Transmission Operations
Risk-averse engineers and outdated utility ratemaking structures are preventing quicker deployment of innovative technologies.
FERC gave final approval to a NERC reliability standard on protective relays and preliminary approval to one for small generators.
The PJM Operating Committee approved ramp rates for Capacity Performance resources will have to meet to avoid penalties during performance assessment hours.
NV Energy had a smooth integration into the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), CAISO said.
MISO and PJM discussed their upcoming pseudo-tie transfers and the first exchanges of firm flow entitlements between the RTOs.
ITC Holdings, the largest independent transmission operator in the U.S., agreed to be acquired by Canadian utility operator Fortis in a deal valued at $11.3 billion, the companies announced.
A summary of issues discussed by the SPP Seams Steering Committee on Feb. 3, 2016, including a JOA with SaskPower and joint stakeholder meetings with MISO.
FERC approved MISO and SPP’s uncontested settlement agreement with a trio of orders.
ATC won permission from FERC for a corporate reorganization that will split its existing transmission assets from Duke.
Member frustrations with SPP's Z2 crediting project bubbled to the surface again when staff told them of a new delay.
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