February 21, 2025


The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
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SPP State Commissioners Win Re-election Bids
South Dakota’s Kristie Fiegen and North Dakota’s Randy Christmann have been reelected to their respective states' regulatory commissions, ensuring their future involvement on SPP’s Regional State Committee.
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Former ERCOT Market Monitor Joins SPP’s MMU
Former ERCOT Monitor Carrie Bivens has been named vice president of SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit, replacing her predecessor after he took an executive position with the Texas grid operator.
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SPP Board/Regional State Committee Briefs: Oct. 28-29, 2024
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved the RTO’s 2025 operating and capital budgets and its net revenue requirement following a unanimous endorsement by the Members Committee.
SPP, AECI Release Draft Joint Study to Stakeholders
SPP and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. have given stakeholders until Nov. 15 to review a draft study that has identified potential joint transmission projects mutually beneficial to both grid operators.
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SPP Board Approves $7.65B ITP, Delays Contentious Issue
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the grid operator’s “historic” $7.65 billion package of transmission projects, but delayed a decision on a need date for two of the projects after stakeholders pushed back on staff’s staging recommendations.
BPA Sticks to Markets+ Leaning Despite Study Showing EDAM Benefits

New findings from a much-anticipated study have “not shifted” BPA's staff recommendation that the agency choose SPP’s Markets+ over CAISO’s — despite results showing greater economic benefits from EDAM.

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Western Utility CEOs Reflect on Evolving Energy Markets
Leaders of four large utilities reflected on the evolution of Western markets and looked toward the future at CAISO’s Stakeholder Symposium, emphasizing a shift toward more collaboration as large industry players choose which day-ahead market to join.
Xcel Welcomes Load Growth from Data Centers
Xcel Energy is welcoming the coming wave of data centers despite the increased demand they will place on the grid, saying it will accelerate transmission and generation build.
NV Energy Explains EDAM Choice
NV Energy’s decision to join CAISO's Extended Day-Ahead Market rather than SPP's Markets+ was based partly on concerns that participation in the latter would “lead to substantial expenditures with limited results,” a representative of the Nevada utility said.
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BPA Markets+ Support Intact Despite Exec’s Resignation, Agency Says

The Bonneville Power Administration’s commitment to fund the second phase of SPP’s Markets+ won’t be swayed by the departure of the executive leading the agency’s day-ahead market initiative, an official told the Markets+ Participants Executive Committee.

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