September 30, 2024

Conference Coverage

ACORE Panelists Discuss Regulatory Role in Biden Agenda
Former FERC Chair Norman Bay joined a panel at ACORE's Policy Forum to discuss the opportunities for regulators to advance President Biden’s energy policies.
Global Energy Transition Needs Speed, Worker Safeguards
Speed and fairness must be watchwords of the global energy transition, said experts gathered in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference.
Wyden Talks ‘Bold’ Policy to Spur Green Economy
Sen. Ron Wyden predicted at this year's ACORE Policy Forum that Congress will take meaningful steps toward U.S. emissions-reduction goals.
Overheard at CERAWeek by IHS Markit
The energy industry’s largest international gathering, CERAWeek by IHS Markit, was held virtually with “unprecedented” participation.
Some Sacrifice Needed on Road to Net-Zero, Nexamp Says
Communities and companies must find creative compromise in siting and developing clean energy at scale, Nexamp's Kelly Friend told NECA.
Experts Urge Grid Hardening amid Decarbonization Push
Electricity industry experts wrestled with how the Midwest grid can fully decarbonize while facing increasingly common extreme weather events.
Green Hydrogen Earns Industry Buy-in
Talk about green hydrogen at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Winter Policy Summit had a familiar ring, but the tone had changed.
Overheard at NE Energy Vision Tx Planning Tech Forum
Energy officials in New England are concerned that ISO-NE’s transmission planning process cannot adapt to the evolving resource mix.
As EVs Have Their Moment, Regulators Get to Work
Regulators at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit said media attention on electric vehicles has raised public concern about the technology’s cost and reliability.
Tx Planning Must Be ‘Highly Coordinated,’ Regulator Says
A NARUC-NASEO task force released a suite of transmission planning resources designed to help stakeholders unify their processes.

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