Transmission Operations
California must find new approaches to long-term forecasting and collaboration, speakers said at a California Energy Commission workshop.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee approved changes to the requirements for submitting external transactions for capacity imports.
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the board and Members Committee that a recent FERC-NERC report confirmed the RTO’s position on MISO’s use of its system.
CAISO will seek to protect neighboring balancing authority areas if investor-owned utility members de-energize transmission lines due to wildfire threats.
The NEPOOL Reliability and Transmission Committees jointly met to discuss a multitude of governing document changes and transmission upgrades.
MISO’s grid can withstand major reliability risks even when renewables reach 40% of the generation mix, the RTO's staff said.
Despite being revamped, the Coordinated System Plan process between SPP and MISO will once again be unable to identify any interregional projects.
A bill intended to shore up California’s IOUs against wildfire liability raced through the state Legislature and landed on the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
SPP last week reiterated its plans to recover the costs of a NERC penalty for reliability violations by dipping into its employee compensation pool.
The Organization of MISO States issued a set of principles intended to guide the RTO’s approach to long-term transmission planning.
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