September 29, 2024

Special Reports

SPP Squelching MMU Independence, Former Monitors Say
SPP has interfered with the autonomy of its internal MMU, according to two former monitors who say they were fired for voicing their concerns.
Order 719: FERC Balanced MMU Independence Against RTO Autonomy
The independence concerns raised by former SPP market monitors resulted in part from FERC’s compromises in Order 719.
PJM States Seek ‘First Mover’ Status
PJM's Atlantic states are ideally located to pursue offshore wind, with shallow coasts similar to Europe, where utility-scale offshore wind is 10+ years old
Billions Needed to Bring Offshore Wind to PJM
Integrating offshore wind into PJM will require billions in new transmission spending. Lines on shore also will have to be upgraded or built.
Ohio Leads in Great Lakes
It isn’t only PJM’s Atlantic states that see promise in offshore wind. The Great Lakes also offer strong winds, along with their own unique challenges — winter ice, opposition from tourist towns, and in Pennsylvania, development restrictions put into law by casino opponents.
The Siren Song of Offshore Wind
PJM Insider's Issue Brief reviews offshore wind efforts in total and by state; suggesting that offshore wind’s environmental and economic development potential requires changes in federal policy and billions more than PJM's states have committed to date.

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