September 30, 2024


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FERC Approves CAISO Wheel-through Rule Changes

FERC approved a raft of CAISO tariff changes intended to ease temporary restrictions on wheeling power through the ISO’s grid under emergency conditions.

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Advanced Energy United Urges Changes Beyond Order 2023 for ISO-NE
Advanced Energy United advocated for ISO-NE to exceed Order 2023's required changes in addressing its interconnection's high costs and long delays.
PSEG Reports Q3 Earnings, Infrastructure Investment Plans
PSEG reported an uptick in earnings from last summer and detailed its plans to spend more stable income going forward on improving its infrastructure in a call with analysts.
MISO Selects Ameren to Build 2nd Competitive LRTP Project
MISO has awarded  an Ameren subsidiary the lead in building the second competitively bid project stemming from its $10 billion long-range transmission plan.
EIA: Renewable Curtailments Rising Steadily in CAISO

CAISO’s curtailment of solar and wind power is on the rise, and about three-quarters of curtailments so far this year have been from transmission congestion.

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PJM MRC Briefs: Oct. 25, 2023
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee rejected a proposal to change the rules for how generators with co-located load may enter into the capacity market during its Oct. 25 meeting.
Potomac Economics
Providers See ‘Mixed Signals’ on Demand Response in NYISO
Demand response providers in NYISO are concerned that proposed market rule changes will harm the economics of special case resources.
DOE to Sign up as Off-taker for 3 Transmission Projects
The Department of Energy will put $1.3 billion into becoming the anchor off-taker for three interstate transmission projects totaling 3.5 GW of new transmission capacity.
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OMS Leaders Reminisce on 20 Years at Annual Meeting
OMS took time to celebrate its 20-year anniversary at its annual meeting while exploring familiar themes of restructuring resource adequacy and barriers to large transmission buildout.
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Form Energy Wants to Bring Long-duration Storage to New England
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.

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