SPP Board of Directors & Members Committee
The SPP board approved a Tariff revision that incorporates a refund obligation for the RTO's nonpublic transmission-owning utility members.
Southwest Public Service withdrew its appeal of a rejected revision request, saying it was satisfied with SPP’s direction to address reporting behind-the-meter load.
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the RTO’s board and Members Committee that NERC is proposing it replace SERC as the compliance monitoring authority for the RTO.
SPP’s Board of Directors and Members Committee approved a 1-cent increase in the RTO’s administrative fee and its 2018 budget.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved a cleanup of Tariff language that just may have put the RTO’s troublesome Z2 process in the rearview mirror.
NERC staff told SPP’s registered entities they have until Oct. 31 to submit their transfer requests to another Regional Entity.
SPP made another effort to revise its transmission-zonal placement process, but once again came up short when the board sustained its earlier rejection.
The SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee approved MOPC's decision to let the Z2, Export Pricing and Gas-Electric Coordination task forces expire.
SPP’s on-again, off-again high-priority congestion study of the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles region is on once again following approval by the Board.
SPP announced it will dissolve its Regional Entity, in part because of the expansion of its RTO footprint, which no longer aligns with the RE’s territory.
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