September 30, 2024


CEC Reduces Calif. Electricity Forecast on Lower Population Growth
Slower anticipated growth in California’s population has prompted state regulators to downwardly revise the electricity demand forecast used for grid planning. 
ITC Midwest
MISO Asks Court for Injunction Reversal on Iowa LRTP Projects
MISO wades into the battle over who will build the Iowa portions of its long-range transmission projects after a court found the state’s right of first refusal law unconstitutional.
NJ Opens 2nd State Agreement Approach to Connect OSW with PJM
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has initiated a second state agreement approach with PJM to plan the transmission necessary to meet Gov. Phil Murphy's goal of installing 11 GW of offshore wind by 2040.
DOE Opens 2nd Solicitation in Transmission Offtake Program

The Department of Energy opened the second solicitation in its program to prime the pump for new transmission needed to meet the Biden administration’s climate goals.

Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Grants AEP Utilities Waiver of Capacity Obligation
FERC granted American Electric Power waivers to alter the capacity obligation calculation for four of its vertically integrated utilities in PJM to not include load growth outside their territories.
MISO to Relax Commercial Operation Deadlines in Interconnection Queue
MISO plans to revise its rules around commercial operation dates to allow interconnection customers to begin operating about a decade after they first enter the queue.
NYISO CEO Previews 2024 After ‘Successful’ 2023
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey highlighted efficiency improvements and the challenges of the continued electrification at the Jan. 31 MC meeting.
Manitowoc Public Utilities
FERC Again Questions MISO Reliability Payments to Wisconsin Coal Plant
FERC once again has determined the continuing payments MISO is making to a Wisconsin coal plant to stay online to sustain system reliability might be too steep.
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FERC Gets Dueling Competition Studies in Transmission NOPR Docket
With FERC potentially issuing a final rule on transmission planning this year, the issue of whether it should curtail competition is the subject of dueling reports filed in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking’s docket.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 24, 2024
ERCOT stakeholders are moving closer to taking action on a tabled rule change that would address the reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.

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