FERC ordered Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association to rework two filings involving departing members in orders issued March 29.
FERC approved CAISO’s request to forgo this year’s process for taking interconnection applications, giving the ISO more time to study last year’s record-breaking number of requests.
FERC accepted SPP’s proposed tariff revisions modifying Central Power Electric Cooperative’s formula rate template but suspended them for a nominal period subject to refund and established hearing and settlement procedures.
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee voted to approve a proposal by ISO-NE and the New England States Committee on Electricity to create a new process to facilitate transmission investments that address state-identified, long-term needs associated with the clean energy transition.
MISO and PJM are deliberating whether to embark on an interregional transmission study this year as they field more calls from stakeholders to revamp their joint planning framework.
In what’s beginning to feel like déjà vu, Cardinal Hickory Creek’s last unconstructed mile is again subject to a preliminary injunction.
FERC upheld its May 2023 order reinstituting de-pancaking provisions in LG&E/KU’s transmission rates, now the subject of a challenge before the D.C. Circuit.
The PJM MRC rejected four proposals to rework how the RTO measures and verifies the capacity EE providers can offer into the market.
Federal and state policy paradigms are moving from a focus on promoting travel in single passenger vehicles to a broader understanding of different modes of mobility.
Offshore wind is projected to be a key part of East Coast states’ decarbonization and DOE called its two-year study the most thorough analysis to date.
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