SPP Board of Directors & Members Committee
Less than a year after enjoying a 2-cent reduction in SPP’s administrative fee, the RTO’s members are now facing the prospect of a 4-cent hike for 2017.
SPP executives had “inappropriate” involvement in the oversight of its Market Monitoring Unit (MMU), FERC says in an audit report that calls for changes.
SPP said it is seeking industry experts to serve on a second independent panel to review Order 1000 transmission proposals in 2017.
SPP’s Z2 crediting project may now stretch into 2017 after the Board of Directors sided with stakeholders and delayed a vote on waiver requests.
FERC effectively ended their 13-month inquiry of the SPP audit of MMU's independence without interviewing Oversight Committee Joshua W. Martin III.
SPP has interfered with the autonomy of its internal MMU, according to two former monitors who say they were fired for voicing their concerns.
Boston Pacific's sixth annual report for SPP focuses on “broad market and regulatory events” that could significantly impact its markets.
SPP will hold a two-day review session for the Attachment Z2 credit-settlement system June 28-29 at its Little Rock headquarters.
The SPP board of directors' approval of the RTO’s first reduction in its planning reserve margin since 1998 almost left members wanting more.
SPP awarded its first competitively bid transmission project under Order 1000 -- but it may not be built because of declining load forecasts.
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