October 3, 2024

Conference Coverage

NJ Regulator Threatens to Exit PJM Amid States’ Complaints
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President Joe Fiordaliso is so exasperated by PJM that he’s considering pulling the state from the RTO.
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MACRUC Poses Choice: Markets or Preferred Resources?
Panels at the MACRUC annual summer education session focused on nuclear subsidies and the impact of state policy initiatives on power markets.
Overheard at New York Renewable Energy Conference
Artificial intelligence, transmission needs and markets versus mandates topped the discussion at the Renewable Energy Conference in New York.
Mexican Infrastructure Still Wanting, Insiders Say
Mexico's aging transmission infrastructure is having trouble handling the current generation, speakers told the International Society for Mexico Energy.
MISO Players Probe Causes of Increasing Emergencies
Officials at MISO Board Week meetings pondered why the RTO is likely to face an increasing frequency of emergency conditions in the near future.
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Driving Carbon off the Road in New England
Raab Associates’ 158th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable focused on the challenges of decarbonizing the transportation sector.
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Competition, Cooperation and Costs the Talk at OSW Conference
Competition among states to set the highest offshore wind energy targets and to secure supply chain jobs is gradually giving way to a regional cooperation.
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With Big Nukes Dwindling, Supporters Focus on Modular
Small modular reactors are more easily tailored to varying usage and sites, industry experts told the annual meeting of Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners (WCPSC).
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Overheard at MARC: Renewables, Rates, Seams and Pilots
Interregional transmission planning challenges and the growth of renewable energy, particularly wind power were among the topics of discussion at the 2018 Mid-America Regulatory Conference.
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Overheard at the EIA Energy Conference
A panel featuring officials from PJM, ERCOT and GE Power at the EIA Energy Conference took questions from the audience on several topics.

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