July 24, 2024


FERC Denies Rehearing on Affected System Order
FERC denied rehearing of a 2019 order that directed MISO, PJM and SPP to shine more light on how they perform their affected-system studies.
FERC Rejects 4 SPP GIA Requests
FERC rejected generator interconnection agreements with four wind farms filed by SPP, finding that the RTO had not shown them to be just and reasonable.
SPP Western Markets Briefs: April 23, 2020
SPP’s effort to stand up the Western Energy Imbalance Service market is on budget and on schedule, RTO staff told the Western Markets Executive Committee.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: April 15, 2020
SPP Board Chair Larry Altenbaumer asked the Strategic Planning Committee for an education session on congestion hedging following stakeholder disagreement.
SPP MOPC Briefs: April 14, 2020
SPP's MOPC endorsed a revision request that would eliminate Z2 revenue credits for sponsored transmission upgrades despite concerns of a regulatory defeat.
Golden Spread Ordered to Further Comply with Order 845
FERC partially approved Golden Spread Electric Coop’s Order 845 compliance filing but directed them to make another proving compliance within 120 days.
Monitor Casts Doubts on MISO-SPP CTS Benefits
SPP’s Market Monitor said MISO and SPP must rethink some of their fees and practices before rolling out coordinated transaction scheduling across the seam.
Tri-State G&T, Delta-Montrose Reach Withdrawal Deal
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association has entered into a withdrawal agreement with Delta-Montrose Electric Association.
DOJ Joins NextEra Appeal of Texas ROFR Ruling
The U.S. Department of Justice again supported NextEra’s effort to repeal a Texas law giving incumbent transmission companies the right of first refusal.
SPP Seams Steering Committee: April 2, 2020
SPP and MISO are picking up the pace of developing their 2020 coordinated system plan, staff told the Seams Steering Committee.

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