February 28, 2025

Transmission Rates

Grid North Partners
FERC Approves Dairyland Incentives for Minn.-Wis. Transmission Line
FERC OKd Dairyland Power Coop’s requested rate incentives for the Wilmarth-North Rochester-Tremval project, a 169-mile line spanning Minnesota and Wisconsin.
New York Transco
FERC Approves Incentives for NY OSW Transmission
FERC approved transmission rate incentives for New York Transco’s Propel NY Energy project, but ordered settlement proceedings on its proposed base ROE of 10.7%  
FERC Urges SPP Stakeholder Process on Tx Cost Allocation Change
FERC commissioners urged SPP to conduct a stakeholder process to vet a proposal to socialize “byway” transmission on a case-by-case basis.
Christie Blasts FERC Transmission Incentives in PATH, Brandon Shores Orders

FERC Commissioner Mark Christie used orders on two transmission projects to blast the commission’s “ridiculously generous” incentives.

FERC Orders Settlement Procedures on NY Utilities’ Tx ROE Filing
FERC ordered two New York utilities into settlement procedures over their proposed 10.87% ROE on upgrades to meet the state’s renewable energy goals.  
Wabash Valley Power Alliance
FERC Rejects Wabash Valley Contracts, Sets Tariff for Proceedings
FERC issued an order rejecting supply contracts Wabash Valley Power Alliance had filed and set its tariff for hearings to determine whether it violates the commission's unbundling rules.
Potomac Economics
After One Year, SEEM Still Drawing Criticism
Critics of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market say after a year of operations, it has failed to meet many of the promises of its sponsors.
FERC Approves Tariff for SunZia Transmission
FERC approved an open access transmission tariff for the SunZia HVDC line in the Southwest, which will govern how the merchant project can sell any additional capacity it has going forward.
Idaho Power
FERC OKs Transmission Swap Between Idaho Power, PacifiCorp

FERC approved a transmission asset swap between Idaho Power and PacificCorp as part of the companies’ plans to develop a 300-mile-long, 500-kV line.

Transmission Expansion Runs into an Old Debate: Planning vs. Markets
Market Monitors Joe Bowring and David Patton have doubts about the wisdom of large-scale transmission expansions, warning they may crowd out market solutions.

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