July 24, 2024


GridLiance Acquires Tx Facilities in Kansas
GridLiance's High Plains subsidiary has acquired a 65% interest in the Kansas city of Winfield's transmission facilities.
SPP Briefs: Week of Aug. 31, 2020
SPP says it will begin allowing employees to return to its corporate headquarters in October.
FERC Rejects SPP’s Zonal Planning Criteria
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed Tariff revision to develop uniform local transmission planning criteria.
SPP Expands its Western RC Footprint
SPP will add eight generating resources that are part of Gridforce’s balancing authority to its reliability coordinator footprint.
MISO, SPP Regulators Ponder Monitors’ Recommendations
MISO’s and SPP’s market monitors presented their last report to state regulators working to improve the RTOs’ interregional coordination.
SPP Stakeholders Agree on WEIS Tariff Changes
Stakeholders in SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market approved three revision requests in response to FERC’s rejection of the proposed Tariff.
FERC Affirms its Jurisdiction over Tri-State G&T
FERC affirmed that it has exclusive jurisdiction over Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association’s rates and member exit charges.
FERC Orders Tech Conference on MISO-SPP Congestion
FERC ordered a technical conference to investigate overlapping congestion charges imposed on pseudo-tie transactions between MISO and SPP.
MISO, SPP Close to Ruling out Joint Projects Again
MISO and SPP appear to have come up empty once again after a fourth study failed to detect a joint transmission project.
Montana Supreme Court Rebuffs PSC on PURPA Rules
The Montana PSC “arbitrarily and unlawfully” reduced solar generators’ payments and contract lengths under PURPA, the Supreme Court ruled.

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