September 29, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

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Overheard at GCPA’s Annual Fall Conference
The Gulf Coast Power Association welcome a record audience to its annual Fall Conference and discussions and vignettes on virtual power plants, energy efficiency, demand response, new technologies and grid resiliency.
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CREPC-WIRAB Conference Tackles Western Market Developments
Many at the joint conference focused on the eventual result of the contest between CAISO's Extended Day-Ahead Market and SPP's Markets+ to organize the West's electricity market.
Counterflow: More Stuff That Ain’t So
Columnist Steve Huntoon says a recent Moody’s report uses misleading data to make its case for investing in transmission to solve reliability problems.
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ERCOT Searching for 3 GW of Winter Capacity
ERCOT surprised market participants with an announcement that it plans to increase operating reserves by requesting an additional 3,000 MW of capacity to shore up the grid for the upcoming winter.
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Northeast Stakeholders Push Transmission Planning, Siting Reform

Speakers at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable emphasized the importance of transmission planning to ensure the grid can handle increased amounts of variable clean energy and higher demand from electrification.

Stakeholder Soapbox: Beware of Government-driven Climate Policy
Can climate policy dominated by interest-group politics be in the public good?  What we have seen up to now says no, says regulatory economist Kenneth Costello.  
United Nations
Calif. Governor: ‘Climate Crisis is a Fossil Fuel Crisis’
Saying that 'humanity has opened the gates of hell,' UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for an end to subsidies for fossil fuels worldwide and a phaseout of all coal-fired generation in well-off countries by 2030.
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Proactive Hosting Capacity Planning is Essential for Evolving Grid
Utilities and customers both benefit when proactive hosting capacity planning is used to get ahead of the rising demand for distributed energy resources, panelists at the RE+ conference in Las Vegas said.
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More Federal Outreach Needed to Support Clean Energy Development on Tribal Land
The challenge of unlocking the renewable energy development of tribal lands goes beyond financing, and requires respect, patience and innovation.
ERCOT Voltage Drop Leads to EEA Level 2
A drop in voltage forced ERCOT to enter emergency operations for the first time since the disastrous February 2021 winter storm.

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