Transmission Operations
FERC declined to rehear its order directing PJM to allow two merchant transmission operators to convert some transmission withdrawal rights to non-firm.
SPP staff are expected to return to the MOPC with a proposal for a “strategic survey” following numerous occurrences of conservative operations last summer.
MISO’s analysis into the Minnesota-Wisconsin export interface constraint could inspire similar studies to solve non-thermal operating limits.
NYISO is moving the proxy bus for pricing transactions with Ontario’s IESO to reflect power-flow changes from the implementation of phase-angle regulators.
ERCOT wind farms produced almost as much energy in 2019 as coal-fired plants, according to the grid operator’s latest demand and energy report.
MISO will revisit a Tariff to define how aggregators of retail customers participate as demand resources as aggregators line up for market participation.
PJM’s Planning Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 14F to remove the competitive exemption for Form 715 local planning criteria transmission projects.
State regulators from SPP and MISO continue to discuss opportunities to contribute to the RTOs’ transmission planning analysis.
FERC ruled that the proposed merger of ColumbiaGrid and Northern Tier Transmission Group into NorthernGrid fell short of the requirements of Order 1000.
PG&E's bankruptcy looks likely to continue through the first half of 2020, while CAISO seeks to expand its EIM and meet reliability requirements.
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