September 30, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

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NARUC Panelists: Rate Design Key for the Clean Energy Transition
Getting the right rates to customers is vital to ensuring that the industry's ongoing transition to clean energy is reliable and affordable, experts told NARUC.
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Clements: States Should not Wait on FERC for Transmission Planning
Stakeholders at NASEO's Winter Policy Summit debated whether energy offices should act as hubs for bringing stakeholders together and fostering collaboration.
Monitoring Analytics
Counterflow: Holier Than Thou?
Attempting to match carbon-free electricity 24/7 with customer load is wasteful, and the premises for it are wrong, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
When is A MWh Not A MWh?
Tony Clark and Vince Duane question whether the single marginal price construct still works with the increase in low-cost intermittent resources.
Interstate Renewable Energy Coun
Are We Overinvesting in Grid Modernization?
State regulators face a big challenge in ensuring grid modernization investments are in the public interest and cost-beneficial, says economist Ken Costello.
Counterflow: A Few of My Favorite Things
Columnist Steve Huntoon doesn't suffer fools gladly. But, this holiday, he admits a soft spot for Springsteen singalongs, Star Trek and inflatable snowmen.
New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Experts Call for More Granular Clean Energy Procurement
Experts extolled the virtues of more granular clean energy purchasing at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Stakeholder Soapbox: A Transmission Planning Resolution Emerges
FERC should exert more authority in non-RTO areas and ensure oversight of transmission projects where competition is unworkable, says Kentucky's PSC chair.
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Who Will Control the Political Narrative on IRA Implementation?
Republicans and Democrats shared their ideas for the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Policy Forum.
Counterflow: Clean Energy Charging
Apple says it can help iPhone users charge their phones "during times of cleaner energy production.” Columnist Steve Huntoon doesn't buy it.

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