Transmission Operations
Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit brought in developers, corporate off-takers, cities, municipalities, cooperatives and the financing community.
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness briefed the Texas Public Utility Commission on his organization’s response to the intense August heat.
NYISO congestion costs surged in the second quarter despite lower electricity prices, gas price spreads and load levels, the Market Monitoring Unit said.
FERC halted GridLiance’s entry into the MISO markets by blocking its $11.7 million purchase of six transmission lines from a Vistra Energy subsidiary.
MISO and PJM said they will propose changes to how they determine flowgate rights in a white paper in November.
FERC ordered paper hearings in disputes over the criteria PJM used to reject several hydroelectric resources from pseudo-tying into the RTO’s grid.
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee indicated its displeasure with the re-evaluation of the fuel-security reliability review for Mystic Units 8 and 9.
NEPOOL provided the Transmission Committee with an update on the hearing procedures in the proceeding under Federal Power Act Section 206.
SPP and MISO will hold a conference call to discuss their interregional process and joint projects — of which there are currently none.
The Texas Public Utility Commission asked for more information on eight small municipal utilities’ appeal of ERCOT’s definition of transmission operator.
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