Federal regulators issued a suggested road map for building out the transmission network needed for the thousands of wind turbines envisioned off the Northeast coast.
The NYISO Operating Committee approved three studies aimed at helping the ISO alleviate congestion on its grid.
NYISO secured Business Issues Committee approval of the ISO’s proposal to create separate capacity demand curves for summer and winter beginning with the 2025/2026 capability year.
Amid the Independent Market Monitor’s denunciation of MISO’s fleet assumptions for long-term transmission plans, lead planners defended their approach to planning for 2040.
The BIG WIRES Act would require FERC to set minimum transfer capabilities between regions to better connect the grid in order to promote reliability and ship cheap power around the country.
A report from Moody's Investors Service asserted that, despite a need for transmission investment, regulatory bottlenecking is causing significant delay for utilities.
MISO’s lead planners told the Board of Directors that more expensive annual Transmission Expansion Plans will become the norm, saying MTEP 23’s $9.4 billion package is a sign of future scattershot load growth in the footprint.
MISO’s quarterly Board Week explored the reasons behind its growing number of generation projects that have the stamp of approval to connect to the system but remain unbuilt.
PJM brought a quick fix solution before the Planning Committee, seeking to address the frequency and magnitude of load forecast adjustments being requested by electric distribution companies.
MISO's $9.4 billion 2023 Transmission Expansion Plan makes for its largest-ever annual planning cycle and includes a substitution for two MISO South reliability projects.
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