July 3, 2024

Transmission Rates

Roda S.p.A.
FERC Again Prohibits MISO TOs from Financing Merchant Upgrades
FERC upheld its prior ruling blocking MISO transmission owners from electing to self-fund network upgrades needed for merchant HVDC lines.
Xcel Energy
FERC Upholds MISO’s Cost Allocation for LRTPs
FERC continues to sanction MISO’s separate-but-equal postage stamp rate that is divided between its Midwest and South regions for major transmission buildout.
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Renewable Group Asks FERC for Interconnection Cost Changes in NE
RENEW Northeast is asking FERC to shift the burden of network upgrade operations and maintenance costs in ISO-NE off of interconnection customers.
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MISO TOs File to End Reactive Supply Compensation
MISO transmission owners have filed with FERC to eliminate all reactive power and voltage control charges from their own and affiliated generation resources.
FERC Approves PJM Tariff Revisions for SAA Cost Allocation
FERC approved revisions to PJM’s tariff that assign the costs of necessary transmission upgrades for installation of offshore wind in New Jersey to the state.
Great Plains Institute
FERC Must Clarify MISO Transmission Funding Decision, DC Circuit Finds
FERC must better explain its decision to give MISO TOs unilateral authority to finance upgrades needed to interconnect generation, the D.C. Circuit said.
Xcel Energy
FERC Partially Grants Z2 Protests Against SPP
FERC partially granted three complaints filed by members against SPP related to its revenue crediting process under Attachment Z2 of its tariff.
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After Banner Year, BPA Proposes Steady Rates for 2024/25
BPA proposed to hold its rates mostly flat over its next two-year rate cycle — and said it might cut rates this year — thanks to surging revenues.
DCO Energy
NY Stakeholders Balk at NJ OSW Cost Allocation
New York stakeholders are challenging a PJM rule change they say could hit them with some of the cost of New Jersey's transmission upgrades for offshore wind.
© RTO Insider LLC
Appellate Judge Presses FERC on End-of-life Transmission Planning
PJM stakeholders asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to require the RTO to exercise more oversight over transmission owners’ end-of-life projects.

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