Conference Coverage
The Supreme Court’s ruling on EPA's regulation of GHG emissions will chill agency rulemakings but won't cripple regulation, attorneys told an EBA forum.
States need to fund, shape and incentivize projects that contribute to their emission-reduction goals, a speaker told New Jersey’s Clean Energy Conference.
The GCPA's annual fall conference treated attendees to panel discussions, an oral history of ERCOT, and a reenactment of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
CREPC wants to advise and advocate for Western states considering organized markets, similar to OPSI's role in PJM.
Gas industry representatives proposed market fixes and upgrading pipeline infrastructure as potential solutions to New England's winter fuel supply concerns.
The Western Markets Exploratory Group made a rare public presentation at CREPC-WIRAB of its behind-the-scenes work evaluating market options for the West.
New Jersey hopes for “horse trading” with other PJM states over the cost of transmission needed to integrate offshore wind and other renewables.
New Jersey has formed a multi-stakeholder task force to plan how to accelerate the effort to reduce emissions from buildings, Gov. Phil Murphy announced.
Commissioners Mark Christie and James Danly addressed the pros and cons of the West’s pursuit of greater market coordination at the fall CREPC-WIRAB meeting.
Conservatives' plan to reach net zero includes contributions from gas, nuclear and hydrogen, speakers said at the National Clean Energy Week Policy Symposium.
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