October 3, 2024

Conference Coverage

Lively OMS Discussion Probes Common Grid Beliefs
State regulators proved reluctant to be pinned down on predictions about the future of the grid at the annual meeting of the Organization of MISO States.
OMS Still Seeking Unity on MISO Tx Cost Allocation
The Organization of MISO States failed to reach consensus on MISO’s cost allocation plans for smaller transmission projects that produce broader benefits.
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Overheard at the TREIA GridNEXT Conference
The Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance GridNEXT conference brought together more than 100 stakeholders to discuss the latest trends.
Goldman Sachs
Boston U ‘Fireside’ Chat Takes up New Energy Investment
Experts discussed new energy technologies, regulatory trends and the evolving business model for utilities at a “fireside” chat hosted by Boston University.
Former VP Gore Lauds Texas Town’s Environmental Efforts
Former Vice President Al Gore gave a now famous presentations on climate change at the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance’s GridNEXT conference.
EBA Panelists Talk ‘Wacky’ NOPR, ‘Modest’ ZECs, ‘Rent Seeking’
The Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum included discussions of subsidies and the Energy Department's proposed grid resiliency pricing rule.
Author of DOE Grid Study Disputes Recommendations
Alison Silverstein presented at a meeting of the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation and the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board.
Good Markets, Bad Markets: CEOs Sound off on State Policies
Panelists at the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum heard two very different views of the health of wholesale markets.
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‘Momentum’ Seen for U.S. Offshore Wind
The U.S. offshore wind market has gained momentum in the last two years, panelists told the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
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CAISO Expands Attendee Roster for Stakeholder Symposium
CAISO expanded the scope of its annual Stakeholder Symposium by inviting representatives of California's oil and agriculture industries.

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