September 29, 2024


Entergy Earnings Call Focuses on La. Resilience Plan, Nuclear Outage and Settlements
Entergy’s CEO touched on recent developments on a first quarter earnings call, including the utility’s grid hardening plan for Louisiana.
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Policymakers Chart FERC’s History of Opening the Grid for Competition
FERC has worked to restructure the power industry for nearly three decades, and is poised to take another major step forward on that front with the transmission rule next month, panelists said on a Americans for a Clean Energy Grid webinar.
Gridwell Consulting
Congestion Revenue Rents Still Underfunded, CAISO DMM Says
Congestion revenue rights auctions averaged $62 million in losses between 2019 and 2023, down nearly $50 million since changes were implemented in 2019 but “still very high,” said CAISO’s Department of Market Monitoring.
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New Initiative Focuses on Interregional Tx Coordination in the Northeast

An early stage collaboration is intended to bring together communities, tribes, nonprofits, companies, RTOs and government officials from the northeastern U.S. and Canada to increase coordination around interregional transmission.

FERC Observers, Stakeholders Lay out What is at Stake with Tx Rule Looming
FERC is set to vote on its long-awaited proposed rule on transmission planning and cost allocation for regional lines at a special open meeting May 13.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: April 15, 2024
ERCOT says recent changes to the calculations used to determine ERCOT contingency reserve service have resulted in smaller quantities of the product this year and stalled the need for further modifications.
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GCPA Spring Conference Reckons with Texas-sized Load Additions
The Gulf Coast Power Association Spring Conference tackled the vexing assignment of how to reliably serve Texas’ unprecedented surge in demand with a cleaner energy supply.
Louisiana Public Service Commission
Louisiana PSC Adopts Nearly $2B Entergy Resilience Plan
The Louisiana PSC voted 3-2 to approve Entergy Louisiana’s hotly debated, $1.9 billion grid hardening proposal to be funded by ratepayers, four days after the utility submitted it.
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Northeast States Apply for Federal Money for 2 Tx Projects
The six New England states have submitted two applications for federal funding for transmission projects aimed at improving grid reliability and enabling the interconnection of clean energy resources.
NY PSC Launches Grid of the Future Proceeding
New York has launched a process to maximize the use and effectiveness of flexible tools such as distributed energy resources and virtual power plants. 

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