September 30, 2024


New York Governor's Office
NY Gov. Proposes Streamlined Transmission Review, Permitting

New York’s governor is proposing to streamline the transmission permitting process, which she calls a chokepoint that is slowing progress of the state’s clean energy transition.

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PJM Tackled Market Changes and Transmission Expansion in 2023
PJM and stakeholders spent much of 2023 debating how to position the RTO's markets to be prepared for future severe weather and maintain the balance between retiring fossil generation and renewable development.
New York Scrambles to Maintain Momentum in Energy Transition

The groups charged with leading New York’s energy transition enter 2024 trying to build on momentum from in 2023 while recovering from its disappointments.

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Citing California Law, FERC Rejects PG&E Request for RTO Adder
FERC rejected PG&E's request for an adder to its transmission rates based on its participation in CAISO, finding that California law precludes it from leaving the ISO without the state’s permission.
Western Transmission Initiatives Differ on Dealing with Cost Allocation

The backers of two separate initiatives to spur development of new transmission in the West are taking different approaches on when to deal with the issue of who should pay for projects.

Michels Corporation
DOE Lays out Plans for Designating Transmission Corridors
DOE laid out its plans to release draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors this spring, which will then start a process of refinement before they are finalized over several years.
Grid North Partners
FERC Approves Dairyland Incentives for Minn.-Wis. Transmission Line
FERC OKd Dairyland Power Coop’s requested rate incentives for the Wilmarth-North Rochester-Tremval project, a 169-mile line spanning Minnesota and Wisconsin.
New York Transco
FERC Approves Incentives for NY OSW Transmission
FERC approved transmission rate incentives for New York Transco’s Propel NY Energy project, but ordered settlement proceedings on its proposed base ROE of 10.7%  
Duke Energy
FERC Nixes Duke Transmission Planning Proposal over Cost Threshold
FERC rejected a proposal Duke Energy filed to update its transmission planning process in the Carolinas due to a cost threshold in the proposal, saying other aspects of the filing seemed just and reasonable.
NY Moves to Phase out SF6 in New Electrical Gear

New York is moving to limit the use of sulfur hexafluoride in electrical power and distribution equipment and to reduce leakage of the most potent greenhouse gas.

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