July 2, 2024

Rooftop/distributed Solar

California Duck Curve Getting Deeper
California's duck curve deepened to new levels this spring as solar capacity increased, at times exceeding demand, the Energy Information Administration said.
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From Whale Oil to Clean Hydrogen: NYC Takes Stock of the Energy Transition
Participants at New York Energy Week celebrated the progress the state and city have made toward decarbonization while acknowledging the challenges ahead.
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RTOs Report Diminished Solar Output, Loads as Wildfire Smoke Passes
RTOs in the Northeast are experiencing diminished solar output and lower-than-expected loads as smoke from Canadian wildfires passes over the region.
Alburquerque Public Schools
Report: Storage Projects Stymied at Distribution System Interconnection
Applied Economics Clinic and the Clean Energy Group have found that distribution system bottlenecks are slowing the interconnection of distributed resources.
NEPOOL PC Briefs: May 4, 2023
ISO-NE gave the Participants Committee a review of the past winter and a preview of the next — with and without the Everett LNG terminal.
ISO-NE Sees Record-low Power Demand on Holiday Afternoon
ISO-NE said that last Sunday demand on the grid was the lowest it had ever recorded since the RTO began operations in 1997.
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NARUC Panelists: Rate Design Key for the Clean Energy Transition
Getting the right rates to customers is vital to ensuring that the industry's ongoing transition to clean energy is reliable and affordable, experts told NARUC.
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NJ Bills Push Rooftop Solar, EV Chargers, Grid Upgrades
The New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee advanced a spate of climate change-related legislation.
NJ’s Aggressive Clean Energy Plans Face 2023 Challenges
New Jersey’s far-reaching OSW plans face challenges as the first project undergoes permit scrutiny and the state launches a third coastal wind solicitation.
California PUC Adopts Contested Net Metering Plan
The California Public Utilities Commission adopted reforms to the state's rooftop solar net-metering program after months of controversy.

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