September 30, 2024

Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
American Public Power Association
MISO Summer Assessment Postponed for Auction Results
MISO delivered an incomplete summer readiness report Thursday while stakeholders waited on seasonal capacity auction results.
1st MISO Seasonal Auctions Yield Adequate Supply, Low Prices
The results of MISO’s inaugural seasonal capacity auctions, released late Wednesday, showed sufficient supply for the 2023/24 planning year.
Hydro, New Resources Boost CAISO’s Summer Outlook
CAISO says that 8,100 MW of new resources and California's record snowpack, which is expected to increase hydro generation by 72%, improve its summer forecast.
Study: Limited Exposure to Supply Shortfall for ISO-NE During Extreme Weather
Study looks at severe weather scenarios based on historical data going back to 1950, finds manageable risks of supply shortfall.
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Regan: New EPA Standards Designed to not Jeopardize Grid Reliability
The EPA administrator said his agency’s proposed CO2 emission standards for power plants target “the most egregious sources” without compromising reliability.
NEPOOL PC Briefs: May 4, 2023
ISO-NE gave the Participants Committee a review of the past winter and a preview of the next — with and without the Everett LNG terminal.
Illinois Regulators Hear from RTOs on Summer Readiness
The Illinois Commerce Commission questioned MISO and PJM officials on their respective RTOs’ preparations for summer, with some concerned about reliability.
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PJM Hears from White House Official on Security
A White House official urged participants in PJM’s General Session to engage in closer collaboration at all levels as cyber and physical security threats morph.
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PJM CEO, Panelists Address Reliability During Annual Meeting
PJM's CEO said challenges lie ahead for stakeholders as they wrestle with a possible overhaul to the capacity market to address resource adequacy concerns.
FERC Rejects Protest of SPP PRM Increase
FERC rejected a complaint by three SPP members seeking to overturn the RTO’s decision last year to increase its planning reserve margin from 12% to 15%.

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