October 5, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

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Overheard at EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum
The Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum featured debates over FERC Order 1000, state-federal jurisdiction, rate structures and PURPA.
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Overheard at OMS 2018 Annual Meeting
The Organization of MISO States reflected on its 15 years of existence and looked ahead to how its member states can best accommodate an evolving grid.
Western Grid’s Future Debated at CPREC-WIRAB Meeting
The formation of a Western energy market was a contentious topics of discussion at the fall joint meeting of CREPC and WIRAB.
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Overheard at TREIA GridNEXT 2018
The Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance’s (TREIA) 2018 GridNEXT Conference attracted a devoted group of renewable energy developers and marketers.
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Connecticut Explores its Energy Future at CPES Event
Energy storage, energy efficiency and offshore wind dominated the discussion at the Connecticut Power and Energy Society’s Future of Energy Conference.
Mexican Regulator Says Market Reform Results ‘Clear’
Mexico CRE Commissioner Marcelino Madrigal expressed optimism about his country's changing electricity market during a recent GCPA breakfast meeting.
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Climate Change Top of Mind at Vermont Conference
Climate change mingled with politics at the Renewable Energy Vermont Conference and Expo, where state regulators and officials expressed frustration.
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Overheard at Storage East 2018
Infocast’s inaugural Storage East summit drew policymakers, grid operators, utilities and companies looking to break into energy storage.
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Methane Tax Suggested to Reduce Emissions
Methane emissions might be reduced by making them part of the carbon markets, panelists said at a forum hosted by The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy.
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Clean Tech Presses on Following Dire Climate Report
The IPCC climate change report had a sobering effect on the Horizon 18 conference, where New England clean tech companies met with other stakeholders.

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