Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)
The CAISO Board of Governors voted to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include the San Francisco BART and other organizations.
PJM Market Monitor Joe Bowring and others debated the role and value of the RTO's financial transmission rights market at OPSI's annual meeting last week.
The PJM Independent Market Monitor asked FERC on Friday to reconsider its “flawed” ruling on PJM’s financial transmission rights market.
CAISO paid congestion revenue rights holders $27 million more than it took in from CRR auctions during the first half of the year, according to the ISO’s Department of Market Monitoring.
CAISO released a final draft proposal to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include organizations purchasing wholesale power to serve their own needs.
PJM must develop a new method for allocating auction revenue rights that doesn’t consider extinct generators, FERC ruled.
CAISO is proposing to amend its Tariff to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include any organization granted authority to serve its own electricity needs.
SPP said it was concerned about the potential impacts of firm flow entitlement exchanges with MISO on its transmission congestion rights markets.
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee refused to take action on AEP and OG&E’s revision request to remove the day-ahead limited must-offer.
Fighting a PJM proposal to impose uplift costs on UTC trades, the Financial Marketers Coalition enlisted one of the intellectual pioneers of electricity markets in its defense.
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