Transmission Rates
FERC directed PJM’s transmission owners to provide evidence that they are being squeezed financially by their inability to earn a return on network upgrades.
The CPUC approved the state's largest rollout of covered conductor, with Southern California Edison planning to install 4,500 miles, costing nearly $2 billion.
Energy prices in PJM increased “significantly” in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020, but prices remained lower than historical levels, the IMM reported.
MISO and SPP have shared an early concept for cost allocation on joint transmission projects intended to ease the two’s crowded interconnection queues.
Louisiana and Mississippi joined MISO and its TOs in opposing LS Power’s campaign for regional cost sharing of transmission projects down to 100 kV.
R Street Institute's Devin Hartman discusses anti-competitive flaws in RTO transmission policy and ways to level the playing field to encourage innovation.
Protesters urged FERC to reject a bid by PJM transmission owners to fund network upgrades and add them to their rate bases.
State commission staff from MISO South questioned MISO's long-range transmission plan at an Entergy State Regional Committee meeting.
The postage-stamp cost allocation method for long-term transmission projects might be coming back in vogue in MISO.
Columnist Steve Huntoon says a proposal by PJM TOs to rate base network upgrades and charge generators formula rates would harm new wind and solar.
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