September 30, 2024


CAISO Releases Draft Interconnection Process Enhancements Proposal
CAISO released its final draft proposal out of its Interconnection Process Enhancements, its initiative to address the “unprecedented and unsustainable interconnection request volumes” submitted in the current and prior study windows.
Enviros, Consumer Advocates Join Regulators Urging PJM-MISO Interregional Planning
A bevy of consumer, clean energy and environmental advocates have joined state regulators in appealing to MISO and PJM to undertake more comprehensive interregional transmission planning.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
State Regulators Debate Reliability and Transmission at House Hearing
House members and their state regulator witnesses split over how much an expanded transmission grid could enable a reliable transition to a low-carbon future.
Entergy States Debut Long-range Tx Cost Allocation Proposal, MISO Members Unconvinced
Entergy regulatory staff revealed their vision for cost allocation on future long-range transmission projects, with multiple clean energy groups deeming the proposal incompatible with building a grid ready for the future.
SPP, MISO Clash over Crypto-strained M2M Flowgate
SPP, MISO and its Independent Market Monitor are at odds over how congestion should be managed on a market-to-market flowgate taxed by a cryptocurrency mining operation within SPP’s borders.
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Consumer Collective Again Asks FERC to Strike ROFR Laws from MISO Planning
An alliance of consumer groups asked FERC to address its 2022 joint complaint against MISO’s practice of deferring to state rights of first refusal laws in its regional transmission planning.
CAISO Seeks FERC’s OK to Shut 2024 Interconnection Window
CAISO wants to stop taking new interconnection applications this year as it works through the “unprecedented volume” of requests submitted for the previous study period.
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PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Feb. 6, 2024
PJM's Planning Committee endorsed revised values for the installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement used to calculate capacity procurement targets in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction.
ISO/RTO Council
OMS, OPSI Urge MISO, PJM to Invigorate Interregional Planning
The state regulatory organizations for both MISO and PJM have sent a letter to the RTOs asking them to redouble efforts around interregional transmission planning.
Early MTEP 24 Designates $5.5B in Transmission Spending
MISO's draft 2024 Transmission Expansion Plan calls for $5.5 billion in projects, with the South region again accounting for some of this year’s most expensive projects.

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