July 2, 2024

SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee

Study: 60% Wind Penetration Possible in SPP
SPP could handle wind-penetration levels of up to 60% with additional transmission and monitoring tools, officials told the MOPC.
Latest Z2 Credit Project Delay Renews Old Frustrations
Member frustrations with SPP's Z2 crediting project bubbled to the surface again when staff told them of a new delay.
Reduced Reserve Margin Could Cut SPP Capacity Costs
Reducing SPP’s current 13.6% reserve margin to 12% could cut required capacity by about 1,000 MW, saving $86 million annually and $1.3 billion over 40 years.
SPP Members Discuss Revenue Distribution from MISO Settlement
The SPP MOPC began discussions on how the RTO will distribute the funds it receives from MISO under the settlement in their long-running transmission dispute, announced just hours before its meeting.
SPP Unveils Redesigned Website
SPP rolled out a flashy, redesigned website last week, culminating several years of effort and months of planning, development and testing.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
A summary of issues discussed by the SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee on October 13 and 14, 2015.
SPP Staff Recommends 1 of 3 Interregional Projects
SPP staff will urge the MOPC to recommend approval of just one of three interregional projects coming out of the coordinated system plan study.
SPP Markets and Operations Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee on July 14 and 15.
SPP Z2 Project Team Still Grappling with Problem’s Size
SPP's Z2 credit project, years in development and the source of much member frustration, is on track to be completed in 2016.
SPP Frustrated over Transmission Project Overruns
SPP members approved four over-budget transmission projects and sent three others back to the drawing board amid widespread criticism of the process used to estimate project costs.

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