September 30, 2024


Con Edison
$1.2B Con Edison Clean Energy Upgrade Approved

Consolidated Edison has been cleared to undertake another major system upgrade to meet growing electricity demand in New York City.

Solar Energy Industries Association
FERC Rejects MW Cap, Approves MISO’s Other Stricter Interconnection Queue Rules
FERC didn’t completely buy into MISO’s package of stricter rules to lighten its gridlocked interconnection queue, rejecting the RTO’s proposed annual megawatt cap on project submittals.
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FERC Partly Grants Challenges to AEP Rates

FERC partially granted two challenges arguing that AEP subsidiaries in SPP and PJM had not properly reflected the benefits of filing consolidated tax returns in their 2021 formula rates.

Phillips: FERC to Issue Transmission Rule in ‘Very Near Future’
FERC Chair Willie Phillips expressed confidence that the commission will approve its NOPR on transmission planning and cost allocation this year.
Congressional Democrats Urge FERC to Complete Transmission Rule
Congressional Democrats sent a pair of identical letters to FERC urging the commission to complete its transmission cost allocation and planning rule.
Christie Denounces Tx Incentive Process as FERC Approves More MISO LRTP Project Perks
Mark Christie used FERC’s latest order on transmission incentives to condemn the process as requests for incentives come in from several MISO’s long-range transmission projects.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Jan. 9, 2024

PJM presented a quick fix proposal to introduce a new long-term transmission planning approach that includes a longer 15-year horizon and considers state legislation that could affect generator participation in RTO markets.

AEP Transmission
Appeals Court Rejects Review of AEP Transmission Rates
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected four Texas cooperatives’ request to review a 2019 FERC decision over AEP's transmission rates.
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FERC’s Clements Gets GETs’ Benefits to Grid
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements has focused her energy on grid-enhancing technologies since joining the commission and taken a key role in helping establish appropriate incentive mechanisms.
NYISO Finds No Need for New Capacity Zones
The ISO's New Capacity Zone study indicates that New York's six highway interfaces have sufficient transmission capacity, making establishment of new capacity zones unnecessary.

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