October 5, 2024


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CAISO Updates EDAM Straw Proposal
CAISO's revised plan for a WEIM extended day-ahead market makes changes to transmission requirements and penalties for failing resource sufficiency evaluations.
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Battle Lines Drawn on FERC Tx Planning NOPR
Commenters disagreed over FERC’s proposed transmission planning rules, sparring over its 20-year planning horizon and reinstatement of the federal ROFR.
IMM Report Notes Rising Fuel, Congestion Costs in PJM
PJM's real-time LMPs and congestion costs both spiked in the first half of 2022, driven by increasing fuel prices and loads, the IMM reported.
SPP Briefs: Week of Aug. 8, 2022
Canadian utility SaskPower and SPP have signed a 20-year agreement to more than quadruple transmission capacity between the two entities.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs: Aug. 9, 2022
Stakeholders urged PJM to delay action on generation deliverability testing until rules on capacity interconnection rights for ELCC resources are complete.
Power Engineers
DC Circuit Faults FERC on Cost Allocation of New Jersey Transmission Projects
The D.C. Circuit rejected PJM’s “de minimis” exemption under its DFAX cost allocation and ordered FERC to explain its OK of DFAX's use in two N.J. projects.
ACORE Panel Lauds MISO Tx Benefits Process
A panel convened by the American Council on Renewable Energy largely agreed that MISO’s transmission benefits process could be a blueprint for the country.
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MISO, SPP Identify Hotspots for Smaller Interregional Tx Projects
MISO and SPP say they have plenty of constrained flowgates that could become candidates for smaller, cross-border transmission projects.
Illinois Climate Bill Could Force $2B in Transmission Upgrades, PJM Says
Illinois’ climate goals could cost other states in PJM and MISO tens of millions in transmission upgrades as coal and natural gas power plants are retired.
Lindsey Systems
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Aug. 11, 2022
PJM's Operating Committee heard proposals on improving the dispatch of renewables, changes to max emergency status and a new cold weather advisory.

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