used, if it’s there, it gives us some [assurance] that we can build those assets.”

Thomas said the goal is to have it both ways.

“That’s what we’re looking for: the wisdom to reshape PURPA as needed to make sure customers don’t have to buy generation and energy that they don’t need, but that when there is a need or when that energy could be fit into a cost curve, that they be allowed to be there,” he said.

NARUC PURPA Kevin McIntyre Neil Chatterjee
Glass | © RTO Insider

Glass objected to Thomas’ characterization.

“During the 90s, I represented pulp-paper companies, steel companies, aluminum companies, developing PURPA projects. Utilities hated us. Even more than they hated us, they hate renewables now. To have a revisionist history where utilities have always liked you guys, they don’t. They don’t like you now, they didn’t like you then, they’re not going to like you in the future if you’re the last man standing,” Glass said.

Panelists discussed several ongoing initiatives to revise the rules. NARUC has sent a request to FERC to reconsider how it handles PURPA. U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) has also introduced a bill that would allow state regulators to assume some PURPA decision-making currently held by FERC. Kavulla testified on behalf of NARUC in support of the bill before a congressional subcommittee in January. (See House Panel Considers Bills on PURPA, LNG Exports.)

Thomas warned that Walberg’s legislation would substantially deter cogeneration projects.

“There’s a lot of energy that would go to waste if that were to happen,” he said.