September 30, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

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Overheard at EBA Mid-Year Energy Forum 2022
The EBA's Mid-Year Energy Forum featured talks on hot topics in energy law, including West Virginia v. EPA, the IRA, supply chain issues & hydrogen regulation.
ACORE Panel: IRA Will Accelerate Storage Deployment, but Markets not Ready
New tax incentives for standalone storage in the Inflation Reduction Act will accelerate the pace and urgency of the energy transformation ahead.
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Scenario Planning, Magical Thinking and Energy Efficiency
An ACORE panel on maintaining reliability on the path to decarbonization focused on scenario planning, energy efficiency — and magical thinking.
Energy Institute at Haas
Counterflow: Nice Work If You Can Get It, Take 2
Gas and electric utilities are still earning far higher ROEs than their cost of capital, says columnist Steve Huntoon. Why isn't anyone paying attention?
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Can New Revenue Models Unlock Interregional Transmission?
New ways of paying for transmission could increase interregional transfer capacity and improve reliability, speakers told the EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
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Lawyers, Industry Debate Path for Hydrogen Regulation
FERC may have a role in regulating hydrogen pipelines — and not everyone thinks that's a good idea.
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West Virginia v. EPA Ruling: `Nuclear Bomb’ or `Speed Limit’?
The Supreme Court’s ruling on EPA's regulation of GHG emissions will chill agency rulemakings but won't cripple regulation, attorneys told an EBA forum.
NC Clean Energy Technology Center
States Face Challenge Tying Storage Incentives to Emissions Reduction
States need to fund, shape and incentivize projects that contribute to their emission-reduction goals, a speaker told New Jersey’s Clean Energy Conference.
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Overheard at GCPA’s 37th Fall Conference
The GCPA's annual fall conference treated attendees to panel discussions, an oral history of ERCOT, and a reenactment of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
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CREPC Seeks to Become an OPSI for the West
CREPC wants to advise and advocate for Western states considering organized markets, similar to OPSI's role in PJM.

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