September 29, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

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GCPA Spring Conference Reckons with Texas-sized Load Additions
The Gulf Coast Power Association Spring Conference tackled the vexing assignment of how to reliably serve Texas’ unprecedented surge in demand with a cleaner energy supply.
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NY Won’t Meet Renewable Target, Industry Says at Summit
Industry speakers at the 2024 New York Energy Summit told attendees the state has already missed its goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030 even as state officials maintained their optimism. 
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
IRA Driving New Clean Energy as Interconnection Queue Backlogs Persist
Interconnection requests across the U.S. shot up by 30% in 2023, with close to 2,600 GW of solar, wind and storage waiting to land a spot on the grid
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FERC’s Christie: Transmission Can’t be Built Without State Support
The surest way to ensure that transmission is not expanded is to usurp states’ authority, FERC Commissioner Mark Christie said at WIRES’ Spring Member Meeting in Chicago.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stakeholder Soapbox: The Greatest Machine Needs a Tune-up
The U.S. power grid is no longer operating efficiently, and these inefficiencies are costing American consumers and threatening reliability, Clean Energy Venture Group's Nora Mead Brownell writes.  
Stakeholder Soapbox — There and Back Again: D.C. Circuit Again Considers NYISO’s Approach to Zero-Emission Mandate
Dozens of states have adopted emission-reduction targets aimed at fighting climate change. But how should RTOs account for those initiatives when their effects are delayed, uncertain, expensive for consumers or all of the above? 
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Bumps on the Road to Net Zero Highlighted at EPSA Summit
While their net-zero emission targets might not kick in until the 2030s, the power industry already is dealing with the issues they create, panelists said at the Electric Power Supply Association’s Competitive Power Summit.
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Overheard at CERAWeek 2024
CERAWeek 2024 by S&P Global was supposed to explore “strategies for a multidimensional, multispeed and multifuel energy transition.” Instead, the buzz was all about data centers and artificial intelligence.
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Deregulation Drove 25 Years of Innovation, IPPNY Panelists Say
The transition to a deregulated wholesale power market helped drive New York’s adoption of innovative energy technology and policies, panelists said at the IPPNY's 38th spring conference.
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‘Evolution’ Key Theme at IPPNY 2024 Spring Conference
The IPPNY Spring Conference highlighted New York's evolution over the past 25 years as a competitive energy market.

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