July 29, 2024


SPP Briefs
SPP staff have begun working on final report of the Export Pricing Task Force for delivery in July of this year.
SPP Nearing Wind Limit; Planning Single Market with Mountain West
SPP's footprint may be expanding with the potential addition of the Mountain West Transmission Group, which would help the RTO offload excess wind energy.
PJM, SPP Chiefs Share Frustration with Order 1000
PJM CEO Andy Ott and SPP CEO Nick Brown said that FERC Order 1000 is causing headaches while doing little to encourage transmission development.
MISO-SPP Coordinated Study Yields 1 Possible Project – For Now
Preliminary results of the MISO and SPP '16 coordinated system study are in, and the RTOs say one project has potential, but it fails MISO’s cost threshold.
SPP Briefs
The odds of SPP and MISO conducting a second joint study dropped as the RTOs’ reviews are not lining up. Plus the Z2 Task Force is narrowing alternatives.
MISO, PJM Propose Solution to Pseudo-Tie Congestion Problem
MISO and PJM staff proposed a solution to the double counting of congestion for pseudo-tied resources, a fix that could apply to those between MISO and SPP.
SPS, SPP Ask Texas to Rule on Transmission Competition
SPS and SPP have asked the PUC of Texas (PUCT) to rule on whether Texas law includes a right of first refusal that overrides FERC Order 1000.
OGE Doesn’t Let Earnings Shortfall Mar ‘Good Year’
OGE reported net income of $57.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2016, compared to $29.4 million the year prior.
SPP Eyes 75% Wind Penetration Levels
After SPP set the wind penetration record for North American RTOs, recent studies found that it has the potential to serve 75% of its load with wind.
SPP First RTO to 50% Wind Energy Penetration Level
At 4:30 a.m. Sunday morning, SPP’s footprint generated 11,419 MW of wind energy at the same time its load was 21,919 MW.

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